Nine Months Out

Jun 28, 2010

I can't believe how fast the time has gone!  I'm nearly at nine months out and life has changed in many wonderful ways.   I've lost 113 pounds, and feel so much better.  I'm still struggling with a fitness/exercise plan - - I know it's the way to keep it off and to lose faster, but I go in fits and starts with exercycle, walking, and dancing.   I do move more and easier.  I walk at work when I don't have to - where I used to find ways to avoid moving, I now welcome it. 

Other changes for the better on my journey so far:

Can sit in almost any chair
Can wear clothes that are in sizes much easier to find
Don't run out of breath just walking to my car
Can sit in a booth at a restaurant
Move better/look better
I got a new job!!!!

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About Me
Minneapolis, MN
Surgery Date
Jun 11, 2009
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