Doing this MY way!

May 27, 2009

Added December 2008 I keep on being asked for tips on how to succeed. So I will list them here. Please note, these worked for me; many others would tell you that these are not the right way to go! But it is my way!

1. Don't count, measure or weigh food. Make what you know to be the healthy choice and the band (once you are restricted) will control the quantities for you. Counting makes you think of food all the time. (BUT this only works if you have restriction and know what constitutes healthy food, so you may have to ignore this tip  at first)

2. Don't set short term goals with deadlines. You may well miss the deadline and you will then feel a failure. Goals are fine! Juts not with deadlines. Also, you will think about food and weight all the time!

3. Weigh as often as you like but don't worry if you stall or even gain. Look at the monthly picture not the daily or weekly one.

4. Don't compare yourself to others. We are all different and in any case, no-one can guarantee that everything you read on a message board is true!!

5. Don't be unrealistic. It is going to take a long time to lose all that weight. Enjoy feeling better all the time and stop spending all your time fantasising about what has not yet happened.

6. Don't get hungry. Just makes you think of food all the time. Don't get hung up on the number of meals and snacks. Hunger is the enemy not food. So if you need an extra meal or snack, if it still keeps you in a reasonable daily intake, go for it.

7. Don't deprive yourself - only sets up an obsession for what you can't have - you can have it, just not much and not often.

8. Don't feel guilt when (not if, when) you make poor food choices. No point in being depraved (and depraved is so much more fun than deprived) if it doesn't give you pleasure! Just think, that was good, that is over, that is the past - and move on.

To me there are two enemies - and neither is food! I like food! My enemies are hunger and obsession. So I don't let myself do either! If I am genuinely hungry (and sorry, we have to learn to live with head hunger), I eat. And I keep food in its place, a wonderful substance, designed to keep me healthy and give me pleasure WHEN I WANT IT.

OK so I get it wrong sometimes; well, quite often, actually!  But most of the time, this is my philosophy.

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