My story is simple. I am the oldest child of either 2 (Mom) or 9 (Dad). I am the shortest and generally the largest of them all. I was always the biggest so I decided to loose weight. Since I was a child full of allergies, I decided to stop eating to loose weight. So one summer when I was 13 or 14, while visiting my Great Aunts, I decided to stop eating. So I went the entire summer not eating. I drank pop, kool-aide, or tea. Towards the end of the summer I couldn't get out of bed in daylight. I woke up, drank my "meals" and took showers at night when it was cool outside. I lost a lot of weight but as soon as I went home I gained it all back. However, it worked. So from then on I ate 1 meal a day or just ice cream or peanut M&M's a day. I was not fond of exercise so I didn't do any. Eventually, I married a man who loves to eat so I started cooking large dinners. My friends loved to go out for lunch so I did that. I gained weight and no matter what, I couldn't loose it. I tried cutting back on portion sizes, which worked for a while. Eventually this stopped working. Due to some financial difficulty, I dropped my life insurance. When I tried to get more, I learned that I was too heavy and they wouldn't insure me. I tried all of the tricks but they didn't work. I tried working out but I loose interest FAST. I went to the bariatric Dr. and they couldn't help me because I do not need their pills because I can ignore my hunger. They put me on a 1200 calorie diet and I didn't loose any weight until I ate 900 calories. I said, "THAT'S IT"! So now I am here. I am ready to change my life. I am ready to learn how to eat correctly and I am ready to get up and move!

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 08, 2010
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