...Back on track..I think..

Jun 27, 2009

I Started at EMMC 2 years ago, mother got sick so,couldn't travel down to meet the surgeon started seeing a surgeon in local area instead.  He wouldn't accept EMMC appointments and history so I started over with him and saw him  for 1 year finally sent out for insurance , got denial letter because insurance didn't accept 6 month diet plan I did with him.

Started  another, 6 month diet to match  insurance requirements by a T. ..I  called the doctor this morning to let him know I'm finished, they tell me he no longer does wls, hospital pulled program. Called EMMC  to see if I could get a referral from him to see one of their surgeons they tell me I would need to start the program all over again because my file is 2 years old. . So now I have all my paper work, 2 years worth of appointments  2 passed psychologist evaluations, 20 nutrition visits, 2- 6 month supervised diets and no surgeon. did I mention the chance that my work place could drop our current insurance  as of Jan. 2010!? So I would have no idea of knowing if it'd even be covered?

 Well..I called the center director of the hospital and told her, everything and she told me that they didn't have my complete file and didn't realize that I had been an on going patient so she said she would give the ok for me to resubmit and have him do my surgery if he is still willing to. She said she would give me a call back next week because he was out of the office. So next week has come and gone 2 days ago I called and left a message with her secretary Tuesday and she hasn't called me back. So now I'm waiting until Monday and if she doesn't give me an answer I'm going to go see the surgeon and bring him my paper work..Man..this has been a real fight!


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