*** A change is gonna come***

Feb 16, 2011

As I look back on my life, however short it has been in comparison to any of you, I know struggle all too well. I have struggled within myself for years, struggled with friends, who only are there for the benefits I can give them and so called lovers (not going there right now), work and school. So I find myself here all alone no one to turn to and no shoulder to cry on. I'm not depressed, I'm tired. I'm tired of the excuses, the apologies, and ALL these set backs that have taken place. I hold myself accountable I have myself together but what about the ones I'm around? Isn't who your surround yourself with just as important as the actual journey? Can I really thrive and live like this much longer? I listen to this song and I start to cry, not sure why but it just can't be ONE particular reason or thing that needs changing. Why do I settle for so much from others and in return give my all? Just when I feel myself about to give up I keep going harder and giving more. Am I drained.? I don't cry a lot so this is major, I'm tired of feeling this way. I have no one to talk to or confide in so its just hard for me right now. Wow, this is crazy.... had to vent sorry if I sound crazy <3


About Me
Feb 09, 2011
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