I've always been a little "chubby".  My mom's pregnancy weight was 115 lbs.  I weighed 9 lbs when I was born.  Obviously I didn't get the "fat gene" from mom.  Yup, I was one of those cute little chubby babies.  I never considered myself "fat" in school.  I'm 5'7" and my weight in high school was 183.  After school I went to work and then it happened.  I was getting my usual work breakfast of pretzel nubs and Diet Coke when I slipped and fell crushing both knees.  I ended up having my right knee reconstructed in 1987 and my left in 1989.  Surgery at Halloween, being bedridden and grandparents who bring you leftover Halloween chocolate is NOT a good combination.  By the time I was back on my feet the following May I was 215 lbs!  I got married on October 14, 1995 and my gown was a size 20.  It broke my heart.  The following May I became pregnant with my miracle baby.  I lost 35 lbs. thanks to morning, afternoon AND evening sickness but, at six months pregnant I finally started to gain.  The morning I went into labor I topped at 226 lbs!  My "baby" is ready to turn 10 in February and I'm at 261.  This is beyond ridiculous!

I think I've tried every diet out there.  I've joined Weight Watchers more times than I can remember.  I visited Jenny Craig and NutriSystem but I couldn't figure out how that would teach me how to eat.  I've done the Dexatrim and TrimSpa and all the other pills.  Nothing.  It's true that desperate times call for drastic measures and so here I am.

I have three acquaintances who have had WLS...two of them with the surgeon I will be meeting on November 9, 2006.  I'm beyond excited!  Neither had complications, and both are doing great!

Thanks for reading and following my journey.  I'm excited that I'll soon be "normal" again.

Updated October 1, 2007:  What a ride this has been!  I began my journey with a 41.6 BMI weighing 265 lbs.  Today, four months post-op, I weigh 183.5 with a BMI of 28.8.  It's unfreakingbelievable.  Sure, there have been some rough days, but only a few.  I would do this over again in a heartbeat.


About Me
Pennsville, NJ
Surgery Date
Oct 06, 2006
Member Since

Friends 122

Latest Blog 120
OMG....I can't believe it!
18 Months Post-Op.....Some Reflections
Such a Sad Day
Halloween, Losing again and an ER visit
Depression....how deep does it get?
Depression and feeling invisible
