Long time

May 21, 2011

 WoW its been a long time since I posted anything!. This past year has been a busy one filled with medical issues. I had a second back surgery in November at UVA they did a fussion on L4-5 spent a night in ICU due to sleep apena, but had no issues went to the regular floor the next day and home the next. Had a bad reaction to the dressing they used during surgery ended back in the ER for IV meds. Was out of work for 6 weeks but recovery was good. Was mostly pain free(breakthought pain) for about 6 months, just in the  last month have started having issues and am now waiting on a CT to see what is going on. In Feb of this year I was reaching for something and felt a pop had pain where my port was located, was seen by the dr. but they were able to access my port so no issues there. Well at the end of Feb  I was back at UVA for a back follow up they did x-rays and I saw my port was flipped!! So I called and got an appt with them for the next day and a week later I was back in the OR for a port revision. Was in the OR at 7 and home by 12 back to work 2 days later. Very sore but a simple recovery. Now for the good stuff! I am off my High Blood Pressure Pills and had no issues, off diebeties pill my last A1C was 5.5. My PCP is now only checking my blood every 6 months now. I am down about 75-80 pounds as well

2nd fill

Jun 16, 2010

I went on Thrusday of last week for my second fill, they added .6cc more so now I have 4.6cc in my 10cc band, I go back in 6 weeks for a follow up and if I need another fill they will do one. I am able to tell a difference with this fill, I am not able to eat as much mostly in the mornings though, I continue with the mind issues as I want to keep eating even when I am not hungery, guess I will learn one day.

1st Fill

Apr 24, 2010

I went in yesterday to get my fill, I had to go to the hospital as he wanted to do in under the fluro since it was the first one, he stated that my port was deeper than he thought, but it went very well, I did not feel anything!! So very glad about that. He put 4cc's in my 10cc band, said to come back in 6 weeks, not sure if this is for another fill or just a follow up. I can tell a difference as I am getting fuller faster with just a few ounces of food and have had some stuck issues but they went away fast, just eating soft foods and have to get it into my head to stop eating when full even though there is food left on my plate!!!!!, hope that the next few weeks go well and I start loosing weigh again the scale has stayed the same for the last 2 weeks, I want to see some movement!!
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Follow up app

Mar 19, 2010

Yesterday I had my follow up appointment. I had not lost much weight, but it had only been 2 weeks. They said everything was looking good. I go April 23 for my fill, that sounds so far away! But hope it goes by fast. I am now eating soft foods and they taste so good, love my peanut butter!


Mar 09, 2010

Well tomorrow will be one week since my surgery, the recovery has not been that bad once I got the pain pills going when I woke up, have not had real bad pain since, I was able to go home the next day, could of went home that evening. I am thinking about returning to work tomorrow or Thursday I need to get out of the house. I have struggled this week with Hunger, my stomach is not happy with this liquid diet it is still on. I do not feel that there is any restriction, and go for my follow up next week, not sure when I will get a fill but hope it is soon, would like to start loosing some more weight. I have lost about 9lbs since last week.
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We are on

Feb 25, 2010

Well today I went for my pre-op and got the green light for my surgery next week. I has lost 15 pounds in 2 months. got all my instructions and will be in the OR at 10:15

One week

Feb 23, 2010

Well I have one week left as of today, I go for pre-op tomorrow and to see the surgeon, hoping I get a green light and everything is OK. Still have the feeling that the other shoe is going to drop and surgery will be cancel. Still on the liquid diet, its been hard, but hope it will be worth it.

New Date

Feb 16, 2010

Well my surgery has been moved to the 3rd of March, in 2 weeks I will be on the table!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I started my pre-op diet, I am to drink Carnation Instant Breakfast for 2 meals and have a Healthy Choice dinner once, I am to get in my 64oz of liquid a day as well. So today is day one!!!! I have lost about 10-12 pounds in the last month or so I hope to loose another 5 in the next 2 weeks!

March 10th

Jan 28, 2010

Got the phone call I have been waiting for for years now!!!!! March 10th will be my  surgery date at 8:15!!! I am so happy. They are mailing me out a packet of information and my pre-op surgery date, I hope that this will be it, still very nervous about the 20 pound weight loss thing, I have only lost 4lbs in the last 3 weeks! Will have to be on the liquid diet for 2 weeks before surgery so I hope I can loose more then.

Another thing crossed off

Jan 19, 2010

I got insurance approval today!!! Now just waiting for a surgery date. Still waiting for the shoe to drop, hope not though, guess this will all be real when I am on the OR table.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 08, 2009
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