Well....what is my story. I have been a plus sized individual all of my life. I've always been taller and wider than my friends. The taller part didn't bother me, but the wider part did. I remember my mother having to go to specail stores to have clothes for me, or having to have my pants made, partly due to my height, but also my weight. In high school and college I tried to maintain what looked like a healthy weight, but I was still picked on and looked over by guys, and ignored by my so called friends for certain events because they knew I wouldn't fit in or didn't have the clothes they had to wear, due to being larger than them. Anyway, I dealt with it, had a few bad relationships that forced me to drop weight, but also stray from God, and loose my hair.  Finally I started to get it together, and now with a husband that loves me no matter what....and three beautiful children, I was still at 391 for my highest weight. Fortunately, my husband encouraged me to try to have WLS and with his support and enroucagement, I have a surgery date of March 3, 2010.  So, I'm excited and scared. What if it doesn't work? What if I mess up? What if I still don't feel like exercising? Will I really be small like others i have seen? All these questions and with no right or wrong answer, I will have to stop worrying and trust in God. 

About Me
Franklinton, NC
Surgery Date
Feb 05, 2010
Member Since

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