Still going strong

Jul 17, 2012

Just a Little Up date on my 5 year annivesary. I'm still between 125 -130. I never get on the scale unless I'm at thte doctors office and I have become A care giver to my 89 year old mom. Who now lives with me. I guess I'm writing now because I have another Journey I'm on now of sobriety .. 6 day without a drink ... yes Wine is still my choice. But drinking 2 bottles a night because I had bypass is not a reason to do it. I'm heading to an AA meeting in 2 hours. I've gotten 3 chip in 3 weeks. This time I'm going to make it. Dont think if you dont wake up with a hangover that you cant be an alcoholic. Dont think it just goes out of your system as fast as it goes in.


Aug 16, 2009

Me & ElmoWhat have we here. I'm glad you are on the road to recover. And like I said in 1 post Arby's roast beef will never taste the same even after 2 year Post op. I just cant handle it.I've only gained 10 lbs back from theoriginal I lost but will be working that soon, Mom says I have a muffin top. ((ARGGG)).I went to see Julie & Julia yesterday and it was good but made me hungry for Beef Bougionon and Cheese souffle.Go Figure! I'm still keeping up with my vitamins, and the football season is begining as well. Yea! I just feel very bad. A long time friend and football buddy really let me down. Couldn't comeup with the money to buy the tickets from me, so I had to Sweat to get some NEW inverstors just to keep the tickets. March was a very bad month.Next year I 'm cutting back to only 2 tickets.. I feel sad about loosing a friend ,two of them Lisa and pat. I unfriended them on Facebook and flickr. I'm not vindictive , just feel betrayed. It's hard when you feel your going to lose a legacy.

If I Start to blog here again will you come back?

Jun 26, 2009

Dear bro,
I love you and I am gald you like this blog and keep up with me here,but i am worried. i dont want to lose you . You need to "let It Be".Don't fight the medical attention you are getting,. embrace it , love it, live it ,so it can make you can do this. I believe in the power of prayer. I beleive in the power of you. Love with all my heart ,Robbie!

It's going to be a sad year.....

Feb 04, 2009

I got the bill from the Redskins this weekend and it due March 1, I dont have the money to get them the two friends I have who use to get the other tickets cant afford them. So I may have to give them up. I'm hoping that the income tax comes in soon or I can find another buyer for them.

Welcome 2009

Dec 31, 2008

I lost a husband but gained a mother and roomate!

My Wedding Book for Jenny & Tony

Dec 11, 2008

Jennifer & Anthony September 20, 2008 
Jennifer & Ant...
Bar Harbor, Maine
By Robin DeSantis
Make a photo book with Blurb Book Preview


Dec 10, 2008

Walking from the Car I felt inspired
As the fog was slowly lifting from crem dell
I took my camera and a café Americano on a walk
Here is the Journey


Getting in the Spirit

Dec 09, 2008

I wasnt going to do christmas gifts this year.. at least not long distance when mom came down Thanksgiving went shopping, So you know what happens when you go shopping. I started to get ideas fro things for people. And then Last weekend I started wrapping. Then this week i mailed out packages. I'm not sending out Cards. so they are attach to the packages. No one is allowed to open them till Christmas. I just needed to get caught up in something other then My problems.
I think it worked.Gift from the gods
Also the insurence company called. they are sending a check out this week. Yea!

And it just gets worst...

Dec 03, 2008

Yeasterday I still wasnt feeling 100% so I went home and stopped at a crosswalk because someone was in it.. but the car behind me wanted to keep on going. hence...

my new & abused trunk!
I can't drive the car and Now have to get a rental. my neck shoulder and Knee are stiff.

It's been that kind of week

Dec 03, 2008

I had off last week, but things got hectic.. I went up to Dc on Wednesday, went to Thanksgiving at my sister house, brought Mom down the next day, went shopping, Saturday did more shopping and looked at Townhouses. Sunday I took her back to DC and went to my redskins Game. Which was miserable. Both the skins, the weather, the cold. Speaking of Colds, I got one Monday and stayed home yesterday. Mom Called on Monday, her house is sold. She goes to settlement on Jan 15 and will be moving down with me. She wants her bedroom set to come with her and all the other stuff to go to storage. I think she expects a lot from me. I don’t have all the answers and I can’t fix everything. Emotionally and Physically I feel drained. I know she does too. I got a call from my Real estate agent the day after Thanksgiving and she wanted to show my house @ 10:30am. Mom and I rushed home to get the place looking good. They liked the layout, but the bathrooms and Kitchen weren’t what they were looking for. Plus they smelled the kitty litter (?). I cleaned it before they got there. I just want to cry.
In this perfect world I would have sold this house the first month, been able to move to a new place, and had Mom come down to a new house for us. As it stands the house hasn’t sold, Mom is going in two different directions first to West Point and then into storage. I thought about a bridge equity loan to at least get us to where we are going. Then maybe the house will sell if No one is in it. My real estate renewal is coming up this month as well.

Mom and Arby

My 2 new roomates

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 19, 2007
Member Since

Before & After
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Hiding under black

Friends 24

Latest Blog 161
My Wedding Book for Jenny & Tony
Getting in the Spirit
And it just gets worst...
It's been that kind of week
