Date change again! Last time.

Apr 30, 2009

Hello everyone, I wanted to let everyone know that my surgery date has been changed for the 3rd and last time. My new date is May 30th. We had to change it because we were having trouble finding a good deal with plane tickets and such. Just wanted to let everyone know. I'm doing ok, I guess it hasn't really hit me yet....but I'm sure it will. Ha ha 23 days until I leave
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Apr 27, 2009

Wanted to let everyone know that my date was changed to the 26th instead of the 20th! Yay! 


Apr 27, 2009

Post Date: 4/27/09 5:07 pm
Hello everyone!! 

I HAVE A DATE!!!!!! 

O my goodness I don't even know what to say, yet I cant even type fast enough! Hahaha.
My date is May 20th!! Which also happens to be my BEST friends birthday. But since May 20th is so darn soon we might have to make it a little bit later because me and my mom don't have our passports or anything yet. But my surgery will be sometime in the end of May!!!!

Also my 17th birthday is May 4th! Soon, Im excited  my mom is buying a puppy, I like to say its going to be my birthday present but really its just because my mom wants a dog haha.

I want to say
THANK YOU!!! sooo much everyone who has supported me on here! And a thank you to everyone who is following my journey you guys really are a blessing and SO helpful!! Its means the world to me.
I still remember when I first found out about the DS when I posted a bulletin about being rejected for the RNY, I want to say thank you to everyone who came on my post and told me to check out the DS board and thank you for giving me hope! I will make sure to keep everyone updated! 

Once again, THANK YOU!! 


Apr 13, 2009

Hello everyone!

O goodness. So today I finished all my testing!! yay! The last thing I needed was a physical and I met with my PCP and well we did that, and we found out that I needed some more blood work so we did that. He read me all the results from all my testing and we found out that everything is good, except I have a fatty liver and some gallstones  that was a shock. Ive never had pain in my abdomen before so I don't know. O well he said that its not anything bad.

The other day when I had gotten blood work done I was also supposed to get my physical then but my doctor had left and didnt tell anyone why. Well when I saw him today he told me that a patient of his had threatened to shoot him so my doctor decide to go home until the cops could find that man. Well they found him (hes homeless) I guess when he said that he was drunk and he said he doesnt remember saying that and doesnt even own or know how to use a gun. Goodness that's scary.

So now we are just waiting for the results of the rest of the blood work and then they are going to fax everything in!!  whoo hooo!


Apr 09, 2009

Hello everyone :)

Well yesterday I went and had an upper GI x-ray? Im not sure whats its called. Where you have to drink that funky stuff and they watch it coat your stomach walls and such? Well so I went in at 9 am and went back to the room and such and got in my gown and waited for the doctor.

Well when he finally came in he didn't look glad to see me, in fact he wouldn't even come by me and it was kinda awkward.
Then he finally looked at me and said "I don't think I want to do this" and walked out......I thought that was kinda then I was sitting there on the chair not knowing what was going on and then the nurse told me that she'd be right back. So I waited 15 mins? maybe and then this other man came in and said "Hi, I hate to tell you this, but we cannot do this.

Our table has a 350 pound limit and if you get on there you WILL break it. And these tables cost like $300,000 dollars and I don't want to even try.
Our warranty has expired on the tables. So I don't know what we can do for you. I don't even think we have a table in Alaska that wont break under your weight." and the whole time he was saying all that I was trying to hold back tears.....but then a nurse had walked in when this man was telling me this and she said "No that is not true. I can do it, I know what we can do. She wont break the table." and he gave her this look like "shut up...." look, but then she turned to me and said "sweety we can do it, don't worry " so we did it. And guess what?! the table DIDNT break! And everything went perfectly! Im so glad she was there! 

Today I went and got chest x-rays and an abdominal ultrasound. Everything went good except it hurt pretty bad when the lady was doing the ultrasound on me, because she had push down SO hard. But I didnt complain  All that is left is blood work and a physical!!!!!!! And then I send everything in.

Endoscopy was today.

Apr 03, 2009

Hello everyone who reads my blog :) Well I had the Endoscopy.....It was NOT fun  The medicine they gave me that was supposed to relax me (not that I was nervous in the first place) well it did NOTHING to me.

And the medicine that was supposed to put me in this sleepy mode? well it did NOTHING to me so I was wide awake for everything and I remember everything

Maybe they just didnt use enough medicine? something. So basically I had a half numb throat and was wide awake. Once the scope was in my throat I had a horrible gag reflex trip and my whole body was heaving? like I was going to throw up and I could feel the scope in me and everything, was not such a great feeling.
My nurse told me that I wouldn't remember anything that happened and that I wouldn't feel anything but boy was he wrong.

I was doing my best to listen and do what they said to do but my body was tensing up and my throat was having spams? and everything so the doctor had to make it fast, plus the other nurse that was supposed to use the suction thing because I was almost puking, well she was being really rude and slow so I was kinda choking on my saliva.
But whatever Im just glad to have gotten it over with! 

Hello :) My first Blog post.

Mar 27, 2009

Hello everyone :) Well I know I dont really update as much as I should haha. I Usually post an update on the DS board from time to time.

Well as of so far I am getting all the required testing done for Dr. Marchesini in Brazil. Ive been talking to him Via e-mail and he had asked me to send in pictures of myself front, side and back and then he told me that he will still be able to do my surgery but that because of my panni? it looks like its going to a lil bit difficult and that I will most likely have to get the surgery open.
I told him that Im completely fine with that. So far Ive gotten my EKG done and my Psychological evaluation both good :) They also tried to do my blood testing but they weren't able to get any blood, not even a drop even after they poked me 8 times. Four times in each hand since they aren't able to find the vein in my arm.
I go in for my 1st endoscopy on April 3rd. And then after that I just need some x-rays and ultra sound on my stomach area and such. And then turn everything into Dr. M! One thing Ive noticed and am proud of is that I can explain the DS procedure very well to everyone I meet who doesn't know what it is.
This makes my PCP very happy haha since he hasn't memorized everything about the DS yet he lets me explain it to people he introduces me to  I keep getting comments such as "Your only 16 years old and I hope you know how big of a deal this is....." O and I do  so then I go off into this dedication speech and about how Ive thought of this for a while and I know that I will commit and do what needs to be done for my well being.
So on the 31st I have a physical with my PCP and blood work. And then on April 3rd I have my endoscopy. We haven't set an appointment date for the x-rays and ultrasound yet but that shouldn't be to difficult.

And also I had been waiting 2 1/2 moths for my lymphedema socks which I was only supposed to take 3 weeks at the most. Well I got them yesterday. I was all excited to finally get this under control and the lady said that it would make my swelling go down a bunch. Well I try-ed them on in the morning when my legs weren't so swelled up like Im supposed to. Well......they hurt. Like a TIGHT sock cutting off circulation type hurt, right at my ankle (thats where I have a crease) and the lady told me that these socks would be specially made so that the sock would not dig into my skin at that part. But they do dig into my skin and it is not fun at all! So I guess were going to have to send them back in and wait another 2 months -sigh- its ok, I can wait  Well there's my not so little update.
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About Me
polarbears&igloos, AK
Surgery Date
Jun 30, 2008
Member Since

Friends 144

Latest Blog 27
