First post... Surgery Tuesday.... OMG

Apr 06, 2013

I am a long time lurker... who finally decided last November to make the leap into WLS.  Here I am six months later and I have decided to proceed with gastric bypass.  My surgery is on Tuesday,  Like most people who have posted here I am currently on an emotional roller coaster ride.  Lots of thoughts, emotions, fears, etc.    

I did my shopping today to load up on fluids and accessories.   Hard to believe I am less than 72 hours from surgery!

I started at 372 on the scale back in November and I am now at 338.   My goal is to lose 10% of my starting weight prior to surgery.  No pre-op diet other than liquids only 24 hours prior to surgery.   I have thus far avoided eating like I was headed to the electric chair.  Monday will involve nothing but fluids and SF popsicles.  Not looking forward to it. But if others can do two weeks?  I should be able to handle 24 hours standing on my head?  Right?  LOL. 

I was never obese as a child.  I gained pounds quickly after some social changes and a car accident in my mid-twenties.  Like so many others, my weight has effected every aspect of my life.  I do not regret the time I have spent morbidly obese.  I have learned many lessons about humility, respect, and what really matters in life.   At the same time I have lost some of the best years of my life sitting on the sidelines.   I know what I have to do to get back in the game.  Now it is time to do it.  

Thank you to all of the senior members of this site, and the rookies who share their stories. Without this site I probably would not be having surgery on Tuesday.

I am fortunate enough to have a co-worker whose wife who had WLS last year, I owe both he and his wife many thanks for their support and wisdom.    In addition I have several other acquaintances who have had the surgery,  Some more successful than others.  At the end of the day I have learned surgery is a tool and not a fix all.

At this point I have only told my brother and nephew.  Mom is a worrier. I plan on telling her tomorrow. I am worried enough for the both of us at this point.  I wanted to avoid any sleepless nights for mom.  I hope she understands. She has been very supportive over the last six months in my attempts to dump the weight prior to surgery. She is a loving mother. I feel guilty for putting her through the stress of my upcoming surgery and morbid obesity. She worries about my health. Hopefully I can drop this weight and mom will no longer have to worry about me losing my life to obesity! 

I have a respected surgeon.  His staff are the best medical professionals I have ever encountered. I can only hope that this high level of care continues. In my opinion post operative care is essential to success.   I have yet to find a protein shake that I really like. I know tastes change post op?   I am worried about getting all of my protein in.  Hopefully I find some friendly protein shakes and fluids post op!  

Up until age 24 I ran 5 miles everyday,  I pray that I can restore my health. I am from Pittsburgh the city of champions.  We have a marathon every May.  I hope to complete a 5k within 12 months and a participate in our half marathon within 24 months.   This is a goal, and I understand that there may be hurdles ahead of me.  I am just thankful for the opportunity to improve my quality of life.

I see a lot of women who have great success stories.  Not many men?   Any guys out there that can give me any advice please message me!   

For those of you who believe in the power of prayer please keep me in your prayers!   

Thanks for all of the inspiration!


-Rick G. 


About Me
Pittsburgh, PA
Surgery Date
Sep 19, 2009
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