My new life

Mar 02, 2009

Well a lot has happened since last time I posted. I'm doing great. I weigh 163 and I fell great. I work at a new company and no one here even knows I had surgery. It's kind of weird. No one knows the me from before. I still have to work on taking my vitamins everyday. I know I'm low on things and I don't want it have any problems.

March 12th 2007 Time sure does fly!!

Mar 11, 2007

I just noticed today that I'm 21 months out. Just a few more months and it will be my 2 year mark!!! I have been at 167 now forever. I went up to 173 but now I'm back down to 167. I would like to make it to 155 but being at 167 I have a normal BMI and my doctor was happy when I was at 175 so I should be happy at 167. I don't have to much extra skin but I would love to have my breast done and have a tummy tuck. The only thing that is holding me up is money and the decision to have another child. We only have 1 and I can't decide if that is enough. I mean I'm only 25 so I'm still young and still wonder if 1 is all I'm going to want forever. I might change my mind in the future. Now if I have a tummy tuck then have a kid it would be kind of point less. I love the way I feel and I'm so glad I had this surgery. It has changed my life for the better in so many ways. My daughter still remembers when my was "fat". She was 4 when I had this done and the other day we were out to eat and out of the blue she says. "mom doesn't drink pop any more. She only did that when she was Fat". I wanted to laugh because kids say the funniest things. I have some explaining to do to her but I can't believe that she still remembers. So not to much new for me just living life.


Sep 22, 2006

This is me and my friend at my cousins wedding


Sep 11, 2006

Today is I'm 14 months out. I didn't lose anything this month. I go up to 170 then back down to 167 but I haven't went lower then that. I would really like to see 160 but I'm pretty tall at 5'10 so if I stay at 167 to 170 I'm ok with that. I can really understand how people can gain the weight back. It is so mush harder once your further out to eat just about anything. I still don't drink pop. Sometimes I'll have a sip of my husbands diet pop but just a sip and maybe once a month. It still makes my pouch hurt when I do that so I don't think I'll ever drink pop again. But that's a good thing. I do eat Sara Lee bread whole wheat sometimes. About 1 every 2 weeks. Good thing my husband likes it to or it would go to waste. I now weight less then my husband and he can pick my up. He took me to a concert/dance on Sunday. I had so much fun. I had wanted to see this group for 2 years now and they finally came here. We were in front the whole time. We went to get something to drink and my husband was sitting down and I was standing up and this guy came over and asked me to dance. It was so funny my husband stood up and said "hey what's up" the guy was like oh nothing and walked away. It was way to funny. I think it was good for my husband to see that someone else finds his wife pretty. I looked really cute. Well I think I did. LOL I was wearing a short little black dress. I took pictures I'll post them tomorrow. This Saturday we are having my daughters birthday party. So that should be fun. Then next Saturday my cousin is getting married and my daughter is the flower girl. She is so excited. I'm excited to get dressed up again. I love dressing up now and I love shopping. I need to go shopping for winter cloths. I don't have anything. Well I'll update with pictures tomorrow and good luck to every one out there going thought this same journey!!!


Sep 09, 2006


New pictures!


Aug 15, 2006

I'm now 13 months out. I need to update my pictures. I'm sill in a size 8 jeans and s/m tops. I think this is were I'm going to stay. I'm so happy with my weight lose. I'm down 170 lbs. I weight 167 now. I have lost more then I weight. I'm so happy I had this surgery. I went to the fair yesterday and walked all around. It was way to much fun. I remember last year thinking that I could not wait for this years fair and now I know why. It is so much different this year at the fair. Well I'll try and get some pictures up soon.


Aug 14, 2006

This is me and my daughter and a friend at the fair this year


Jul 31, 2006


This a a friend of mine, and me out for a girls night out.


Jul 14, 2006

This is a good friend on mine and me out on the town celebrating my 1 year anniversary at the Faith Hill/ Tim McGraw concert


Jul 12, 2006

I made it to GOAL!!! 170 I only lost 2 pounds this month but 2 is better then nothing. I had my appointment with my doctor and he was very proud of me. When I got there the nurses said "look we have a model in the office". That made me feel great!!! I'm happy with were I'm at. I have lost 167 pounds in a year and everything is so different. I love to shop now. Now that I'm at goal I want to shop all the time. I'm going to the Tim Mc Graw and Faith Hill concert this weekend to celebrate my 1 year anniversary. I can't believe a year has pasted. It has been so worth it. I would do it all over if I had to. I will update with pictures soon. I wear size 8 pants and s/m tops. I know my husband hates it that I shop so much now but I can get really good deals now. So much more for your money. Anyone looking in to the surgery, this is a BIG decision and it changes everything in your life. I MEAN EVERYTHING. The way you look at food the way you look at yourself the way you look at others. EVERYTHING. Not all is good there are days that are really hard and days that are great but in the end it has been worth it for ME. This year everything has changed in my life. I'm still the same person inside but outside is totally different. The surgeon looked at my skin and said it looked great. My stomach skin is not bad at all. Now I would love to have a flat stomach someday but my skin doesn't hang so if I were to get it done I would have to pay for it. So I guess I'll just have to wait. I'm not sure if I want anymore kids so until that is decided and I have the money I will just live with not having a flat stomach. Well I'll update at my 13 months. I don't think I will be losing to much more but now is the hard part Maintaining!!!

About Me
Des moines, IA
Surgery Date
Dec 31, 2004
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 54
March 12th 2007 Time sure does fly!!
