3 months post op

Aug 04, 2009

Things have gotten so much better for me. I am now down to a size 16 in clothes and  weigh 240 pounds.Its been a struggle every step of the way.I almost didnt think I was going to make it but  I was able to pull on up and keep goinng.(thanks to all of you)I am cooking and up moving around and doing stuff all the time.I am not able to drink the portein drinks still make me to full.havent lost any hair that I know of,Even got my hair lowlighted and cut a few times.For the most part  I am very happy with having the surgery done.I do miss eating with everyone else but it has become such a hoabit  now not to eat like e veryone else around me.If we go out to eat Ill wait til right before we leave to eat something, am not able to order my own food cause its way to much to eat.So I eat off the kids plate or Jasons.I got to eat my favorite food crab.Oh it tasted so good. but just got a tiny piece. so I wouldnt get sick.I notice that i ve lost almost all of my stomache.It was like the irst thing I could tell. I ahvent been this small since before I had kids ten years ago. I feel great!!!!!! I am finding that I am eating more often not sure if this is good.I also notice that I amnot loosing weight as fast as I was. the only thing I drink is water or crystal light fruit punch.I cant do apple sauce or milk products very well.Well just wanted to write a short blog while I was on here....

The surgery and right after

May 13, 2009

 I have had the surgery, and I am going to start from the time I left here ok, so here goes,... OK the 6th Jason and I drive over there in the pouring down rain to get to the hospital at 8 we left here at like 5 ish or so,WE get to the hosiptal and get to registery,I register, they made me sign a living will, which, I know is procedure but scared me alot,then they had to do a ekg and take blood and urine from me, the blood took like three different times and they didnt think I was gonn abe able to give any..lol..Then The ekg was ok,Then I went to check in at the house( if is off the hospital a recovery house) I checked in there then we headed to the dr office for the class I had to take,which took four hours,but was worth every minutes of it, I now look at the labels alittle more clearly and read whats in everything,My lovely husband hadnt slept in two days so he was asleep in the truck ( which was hot) so he wouldnt leave me alone..Then I go to meet with dr warnock he says that I have lost a total of 33pounds and they he thinks I am ready to go, HE would see me in the am, he had me drink two big gaterades that night cause I was needing the hydrolytes.That night I wrote a note to Jason telling he what to do if I died, and my funeral arrangements, cause I wasnt for sure If I would come out alright or not,He didnt know about it, and found it after I was ok two days  later lol..But, the morning of the surgery that alarm goes off at 3 30 got up got a good shower, washed with hibacleanse,and off  to the hospital we go, I got there and couldnt get in the door, this hospital was huge as big as baylor ( I thought ) but Jason finally found where we had to go in at, ok we get in the waiting room at 4 45 am was to be there at 5.waited til 9 30 to go back, was trying to talk jason out of letting me leave lol. He kept saying no kim you ve came this far we are gonna go all the way.( he was a great support) ok go back there, change into a gown and socks only,they give me a relaxing pill, which helped I just wished they would have gave jason one too,he was such a wreck,but stood strong for me, ok then they take me back for waiting, I got to meet with all the people who would be with me at surgery, and then my dr came in and said in bout ten minutes you will go.SO at arund  11 ish, I went to surgery, I remember being wheeled down the hall but dont remember making it to the room anywhere, im sure I was awake, but it my mind has shut that part off from pain. ok, i was suppose to be in surgery for 45 minutes, I was in there for almost 2 hours, Jason had to keep going and asking them what was wrong  They then told him I was having some servere issues with waking up and the pain,Ok I remember wakinng up in my room, and trying to get help cause I coudlnt breathe, the pain was so intense that I thought I was dying,( this  is my 5 th surgery so i know what pain is like coming out, but will tell u in a minutes why I was having this pain) so I had 6 nurses even some from surgery in there to stay with me til they got me enough medicine without my blood pressure trippin on me,  the rest of the day I slept, didnt want to talk or do anything, I felt pain and I wanted more medicine to stop it, the next