I want my boobs fixed! LOL

Sep 03, 2009

I really need to get to my doc and start asking questions about this subject.  I've needed a breast reduction & lift for a long time.  Now that the weight is coming off, it's beginning to look like I'm gonna trip on the "girls" if I'm not real damned careful.  haha  So, does anyone know if I have to weight until "all" the weight is gone?  Or is this something I can do now?

Common sense tells me that I am, most likely, gonna have to wait.  But OMG, I want to have it done now!  Also, it is commonly know that nearly all women have a slight difference in the size of each breast.  Well, as I am losing weight, the difference isn't so "slight", anymore.  It really looks like I'm losing more weight in one breast than in the other.  ACK!  Why me???  Why do the freaky things happen to meeeee?  hahaha 

Oh, well...I might have to wait a bit....but the girls are gonna get a makeover....that's for sure.  And I'd really love to hear from anyone out there who has had this procedure done. 

I know that most insurances will pay for the reduction, but will the doc include the lift in the procedure or is that gonna be a seperate expense?  Hmmmm....  Again, I'd love to hear from someone "in the know" about these procedures.

Well, that's about enough of my complainin' for today.  I'm taking my daughter to the park and I am gonna try to remember to take my camera and snap some photos of us.  I need to post some new and up to date ones.

Have a wonderful day, Everyone!

Paula :)


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