And life continues.......

Oct 19, 2012

I sit, yet again, at this very comfortable computer wanting to unload about how life still is throwing me curves.  What I know:  I am responsible for my actions.  So each time I want that sssssugar or ffffat.....i need to avert my eyes.  Sounds simple?  Not so much.  Each day that passes I still say to myself..."you have the strength, committment and expertise to do what ever you need to maintain your connection to yourself as well as your connection to healthy eating.  Boy oh boy!  It's just too hard sometimes. 

Still struggling

Jul 01, 2012

Hi all,
Here it is now Eleven years post op.  I am still down by 140 pounds.  Good gracious....who woulda thunk?!

I have been concentrating on a high protein very low carbohydrate diet...pretty much cut out bread, potatoes, pasta....started upping my veggie count along with my protein.  I still struggle with exercise....gosh, isn't there a magic bullet for that?

Life keeps throwing curve balls....and I have managed to duck and cover most of the time.  Isn't that some sort of exercise???

Anyway, hope to hear from anyone out there. 


What's happening with my brain?

Jun 29, 2011

So I didn't have a lobotomy.  I had a DS. Here I am, exactly 10 years after my surgery.  I have maintained a very comfortable 150 lb. weight loss.  That being said, I have put on 20 pounds that I am having a heck of a time losing.  I know that wt. gain is not unusual, and, don't get me wrong, I am so greatful for my life and position with regard to my wt.  I simply feel better lighter.  Anyone out there in the same position?  Got any ideas that I haven't heard before????  Try me.

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 12, 2009
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