Two Months Post Op

Jul 19, 2010

So Saturday I was 2 months out.  I am down 38 pounds from surgery.  I was really shooting for 40, but it didn't happen, but hey it's only 2 pounds.  I have been losing slower now, my doctor said I should lose pretty fast for several months.  I am soooooo happy I had this surgery, I feel like it saved my life. 

I am lighter than I have been in 5 years.  I don't look smaller, but the scale shows it. 

The only problem I have is when I drink water, sometimes it burns my stomach, weird.... If I eat too fast or too much I will feel PAIN.  I have not thrown up yet, but I am very careful the amount I eat.  I bought a bag of 3 oz cups from Costco and have some in my car, work, and home.  Whenever I eat I always use that, even if eating out.  I feel a little weird, but it works for me. 

I know that I have this great feeling inside of me.  I really feel like I am going to lose this weight now.  It might not be right now (which I really want, but is not realistic :) but it WILL happen now.  I have never felt that before.  It's starting to become much funner to shop!!!!!  I now can buy bras most anywhere, which is a huge plus for me!!!! I have lost some of my boobs, which never happened before through all my dieting, but I am ok with that, as I was big chest.

I almost always make sure that I get in all my protein and fluids.  I do 2 shakes a day.  I noticed the more protein I get the more weight I lose?

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One Month Post Op

Jun 17, 2010

Ok, so today I am one month post op.  I have lost 22.5 pounds since surgery.  Total of 55.5 pounds total from my highest weight.  I wasn't losing for a couple of days so I cut back my carbs, uped my protein, and fluids, and now back to losing, not sure if it is a conincidence or what.

My energy is coming back and I am almost where I was post op, the only thing is I have been waking up pretty early (5:00, 5:30 and used to wake up at 6:30, 7 if I could) and I am still tired so it's not like my body is completely rested, so I am not sure why it is waking up.  Sometimes I think it is because I am consistantly thinking about the future now and am so excited about losing this weight.  I really feel like I am going to be able to lose this weight now and it is impowering.

I still have been having some pain in my stomach, it was all gone at about 3 weeks, but I did something and hurt it.  It has been hurting off and on since.  I really want it to get better so that I can exercise my stomach to get rid of the stomach flaps.

NSVs:  I can wear my wedding ring now, which I haven't been able to wear in over 2 years (since I was pregnant with my son and I have refused to get it resized, because I wanted to lose the weight).  I can get some of my pants on that I used to wear before I was pregnant with my daughter (about 4 years ago).  I am almost the weight that I was when I met my husband (although my body doesn't show it, funny how kids change your body, and mine is not in a good way).

Anyways I am very early out and couldn't be happier with the results right now.  In the beginning I was pretty disappointed feeling like I wasn't losing like I wanted, but 22.5 pounds in one month is really good.  My husband had RNY and lost 26 in the first month and started a lot heavier than I was, so I consider my weight great!  I hope I can continue to lose weight like this.  I am so happy I had this surgery, I feel like it is going to save my life.  I have been able to lose weight in the past, but I can never keep it off (but I haven't lost this amount!)
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4 weeks post-op

Jun 14, 2010

So I finally feel like I am getting more energy.  I have actually been waking up earlier and earlier.  Also, right now I have been constantly losing, hopefully that will not end soon.  I have uped my protein and water intake.  I weigh every day, I tell myself I am not going to, but just can't stop.
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Had Surgery

Jun 01, 2010

I had surgery on May 17th.  I was in pain and out of it for the first couple of days.  Only had a little nausea for the first 2 days.  I lost 11 pounds and then hit a stall 11 days post-op.  I am hopeful this stall won't last much longer because it is depressing.  I still am tired and can't wait until I have more energy than I did pre-op.

About Me
Fremont, CA
Surgery Date
Apr 07, 2009
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