Big Huge UpDate

Jul 27, 2012

 Here I am ... 1 week post-op (as of today), laying on the couch and it just occured to me that I really should blog about my experience ... in case I ever forget!

Well, lets go back a couple of weeks ... 

While waiting to hear back from my insurance company, I got laid off from CRC.  Such a sad day, but I decided that I would continue pushing to have surgery, take the summer off and start looking for a job after I figured out what was going on with WLS.  So, that was on Monday July 9.  I went in to work on Tues and Wed just to get things wrapped up and clean out my office, Thursday I rad some errands and got ready to head to LA to see my family for the weekend.  I got to LA early to meet my good friend (and of my biggest supporters for lunch).  We were at Dennys by LAX and my phone rang ... it was an LA area code, so I figured it better happen.  The next few minutes are kinda a blur ... I remember mouthing OH MY GOD to Heidi while I listened to the lady on the other end of the line tell me that the insurance had approved my surgery!  As Im FREAKING out, Heidi and I started to make a list of the things I needed to do to prepare for surgery.  As soon as I left lunch, I called Nicole, Dr Fuller's surgery scheduler... and of course she was out of the office until Monday... just my luck.

The weekend proceeded as planned ... Nikky's wedding was beautiful!

I set my alarm for 8:00am on Monday and called Nicole again.  She might have been just as excited as I was!  She checked and Dr. Fuller had availability for FRIDAY!  SO MUCH TO DO, SO LITTLE TIME!  She scheduled me to meet with Dr Fuller for later that day, and my pre-op work at the hospital Tuesday.  Right away, I started my liquid diet!  Later in the morning, Rhianna took me to meet with Dr Fuller.  We reviewed the surgery asked a few questions and Dr. Fuller shook my hand and said "see you Friday".  I think I was in shock!

Tuesday was similar, Kim took me to the hospital ... I met with a few different financial people, a nurse to talk about anastesia and had my blood work.  THen, that was it ... I was ready for surgery!  Still in shock.

Wednesday and Thursday were a blur ... but Thursday night, Shana, Kim and I sat around reminicing on the journey I've been on and contemplating the future.  Went to bed around 1am ... did get much sleep ... alarm went off at 6:15am.  Hopped in the shower.  Jumped in the car.  Off to the hospital we went!

TBC ... xo


Lets try this again...

Dec 28, 2011

Well, I haven't been on here since April, when I lost my insurance and wasnt able to continue with the process to have my WLS.  A LOT has changed since then...

I no longer work at there school where I was miserable.   Now, Im the Marketing and Events Mangaer for a local non-profit.  I'm loving my job, my boss and the people I work with.  I've been there for 5 months and life feels good again.  I also met the most amazing man I've ever met in my whole life!  David (and his whole family) are so friendly and supportive of my decision to have WLS.  His mom had RNY about 10 years ago.  She gained all of her weight back but in now working towards losing it again.  She is NOT a healthy eater and probablly has some body image issues, but I love her and I could ask for a better support system!

After my insurance kicked in at my new job, I decided I was ready to try again.  The first end result was so dissapointing that I had it in my mind that it just wasn't meant for me - but it is!  I need it and I want it and I deserve it.  I am now aware of all of the things that I will need to go through, so it will be much less scary.  I have an even better support system now and I am even more motivated so I can lose the weight ... get married and have a baby!

In other news, I will be 30 in 2 weeks... I cant think of a better way to kick off my new decade!

Quickly Losing Hope

Apr 06, 2011

Well, here I am, theoretically 3 months away from surgery.  But, now it looks like Im going to be changing jobs.  I havent been fired (yet) but I feel like its coming since my boss and I just seem to not see eye to eye on anything.  So I've started looking for new jobs.  I have an interview tomorrow that seems to be promising - but the insurance is Kaiser.  Am I going to have to start the whole process over?  I deserve this surgery - I need it and most importantly, I WANT IT!

What do I do?

Medical Records & WM appts

Mar 22, 2011

Now, in order to have the RNY (which I WILL have ... even if I have to fight for) I have to do 6 months of a weight management program.  When Dr. Fuller's office told me this, they said that it could start in February (as month 1) because I saw Dr. Fuller, then I saw Marnie in March!  But, GREAT NEWS!!  It can actually start in JANUARY!  Yesterday, I picked up my medical records from my original appt with Dr. Lumkon, and they include notes about diet, weight loss and exercise!  This is great new - it means I have 3 of the 6 appts done, 2 more scheduled and then my 6th will be back with Dr. Fuller, when he will re-submit the orders for WLS!

It means I have to buy a size 22 dress for Sunnie & Dick's wedding on June 11, 2011 - but it also means that I will be post op for my brother's wedding AND Heidi & Shawn's wedding (which Im going to be in)!

Keep the good news coming!!!


Well, I was not NOT approved

Mar 16, 2011

So, I finally got the call from Nia, the surgical scheduler at Dr Fuller's office today.  The one that I had been waiting for since February 18 (the day after my paper work was turned in).  And... I missed it!  She left a message arounf 10 this morning, which I didn't get until 3:55 ... of course, she's off at 4.  I called her back, she was already gone - but I left her a message.  After I hung up, I just had a feeling... I called back and asked the lady that answered the phone if she could check and see if I was approved for my in patient RNY surgery.  After putting me on hold for what felt like FOREVER... she came back and said that my surgery is pending a 6 month nutritional program.  The nice lady on the phone said that I had already seen Dr Fuller in February and Marine (the nutritionist) in March, so that is 2 months out of the way - and if when I met with Dr Lumkon in January he documented that we discussed weight and exercise, that is a 3rd month.  I will call tomorrow and schedule my first appointment with the weight management team and go from there! 

