After a lifetime battle with my weight, I finally decided to have bariatric surgery this past spring. I attended a seminar for St. Vincent's Charity Hospital's Bariatric Center in March of 2006 with a friend. I decided after trying everything (and I mean just about everything) it was now time to go this route. My insurance requires that I have a six month doctor supervised diet, a psychological evaluation and 3 years of weight charts. I successfully completed the psych. evaluation (yeah...lol) and on Sept. 21st I have my fourth visit with my doctor for my supervised diet. A representitive from St. Vincent's calls me every month to check on my progress. Last month they told me they are tentively trying to schedule my surgery around Dec. 29, 2006 with Dr. Ben-Meir. As the time draws closer and closer, I cannot think of anything else. I have never been this heavy in my life. I am 5'8" and according to my last doctor's visit, I am at 280.5 lbs. I am absolutely miserable. I have had plantar fasciitis since August of last year, so I can't get out and walk like I used to, so obviously that is not helping me with the weight problem. Obesity runs on both sides of my family. I have been fighting it my entire life. I have tried everything...sometimes I will have success and lose 30/40 lbs only to gain it all back and more. I even lost 70 lbs at one point and got back down to a size 16. Then I got laid off from my job and my marriage fell apart. The stress of the divorce took it's toll on me. It has now been over a year since all of that happened, and I have finally settled into a routine. I believe I am in an ideal time in my life to go forward with this surgery. I have two young children that I want to be active with. I don't want to have to worry whether or not I can fit on a ride at the amusement park. This happened to me two years ago. I could not take my daughter on a roller coaster because I could not get the safety restraints fastened. I was mortified. Not just for myself, but I thought, what kind of message does this send my children.  I have been mentally preparing myself for this all year. I have talked to several people that have already had this surgery. I get their opinions and advice, which has been greatly appreciated. I have ordered some toning and exercise videos that I can do at home so I do not take time away from my kids. I look at this as a new chance. I do not take this lightly. I will do my part by eating healthy and exercising. I will keep everyone posted as my surgery draws closer.
I received a phone call from St. Vincent's in Cleveland on Thursday. I had just returned from the fourth of six doctor visits that is required by my insurance prior to surgery. I have an apt. scheduled for October 20th to meet with my surgeon! I am so excited! I am now in the stage where I am worrying about whether my insurance will approve this or not. If not, I am going to pursue the hospital's self-pay option so I can still go through with this. I have never been so sure of anything. I'm getting very excited and nervous. 
Well, I met with my surgeon today.  All went well.  I have to see a vascular specialist since my grandmother died of a blood clot after surgery.  He doesn't foresee any problems, but he wants to take every precaution.  I have everything turned in that is needed for my insurance except the notes from my last doctor's visit which I will get when I go in the first week of November.  Then the waiting game will begin.  I am so nervous.  My surgeon said I am a perfect canidate, but you just never know what the insurance companies will do.  Please keep me in your prayers for the insurance approval.
I had my last visit with my family doctor today for my doctor supervised diet.  I faxed the transcripts up from this last appointment to my surgeon's office.  They are sending everything to my insurance now.  Now I wait!  They said I should hear something within two weeks.  I am so nervous!  I think this is by far the worst part...the waiting to see if you are approved.  I'll keep everyone posted.
I just spoke with my surgeon's office on Thursday.  Everything was sent to insurance on 11/06/06.  I will call them this coming week to check on the status of everything.  I had my apt. last Wednesday with the vascular specialist.  It all went well.  I will have extra shots of a blood thinner after surgery, and they will get me up walking more.  I also will have to wear the massage boots while in bed.  She was very optimistic that there will be no problems.  I'll write again when I know more about insurance.  Until then, fingers are crossed...lol.
I spoke with my insurance today.  They received everything in their system on the 6th for my request.  The person I spoke with said it would take aproximately 30 days to hear back unless I was declined.  If I am declined, I should hear something within two weeks.  A doctor will be reviewing my file.  It does not appear that phoning my insurance company to check up on things will help.  I do not get to speak to anyone that has any bearing on the approval.  None the less, I will be phoning them on a regular basis just in case.

About Me
Sep 15, 2006
Member Since
