More VayKay.

Jun 26, 2009

Thank Goodness this is turning out to be such an eventful summer. Everything happens for a reason so they say. And i'm unemployed this summer and I'm actually beginning to consider it a blessing. I haven't had a fun-filled summer in so long. The past few years, I was working all summer with a few 2-3 day trips squeezed in here and there and then right back to work. I was laid off earlier this year and i am beginning to really enjoy the fact that this summer is going to be so much fun. I sound like a kid again, I know. But sometimes, you really just need to get away, have a good time, go shopping, eat out, pamper yourself and your family and just ENJOY life. That's exactly what I plan to do all summer long. I just got back from a 2 day trip to Virginia Beach with my family and my daddy just called me to confirm another longer trip to VA within the next 2 weeks. Then my mother called me and invited us to go with them on their family Vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC for 4-5 days. Also, my daddy and all of us are going to Nags Head, NC for about 3 days and renting a house there. So my summer is packed full of Beach fun and I cannot wait. I absolutely LOVE every minute of it and especially the quality time I am getting to spend with my little boy and all the neat new places he is getting to encounter. I am so happy.

I especially cannot wait to go to Myrtle Beach, SC. My mother and stepfather rent this really awesome condo that belongs to some family friends. It's very nice, furnished, has a kitchen and right by the beach. My husband will be working but me and my little boy are going to spend the week with them and my little brother and sister. Me and my brother have already made quite a few plans. As most of you know, I'm a rocker chick, LOVE my rock music. Myrtle Beach has a Hard Rock Cafe, a House of Blues, and a KISS Coffeehouse. A coffeehouse devoted to the Rock Group KISS and covered with their memorabilia. I absolutely cannot wait to go I'm counting down the days. We've also planned to visit the Aquarium there, the Aquarium in VA Beach, Planet Hollywood, MedEvil Times, The GO-Kart Tracks and Putt-Putt. I plan on having a wonderful summer and showing my little boy what a family vacation is all about. My husband will not be going to Myrtle Beach with us except for maybe 2-3 days, however, he will be able to go on all the other great trips. Thank God for such a wonderful and beautiful family and the ability to spend awesome quality time together on wonderful trips like the ones we have planned. We are truly blessed.


My mini-vacation.

Jun 24, 2009

Proud Mom

Everyday My little boy does something else to make me just love him even more. He is now officially a water bug. He loves the ocean. Anyways on to my mini-vacation.

We decided to get out of town for a few days so we drove to Norfolk, VA yesterday early in the morning and went to the Zoo. We enjoyed seeing all the animals, riding the train and having family time. Me, my husband, my little boy, my dad, stepmom and stepsister all went.

After that, we drove a few miles to Virginia Beach and spent the day sunning and swimming on the beach, My little boy is at the age where he absolutely adores the beach. He LOVED the water, loved the sand and didn't want to leave so we didn't. My dad decided we were going to stay so we got a room near the ocean and parked the car. We ate dinner at this really awesome restaurant called the Jewish Mother, it's actually been featured on The Food Network. They have signature sandwiches and desserts. It was nice. After that, we went walking down Atlantic Ave, which is where all the store were. We had a wonderful time, took pictures, saw live shows and did a little shopping. My stepmom got me the cutest Virginia Beach puppy shirt and my dad got me an awesome purple tye-dyed VA Beach shirt. It's great. We went back to the room and laughed the night away and had such a great time together. I'm an absolute Daddys Girl and we all get along so well it was marvelous. This morning we got up and ate some breakfast and walked back over and spent the day at the beach. Finally we made the 1.5hr drive back home. It was so nice to be away if just for a couple days. We had a great time and got some awesome stuff. I really enjoyed myself except for the fact I now resemble a pretty red lobster lol.  I'm on fire. Guess my theme song of the day would go a little something like this....

I'm burning, I'm burning for you lol


My dog can always make my day better!

Jun 15, 2009

I love my dog Pictures, Images and Photos

Guilty Pleasure.

Jun 13, 2009

Carebears Pictures, Images and Photos

As Corny as it may sound I still have an obsession with the Carebears. I know, I know I'm a little old for that but they are just so cute. They are pretty much the only thing I haven't grown out of, well that and puppies lol.

Oh well.

Have a wonderful day.

Verse to Live by.

