
Jan 06, 2009

I'm frustrated, but I shouldn't be.  I started this process at the end of October, beginning of November.  First I had issues with my Endocrinologist faxing over my health records to my doctor.  It felt like everytime this office has to fax something, it never goes through.  So I ended up having to pick up the records and overnighting them to surgeon myself.  I flew through the Nutritionist and the Psych Evaluation....although the claim was submitted with a diagnosis of PKU.  So I've spent the last 3-4 weeks tryign to get that cleared up.  My doctor supposedly sent the documentation to my insurance carrier as of December 8th, but I still haven't heard from my insurance carrier.  Other people on the same plan from my work heard within 1 week.  However, I keep telling myself that this is the busiest time of the year for insurance carriers because everyone and their brother is changing plans, or having updates to their files.  So, I'm still waiting for the approval (although I know I will be approved).  My worst problem is that I'm impatient.....however, I've been trying to take it one day at a time.....  :)  So I hope to be in surgery by the end of February!  Wish me Luck!!!!!!!!!!

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About Me
Durham, NC
Surgery Date
Oct 24, 2008
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