I am not giving up!  I just have to keep reminding myself that I have to do this to prove to them that I really REALLY really want and NEED the surgery!

With all the being said, hopefully I will qualify for surgery this summer, and still have some weightloss before my 30th birthday and my baby brother's wedding (he got engaged yesterday!

Thanks for all of the continued support!!!
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One Cranky B*tch!

Mar 11, 2011

Ok, here we are at 5:00pm on Friday, March 11, 2011.  I thought, without a shadow of a doubt, I'd know weather or not my insurance approved me or not by now.  How do I feel?  Let me tell you, Im PISSED, and sad, and frusterated, and cranky.  I don't want to do anything, I'm exhausted!  I'm having a hard time falling asleep at night because my mind won't stop!  I'm absent minded!  I drove right past the exit to my Doc's office (that I've been to 20 times in the last few weeks) because I was too busy thinking about this surgery, and didn't pay attention!

I've now completed EVERYTHING that I needed to in order to have surgery, according to my doctor's office.  Everyone says I'm an ideal candidate for the RNY... so WHY is this taking so EFFING long?

The waiting is turning me into one cranky bitch!

Bonnie, the very nice lady I spoke with from my medical care, member service office told me that I would know with-in 10 working days of 3/4 (when they sent over the last of the information to the insurance) when I spoke to her yesterday.  When I called the insurance to make sure they recieved the rest of the information they were missing from my doc they said they had not.  Bonnie promised that she would take care of it!  She sympathized with me ... and told me that the only reason I WOULD NOT be approved if it was not medically necessary.  I hope that Dr Fuller reported that it IS medically necessary.

I just have to say, if I'm doing all this waiting just to recieve a "NO"... I am not going to be a very happy camper.

Patience is NOT a virtue of mine...

Mar 06, 2011

Ok, I feel like I've been waiting forever to hear from my insurance.  Dr Fuller's office officially submitted it on 2/17, then last Monday I got that letter that said they were missing just one more thing.  In that letter it said that when they recieved that last paper, they would like me know within 5 business day!  When I called Nia, the surgery scheduler at Dr. Fuller's ofice, she told me (in the nicest way possible) that I didn't need to call every day ... and that I could wait 2 weeks before I called again if I hadn't already heard something!  TWO WEEKS... I don't know I can take it!  I've turned into a complete bitch to the people that I haven't told, I'm not sleeping and it is literally ALL I think about!

Today I have the Diet class ... Shana is coming with me!  I wonder if I ask them when I'm in the office, if they'll be able to tell me if my surgery has or has not been approved!!

The waiting is KILLING ME!
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Letter in the mail

Feb 27, 2011

I checked the mail today (which I only do every few days) and there was letter from my insurance company in it.  I heart sunk!  Deep down inside I knew it was too soon to get an answer from them - my doc just submitted the request a week ago, but I got scared none-the-less!  I opened the letter while I walked inside ... and it was just asking for more information.  I will call the doc in the morning!!

Dear insurance company,
I know you get lots of requests, but please take mine seriously!  This is a big deal!

Thanks, KB

Another check in the box

Feb 21, 2011

So, when I started this whole process ... not too long ago... my doc gave me a bunch of things that I had to do before I could have surgery.  See a dietician, psyc eval, endoscopy... the list seemed never ending.  Tonight I went to the WLS orientation.  It seems that I'm doing some things in reverse order - but it was informative none-the-less.  My doc is a huge advocate of the RNY (much more so than the band or sleeve), so I feel like I've really made the right decision in the surgeon and the surgery!  The room was filled with mostly older people - all heavy (duh!  it was an orientation for WLS!).  A few people had questions - it made me feel really good about all of the research I'd done.  I feel like I am more knowledgable than most!

After the orientation was over, I went up to appologize to Dr. Fuller for being late (we went to the Del Mar office instead... oops) and he TOTALLY remembered me!  I feel like thats HUGE!  I told him that I was two weeks without a cigerette and he seemed impressed!

I also asked him about drinking cafinated drinks - coffee, iced tea (not soda!).  He said that he discouraged a LOT of it, but some is fine!  I feel like I'll keep an eye on it - but still enjoy my iced teas!!

I have to share one more thing - I got a new tattoo this weekend!  Its a heart with a key hole on my foot.  It is symbolic of remember to not give my heart out so easily!  I love it!!!

Happy Presidents weekend!!
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And now we wait!

Feb 10, 2011

This morning at 9:00 am was the last appointment that my surgeon requires before he submits the request to my insurance.  I made sure all my ducks were in a row.  Called my regular doctor to give him a heads up, and called Dr. Fuller's office to see when I could expect everything to be submitted.  Hopefully by the end of next week my insurance company will have everything they need - and although they have 30 days to approve (or not) the surgery, hopefully they will get back to me much faster than that!

It feels good that everyone I've met with along the way (my doctor, my surgeon, my surgeon's nurse, my psycologist, and the dietician) have all told me that they think I'm ready for this.  I feel well educated and determined... I just hope my insurance sees that!

I go to the WLS orientation on 2/21 ... so I'll talk to you then, unless I have news before!
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Jan 27, 2011
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