Head hunger???

May 19, 2013

6 days out and today head hunger hit. Im not really hungry and I realize that. Getting in my water and protein but that pulled pork sammie the hubby and kiddos were eating smelled sooooo good. LOL had to go in the other room!!!

Liver shrinking SUCKS!!!

May 07, 2013

I have been on my liver shrink diet since last Thursday. And can honestly say it SUCKS!!! I know I will only be allowed these few things right after my bypass but dang, I will have a small little pouch LOL. I am proud to say I haven't had any slip ups or cheats. It's important to me do things things right. To prove I can overcome this mounting hunger that is about driving me nuts!!! A lady behind me at work is eating barbeque and I had a scene from the walking dead in my head of jumping on her desk and ripping apart her lunch. I think my boss MAY look down on that though. I have had nothing but jello,protein shakes,broth and water, water, water. Down 9 pounds but I am ready for my golf ball sized tummy! Come on Monday!!!!


Date scheduled!!! YAY!!!

Apr 15, 2013

Well, I have my date! May 13th!!! All is going to change!!! Excited and happy a little nervous and have to lose this last 5 pounds!


The beginning!

Apr 10, 2013

Hi all! New here...new on the path to healthiness...just got my insurance approval yesterday for my RNY and waiting to schedule my date. Soooooooo happy and excited!!! Hoping to surround myself with positive people and people who have been down this path. kiss

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About Me
Apr 02, 2013
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