
Jun 25, 2010

I havent been on here in good while. Man has it been a journey. lol i've lost 150 lbs :) but i got diagnosed with M.S :( but i know God will take care of me. I still am having trouble with my eating and exercising. but i'll get through it. but message me with good news and victories!!!!

Like Whoa.....

Sep 15, 2009

OMFG!!!! I havent been on here in forever. Sorry :( Alot of people have messaged me and have gotten no reply so again sorry! I am down by like 92 lbs!!!! I'm so happy and my life is getting better and better everyday.
I can do so many things that i couldnt before, and now I love to go shopping. I still have a lota ways to go but im getting there!!!!!!!!! I wish everybody the best of luck and congrats on your weight loss!!!!

I'm still looking for a "text" email or phone buddy soooo
my info is:

[email protected]


May 14, 2009

Okay so I go to the dr.s today for my 1 month follow up appt. and guess what? I gained like 3 lbs!!! What? Gained??? Didn't I get this surgery so I could lose weight??? Well it turns out I was eating more than I should, not exercising enough plus I was grazing! So I'm gonna cut all that out and get back on track. So for my first month instead of losing 28 lbs I lost 25. Which I am still thankful for! But gosh!
1 comment

2 weeks and 3 days out

Apr 30, 2009

I know I haven't posted in a while but I didn't really have anything to say. But now I do. I went to the dr. this morning and I lost 28.2 lbs. Yes I said it 28.2 lbs in 17 days. I'm so happy. But they want me to be around 220 by the end of the summer. Let's hope I dont dissapoint!!! I can't wait till I get small enough to go shopping at "normal" people stores....but yeah how's everybody else doing???


**Skinny Fantasies**

Apr 19, 2009

----To go back to my old high school and have everybody be like " OMG look at Ren, she's so gorgeous, she's so sexy " lol
----Get a boyfriend (((Never had one by the way, at least not a serious one)))
----Go back to Mall of America and not hold my family back because I'm to tired to go on.
----Take my little sister to Kings Island(((and actually ride the rides with her)))
----Buy something really sexy from Victoria's Secret
----Be an Inspiration to some one else having weight issues.
----Buy something from a "skinny people" store
----To be a normal, outgoing,overly-happy,life loving......TEEN

Well that's about it for now.....What about yours????


Apr 19, 2009

Okay, So they discharged me on Thursday. I wasn't feeling good at all so I went into the ER and they admitted me.They found out that I was dehydrated. I'm supposed to be getting at least 64 ounces a day but I only did 20...if that. I really didn't want to stay in the hospital any longer but Oh well. I did lose 8 lbs so that's good. I'm still kinda sore and my incisions are starting to

------I'm on my way------


Apr 16, 2009

Wow I haven't been on here in a bout a week...So Monday was my surgery and it went great. But afterwards was a different story. i was in alot of pain, lightheaded, crampy and dizzy. Oh and I gained 3 lbs. They think it was cause of the IV fluids but idk. So I weighed myself again and I lost 2 of those pounds. I'm also starting to crave the foods again. It seems like everything on TV looks sooooo gooooddd!!!!  I'm supposed to be getting discharged today...I want to go home sooo bad. I'm in no pain at the moment except for when I stand up or breath. And the walking is okay it just makes me feel lightheaded again. I'm trying to find things that I can do so that I'm not thinking about all the foods I want(((But can't have))) 

----Let's hope things get better---

The Countdown...

Apr 06, 2009

OMG!!!! 6 more days....I don't think I can wait that long =) Plus this week is going by soooo slow! But I'll get through it. This weekend is going to be fun so I hope it occupies my time and goes by FAST!!!

I'm looking for a good book(s) to read after I get done with the Twilight Saga....Any suggestions???
Other than:

Glass Houses
The Dead and The Gone
A Million Little Pieces
A Child Called It Series
Womens Murder Club


Apr 02, 2009

Went to my Pre-Op meeting!!! It was great....I got to taste all the diet shakes and they weren't that bad. Which is good.  I just wish the 13th would hurry UP!!!! We are having Easter Dinner A few days before because on Easter I have to fast the whole day (And take....ummm...laxitives lol) So can't wait...they told me to be losing about 5-6 pounds after the surgery. Doesn't that seem a little low???

Update = )

Mar 26, 2009

Okay soooo....I go in for my sleep test on Sunday....not to excited about that! I had one a couple of years ago and I hated it. Plus I kept pulling the cords off in my sleep =)  Then on Tuesday I go in for my Pre-Op appointment!!! Soooo excited!!! I guess they'll give me my pre-op diet and stuff like that. It's like the closer i get to April 13th The longer it takes to get through a week......but w/e I'm pumped....stoked....ecstatic.....Anything and Everything you can think of I am.

About Me
Mason, OH
Surgery Date
Feb 23, 2009
Member Since

Friends 56

Latest Blog 15
