My First Thoughts

Sep 17, 2011

Here I am sitting in front of the computer thinking where do I begin?  Blogging? What is Blogging? Awe, yes putting your most inner thoughts, ideas, fears, joys, in writing... I think I am getting this correct as this will be my first blog ever!

My story really begins at an early age, no I was not a little chubby kid in fact I was very tiny wearing about a size 4 when I was in High School, but then my life began very early as I was pregnant at age 16, yes, 16...  I married and had 3 other beautiful children finished school and poured my heart and soul into my children.  I remember after my first child I went from a little size 4 gaining 75lbs and being in a size 18. Now this was not fun at all I was use to eating what ever I wanted I didn't know how to "diet" I call this the four letter word...  So the "diet" war began sure I lost weight every one does, but then I started eating in my bad, bad ways and poof here comes the fat right back on.  Yo Yo Yo Yo was now my new theme song!

Fast forward to 2004, the year of my divorce no tears please this was my choice and it was a good one typical story young marriage, you grow apart yada, yada, yada...  This was the best darn diet around I went from 250lbs to 180lbs no I was not a skinny tiny thing but I did feel healthy.  Not to mention the various dates I had in my single days this in many ways motivated me to loose more weight, as I was told on many occasions, and I quote this verbatim... "Gina you are so beautiful, if you lost weight you would be a ...knock out"!  Yes, here we go a back handed complement in their tiny little minds.  You have no idea how I wanted to respond to that, hey it's a blog I can now!  Here is goes, "if you had a bigger p_ _ _ _, maybe I would go out with you again....  Oh now that is freedom to say that finally!!!

My journey of being single finally lead me to the love of my life who I am married to now.  Sure I was a lot thinner then I am now but through all this YO YO he still thinks I am the most beautiful women in the world! 

Now I begin my new journey, not for the stupid guys who say non-sense, not for my work, not for my Husband, but for my life.  I am killing myself by overeating and being overweight.  This time it's for what God gave me...... ME! 

OK I'm starting to cry......  Until next time I hope you enjoyed my blog.

Love G


About Me
Sep 09, 2011
Member Since

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