My big day tomorrow........

Aug 12, 2007

August 12, 2007
I have been waiting for this day for years, a chance to get on the road to weight loss and a way to finally keep it off without starving myself to lose a few pounds and gain it back plus more.
There's not a lot to say at this point except, thanks everyone for your prayers and I will write as soon as I can and just so you know, I will not be going into surgery by myself because the Lord will be with me all the way.


Jul 30, 2007

Well, since my last post, I went to the blood doctor on July 23 ,and some of my bloodtest were elevated so the doctor said the surgery would have to be postponed.  TALK ABOUT DISAPPOINTMENT!  The doctor took more blood and ran the test again because he said the numbers could change.  I was told to come back today, July 30.  I had already claimed that the test would be okay ,and he gave me clearance for surgery, YOOHOO!
 My surgery is now scheduled for Monday, August 13 and I am so excited AGAIN!  Thanks to everyone for your prayers and well-wishes and please keep on sending those prayers up!


Jul 15, 2007

 Well, I am just waiting with great anticipation for my surgery date to get here and trying to stay as cool and calm as possible all the while wanting to scream to everybody  "I'm having WLS and I can't wait".
But I will be patient and get things in order before surgery.
I keep looking at all the before and after pictures and they are amazing.  Everyone looks so happy and thrilled and satisified with their decision.
As soon as I learn how to post pictures I will and I do not like taking pictures but I see how important it is for the person about to have surgery, to see so many SMILIMG faces and read such fantastic testamonies.
Til next time

And it begins............

Jul 13, 2007

JULY 13, 2007

Well, 13 days before my surgery and I am feeling antsy.  I am excited and nervous about EVERYTHING.  I have all the confidence in my surgeon and know I will do just fine.
I am working all next week, and the following week I will be on leave, getting my house in order and getting all my vitamins and protein shakes, etc. together. I will keep in touch.


About Me
Louisville, KY
Surgery Date
Jun 10, 2007
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 4
My big day tomorrow........
And it begins............