day, I got up at 5 am to take a shower which was kinda hard but not to had then they made me walk, so I would nt get blood clots, so I walked really good, then that afternoon, my iv messed up so I wasnt getting my push a  pain medicine and pain set in, so they put a pain patch on me and gave me liquid loratab and pain shots,I had to rotate them but the nurses were all so sweet to me,Second day took my catherder out,Then that afternoon, I had a spell, I all of a sudden couldnt breathe, i was in so much pain and my blood pressure was sky high, they called the dr and gave me some  calming medicine and something in a shot form, since I wasnt able to take my blood pressure medicine yet.Was suppose to go home to the recovery house the third day but,I wasnt able to drink the water like I was suppose to, day two one medicine cup of water every ten minutes, I drank one medicine cup every 4 hours, day third,I was able to sip alittle more water, not much so I had to stay for the fourth day,, I walked alot, slept alot took showers at 5 am and was misserable.so on the fourth day ( sunday ) he told me to go back to the house til tuesday,  I argued cause I wanted to go home, my grannie passed away and I wanted to be with my family.but he refused said my health was at risk so I had to stay, ok so i went back and we stay two nights at the house and  my walking partners, my two pretty cool women I met who had it done teh same time as me, they were there to help me emotionaly, and made me walk,..Then today we went to the dr to find out that I have bacteria in my stomache, prolly have had it all my life, but until it didnt have a place to hang out it wasnt a problem.so I had to take this medicine for 15 days to see if it goes away, and I go back in two weeks to do a bone density test, something is wrong with my bones,  or they are wanting to check,...So we leave there, I tell the ladies bye and we all went on our own ways, Jason was hungry so we were going to stop and eat,but he decided he didnt want anythin gin the town we stoppped in for gas, so I ate my cracker, which took me forever to eat,and full I was. then bout 30 minutes later he wanted to stop and eat since he hadnt eaten at all today, so he stoppped and got something and order mashed potatoes with it so I could have a lick. well little tiny bite.for those of you wondering how much is a bite for me,the top of the coke lid is about all I can eat, or one cracker and it takes me 20 mintes to eat that. so I said mm we are taking those taters to go ,lol..and we did.not sure why cause jason said they will last me a week. Then we got home and  up the stairs I came to my bed and im here, calling getting my kids ready to come home. i am having some mild discomfort in my tummy but nothing to bad,
 ok the first food I was able to eat was chicken broth, I had a half medicine cup,( the kind with cough syrup) the first day at the house, then for supper  at the house, I ate my cracker!!!! took me 5 hours nibbling on it to eat it. I was so full from eating  a nibble each time. I loved it. I actually know what flavor is now. I am suppose to be eating a little more than wha tI am eating but the dr said i may just not be hungry and dont eat until I am.. so.. I need to lay don and ehre is the whole story of kim and the sugery she has wanted for 2 years now.. I made it and now I am going to be the best person I can be. inside I feel different already. so many people have cold shouldered me and put me out of there life that I am trying to make life the best possible life I can have now. for everyone in my life. I love you all. I hope that  all of you can have a husband like mine who will stand beside you and support you through something as a mess as I just had to go through and still am going through. will keep ya updated.... got some terrible pics to post  soon to of me in the hospital and before and after.. Lots of love!!!!!!!

surgery date may 7th wichita falls

Apr 22, 2009

Hi,I am having gastric bypass in two weeks,may 7 th 2009.I am so excited, I have been trying to get this done for almost 2 years now.I finally found a dr who is willing to work with me.I have seen him since the end of feb and on my second visit i was approved with a date.I have had to loose weight he wanted me to loose,40 pounds before I had it done but I gave him 13 or so then he told me to give him another 15 and he will do it.So I am working on it,I am going to my weight tomorrow and see if I ve lost any more.This has been a hard struggle and I know it is going to be worth every bit of it.

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sherman, TX
Oct 27, 2008
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