Jun 11, 2009

faith hope love Pictures, Images and Photos

I find this to be a very inspiring verse to me. It's very strong and says alot.
faith hope love Pictures, Images and Photos

faith hope and love Pictures, Images and Photos

faith hope love Pictures, Images and Photos


Keep me In Your Prayers Guys!

Jun 11, 2009

I'm proud of myself these days. I've done so much lately to improve myself and I am so glad I've done it.

I joined the gym for 3 months. Lost 5 pounds the first week.
I've been slacking lately because I had some stuff going on, but I plan on getting back in the swing of things tomorrow.

Turns out, Sonny doesn't have to have rotator cuff surgery. They put him on meds and he will need physical therapy for a few weeks and it should be just fine.

I'm still waiting on my surgery date......

I have a very very promising job interview at a Drs office on Monday, I can't wait. They have awesome benefits and an awesome work environment.

I am going to sign up for my classes at the tech tomorrow, I am going to try and knock out all the RN prereqs that I can. Whether night classes or online or whatever Im ready.

I'm really into church lately, I've been turning to God for everything these days and it's really really improving me and my family. Everything seems to be working out for us and it's all because of our faith. Thank GOD!

I am getting my hair did next week and I can't wait. I am ready for a new cut and some color, it's so long and boring now.

We are also going to VA Beach for a day or 2 next week. I need to get a new bathing suit and everything too. I can't wait, I am ready to get my TAN ON.

Anyways, just wanted to fill everyone in on my life.

Hope yours are all going great as well.


Everything Will Work Out, In HIS time.

Jun 08, 2009

GOD Pictures, Images and Photos

For I know the plans I have for you Pictures, Images and Photos

Whew, Preparation for Yard Sale.

Jun 05, 2009

one of a kind Pictures, Images and Photos

What a busy day.

Been preparing for our yard-sale tomorrow and getting everything together and boy, that's a job.

We have so much stuff to sell, I think we will do well.
Being that we are both not working at the moment, it will be nice to make a few extra bucks to get some stuff for around the house. We plan to go to Sams Club tomorrow afternoon if everything turns out good.

My grandfather is going to come help us of course, he hates being bored so he will volunteer for pretty much anything.

We are going to get up around 5am to get it all together to start at 7am. I am so thankful the rain let up at least until tomorrow afternoon.

~Keep us in your thoughts & prayers that we will have a successful yardsale.

This morning I woke up with the weirdest eye issue. My right eyelid was swollen so large that it looks like my eye is closed. I've never had this happen before and it's so odd. It hurts really really bad but my actual "eye" doesn't hurt and my contacts are in and I can see fine. I put some antibiotic eye drops in and the swelling subsided for a few hours then came right back. Very Very weird.

Let's see what else did I do today?
Oh i got my paperwork in order for school in August.
I start my Nursing pre requisites in August to hopefully get into nursing school to be an RN in February 2010. I really cannot wait.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

with god Pictures, Images and Photos


Thought for the Day.

Jun 04, 2009

if god brings you to it, he will bring you through it Pictures, Images and Photos

Proud Mommy

Jun 02, 2009

proud mommy Pictures, Images and Photos

So my parents always tell me I was a super smart kid. I started reading at 2, spelling etc. I was advanced all through school and sometimes found school downright boring because it wasn't on my level. The bad part is lol, I'm full of booksense but sometimes the common sense is just OUT THE WINDOW.

I guess when you have kids you just wonder how they are going to progress and what they are going to do next. I was in the bathroom tonight getting ready for bed, washing up and everything and my little boy comes in and says hey mommy this is the Tom Sawyer movie see mommy I read it. T-O-M  S-A-W-Y-E-R....right then and there I almost fainted in the bathroom floor. Everyday he does something that makes me soooooo.... proud.

He's really into those learning shows on Nickolodeon and he knows how to go to Nick Jr. com and play the games. He's already went from the 3-4 yr old level to the 6-8 year old level. I am so proud of him I just want to tell everyone. Now my only issue is lol, if he has my booksense, I pray to God he has his daddys common sense otherwise daddy is going to be stuck with 2 nerds that can be quite the airheads lol. Anyways, I guess it's a good combo and everything will be just fine.

I just never really thought I was going to have children, then when I found someone I fell in love with and decided to share that joy it's something I would never take back. My little boy is my heart and soul and it's amazing to think that the love between 2 people is so real that it can create life. That is a miracle and I thank God everyday for my miracle.

Just thought I'd share.


About Me
Roanoke Rapids, NC
Surgery Date
Sep 05, 2006
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