Found my way back to OH!

Oct 17, 2011

Well, I'm still hangin in.  I had my panni done three weeks ago tomorrow.  Still wearing the binder because it makes me feel better.  I'm down to 148 now and couldn't be happier.  I still maintain that this is the best thing I've ever done for myself.  Since I last blogged I've got another grandchild.  Grace Marie was born in August.  Now I have one of each.  I've got to figure out how to navigate around OH again.  I'm still trying to figure out how to post a New Topic!  Being computer illiterate hasn't improved with age!  Hope to see everyone around again soon.


7 Months out

Feb 22, 2010

And down 83.5 pounds.  The weight loss is slowing down, but still happening, which makes me happy.  I only have another 19 pounds to reach my goal.  The Dr's goal has been passed now by 6 pounds!  Life is good, shopping is a pleasure now.  I've got another bag of clothing to take to Goodwill or the Woman's Resource Center.  Life is good, that's all I can say, life is good............

Officially 6 months post op

Jan 17, 2010

Well, I'm officially 6 months post op.  I'm feeling great, absolutely great.  Down 75 lbs.  Who'da thunk I could do this?  I'm amazed at how easy it's been for me.  Almost no problems at all.  Just a learning experience as to how much to eat and how slowly to eat.  Those were my major hurdles.  Now my hurdles are getting in all my calcium during the day.  The other vitamins I'm doing good with.
I've experienced a new love.  Love for shopping.  Pre-op I absolutely hated shopping.  Yesterday I went with a couple of girlfriends to the mall and hit the sales!  And amazingly things fit!  Some larges and some extra larges, depending...  It makes me feel giddy, and things actually look good on me.  I got a tapestry jacket on sale for $19.00 and a faux suede (purple) on sale for $6.99 at Christopher Banks, not CJ Banks.  Don't need the plus sized stores anymore!  This journey is really fun.  I'm trying not to let it go to my head, but I just feel so good about myself!  My confidence has taken a giant leap upward.
I hope everyone has as great a time on their journey as I'm having on mine.  I'm going to work harder at getting in all my calcium and more exercise in the future.


Almost 6 months out

Jan 10, 2010

Well, here I am almost 6 months out and down 73.5 pounds.  Friday I weighed in at 169.  I can't remember when the last time I weighed this.  I can remember feeling fat at 150, so I think I really had an image problem back then.  I'm hoping to lose another 29 pounds to get to 'my' goal weight.  I only have to lose 4 more pounds to get to the goal my dr. set for me.  I feel like I'm doing well.  Today I made dried cherry / almond scones from a recipe I got in my Splenda cookbook.  They are wonderful. 
I'm feeling good about myself again, and have more self confidence than I've had in years.  Good things are happening!

1 comment

New Grandma

Dec 13, 2009

Well, I am now a new Grandma to Joshua Alexander, born 12-11-09 weighing in at 6#14oz and 20" long.  He's a real cutie.  I hope I'll be a good Gram.  I think I will.
I'm finding I can eat almost anything I want without getting sick, which is exactly what I didn't want.  I don't know why I tried fries or bread, but I did and have no problem.  This will be a major problem now, staying away from the things that got me into the overweight situation in the first place.  I'd like to lose another 30 pounds, but I actually feel really good where I'm at right now.
We'll see what the next several months brings.
No regrets...


October 5, 2009

Oct 05, 2009

Today I got back from being out of town for 10 days or so.  I tried to be compliant, but wasn't totally.  I haven't weighed myself yet because I'm a little afraid.  I was at a plateau and don't know if I did myself any harm while away.  I decided to measure myself instead.  The first time I m measured was 8/12/09.  As of today, 10/5/09 I've lost a total of 15.75 inches.  I guess that's not too bad for under two months.  I lost 5.5" off my waist and 5" off my hips, 3.5 off my chest.  Not too shabby I guess.  I really thought I was doing poorly, but almost all of my clothes are too big now.  I'm into size 16 jeans again!  All in all I'm pretty darned happy :)
1 comment

10 Weeks Out

Sep 26, 2009

10 Weeks and 3 days out and I'm at another stand still.  I'm not getting in enough exercise nor liquids.  I know what I'm doing wrong, and yet I can't seem to get my act together.  I'm sitting here right now munching on beef jerky, because I just had a dinner salad at supper and no protein.  I'm always good at getting in all my proteins.  I usually have a protein shake with skim milk to start off my day with 35 gm of protein.  Then it's easier to get the rest of my proteins in with foods. 
Actually I'm quite perturbed at myself for not being totally compliant with the program of exercise and fluid intake.  I'll be very active for the next week so we'll see if I can jump start my weight loss again.


Two months out (in 3 days)

Sep 13, 2009

What a trip this has been so far.  I'm finding that even tho I thought I was a slow eater, I really wasn't.  I have a hard time remembering to chew enough, but I get reminded quickly. :)  This morning I hit a milestone I haven't seen in many years and did it feel good.  I even grinned at myself in the mirror after getting off of the scale!  I put a pair of pants on this morning for church that were too small for me a few short months ago, and they're too big now.  Another one bites the dust.  What a good feeling.  I'm amazed at how well I'm feeling, with the weight loss and the exercise.  My one dog has even lost weight and is looking much better.  People are beginning to compliment me now and ask what I'm doing.  I just tell them I'm eating high protein, low carb, small portion meals.  I'm not ashamed of having my surgery, but everyone doesn't need to know.  I know some people that are totally against it, feel it's the easy way out, and I don't need them talking about me behind my back.  The important people in my life know, and that's what matters to me.  Can't wait to see what the next several months have in store for me.  I'm just happy happy happy these days.Jan

Almost 7 weeks out

Sep 01, 2009

I'm feeling pretty good for the most part.  I'm down 38 pounds now and can notice the difference.  Things I used to struggle with I no longer have to struggle with, I just deal with them.  I can cross my legs and they stay, I can see my toes.  I have to keep pulling up my pants tho.
In two days I will be moving to Interlochen, MI.  I've got to get more into exercise so I don't waste this honeymoon period.  I want to lose another 60 pounds at least.  I'm a third of the way there.  Hope I meet my goal by a year out.  Maybe if I start exercizing more...  My exercise consists only of walking right now.  When I move I may try to find a pool or a gym to utilize.
Got some good results from recent blood work.  Cholesterol is excellent 123 and doctor said to discontinue taking the vytorin.  A1C has come down, but not far enough yet.  BP is down but doc still wants me to take medication for now, but a lower dose.  We'll see what happens after another 30 pound loss.  I'm regaining my health and stamina.  This is the best thing I could ever have done for myself!
No regrets here!


Moving right along

Aug 02, 2009

Well, things are moving along as planned.  I haven't been getting in as much exercise as I'd hoped I would, but I'm basically a sedentary person.  I just got back from a half mile walk with my dog, so it's a start.  I'm hoping to be able to accomplish this walk every morning.  It's weird, because when I walk my middle back muscles hurt.  I'm feeling really good otherwise, I just have to remember my guts were rearranged!
I over-did things the first week, and suffered for it, so now I'm taking it easier.  It's hard, because we sold our house and I'm supposed to be packing.  I can't lift anything more than 8# so I'm packing boxes and leaving them where they are until Gary comes home to move them.  You don't realize how much stuff you have until you have to pack and move.  Better get packing again.


About Me
Interlochen, MI
Surgery Date
Jan 11, 2009
Member Since

Friends 49

Latest Blog 18
