A Second Chance

Oct 31, 2012

It's now the end of October 2012 and I haven't been around this site for a very long time. I left very unexpectedly back in June of 2010 when I found out half way thru my wls journey that I broke the cardinal rule and ended up getting pregnant. I have no regrets though because I ended up with a beautiful baby boy in March of 2011 and now our family is complete and it's time to shift some focus back to myself and my health. 

So here I am and I am happy to be back on track. I just spoke to my Dr. on Monday Oct.29, 2012 and told him I wanted to have my referral put back in.  He is so supportive and is going to send everything in to the bariatric referral website to get the ball rolling.  I understand that this is going to be a long journey staring all over from the beginning again but I just have to focus on the end result.  I won't lie either....I am a little scared too but I think these are just the jitters you get when you make huge life altering decisions. At any rate, I am glad I am getting my second chance :)


Where has the time gone?

Feb 27, 2010

Wow, time has flown by.  I can't believe that this Monday, March 1st 2010, I will be on my way to Guelph for my fist appointment with the Nurse, NUT and Social Worker.  I am starting to get pretty excited but still have some apprehension which I guess is normal from what other people are telling me.  I just need to stay focused...as they say, "keep your eyes on the prize"

Also, in preperation for this appointment I have been keeping a food journal.  I started on February 1st and have religiously wrote down everything I have put in my mouth. Some days look good while other days don't....it's a struggle for me but  I find that journalling my food helps me to try to focus more on what I am eating.  It also is forcing me to drink water, something I didn't realize I did so little of.  My goal is 64oz per day.  I am usually shy of this amount but I am trying so hard.  My bladder does not enjoy this new found friend called water but oh well, it's just going to have to deal with it.  Thank god my office space is close to a washroom or I think I might be in trouble some days.

Anyways, just wanted to write a quick update....will be back after my appointment with more exciting news I am sure!!


Checking In

Feb 06, 2010

It's getting close to my first appiontment!!!

On March 1st I will be heading to Guelph for my initial consultation with the NUT, Nurse and Social Worker.  I am getting super excited but I am also really scared.  It's crazy how many  mixed feelings I seem to have about this.  Most days I am so gitty and joking around with my family about how skinny I am going to be in a year but then there are days all I think about is 'worse case scenerio' and I worry about all the terrible things that could go wrong during or after the sugery.....I worry about my children not having a mother.....I worry about the love of my life living without me.....but I guess in hindsight, not having this surgery could eventually result in that same outcome as well
So, forward I go on this phsyical, mental and emotional journey they call Weight Lose Surgery.  Even with all these mixed feelings, I know in my heart and my head with out a doubt, that having RNY is the right thing to do for me.  

Also, I started a food journal on February 1st and just got my copy of the Canada Food Guide in the mail.  I have journaled my eating before and it seems to work for me.  I am not following a crazy diet but I am trying to increase my protein and lower my carbs and fats.....I think I am doing ok....I know I could do way better.  Next week I am going to push myself a little bit harder to eat a little bit better....baby steps they say :)


Time to Introduce Myself

Jan 22, 2010

Hi, my name is Stacey.  I am 32 and finally ready to start my life over again :)

I have not always been over weight. As a child and through my teen years I was athletic and of a normal weight.  It wasn't until I had my first child at the age of 21 that I started to gain weight and it has continued to be that way ever since.  I have tried every diet under the sun and what seems to be every pill known to man that indicates it will help you "lose" the weight.  Altough I had some success with certain programs and certain pills, nothing was sustainable it seemed.  I would just regain the weight plus some.  Very discouraging to say the least.  

About five years ago, I thought about the possibility of having weight lose surgery but in my head I felt that people would see it as me taking the easy way out. I felt ashamed of the thought that I couldn't do it on my own.  So I quickly pushed the idea of surgery to the back of my mind and keep on going with failed dieting plans. 

Flash forward to July, 2009.  I was on Mat leave after having my newest little one in March '09. I was out walking with him in the stroller and all I could think was, " I can't wait to get home and sit down." I was so out of breath and so uncomfortable that I couldn't even enjoy a leisurely stroll with my baby.  When I got home, I cried.....

I cried because I felt ashamed that I had let myself get so heavy (282lbs).

I cried because I couldn't enjoy the things new moms do with their babies.

I cried because I knew that in 6mths he would be walking/running around and I wouldn't be able to keep up with him.

I felt lost and miserable.

Sept 2009 - I made an appointment to see my family Dr. to talk to him about yet another pill because I felt that was my only choice.  When I got to his office, we started taking....I wasn't prepared for what he suggested.  He said, "I think you would be a good candidate for RNY."  I was floored. This had been something I pushed to the back of my mind....something that I hadn't even thought about in five years but somehow, this time it felt 'different'....it felt right.  

So begins my journey.  I decided I wanted to stay in Province because OOC moved to quickly for me and I wanted to absorb everything I could before the "big day".  My referel was sent to Guelph for Dr. Reed.   I got a call in October and was told my first consult would be March 1st, 2010. The time has flown by and March is just around the corner now.

I have a excellent support team.  My loving husband, the best parents in the world, the most wonderful friends and now, this forum full of amazing women and men who been through it and I know who can give me the encouragement, honesty and support I need. 

I am so excited to know for the first time in 12yrs, I am on my way.  There is no looking back. No more feeling ashamed and sorry for myself....

That woman is on her way out and never shall return


About Me
Sarnia, ON
Sep 15, 2009
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 4
