Let me start by saying that I come from a big family.  My mother is 5'11 and 380 lbs, my brother is 6'5 and around 400 lbs.  Our grand dad was 6 foot and around 500 lbs.  My mother raised me to have pride in myself and lives by the motto big is beautiful.  This has been wonderful for my self-confidence but has made it hard to loose weight.  I remember being 4'11 and weighing 99 lbs in first grade.  I did not realize I was a fat kid, until we had a sub teacher that weighed and measured us all in the middle of class.  He was astounded by my weight and made a big deal out of it.  I remeber asking my mom if I was different and she said yes because I was a beautiful amazonian princess.  (Thank God for mothers - they can always sooth a little girls tears:)  

So I am fighting genetics, great self image as well as a love for taste.  I am a pleasure eater - meaning if it doesn't taste good I will not eat it.

Because of my positive self image and realtivly good health (until 2 years ago) it took me 2 years to decide that surgery was really for me.  After having a PE and almost dying I started researching it in 2003.  I was afraid and after getting aproved in 2005, but before surgery, I almost died.  I found out the hard way I was a bad diabetic.  30 days before my RNY was schedualed I was rushed to ER with gangegreene.  Had to have my right butt cheek amputated.  Surgon told everyone I would not live.  Spent 30 days in the hospital and 60 more days off of work.  It took 2 years for the wound to fill in and heal.  At that point I knew that I had to have the RNY to save my life.  

I was in a good place mentally about surgery and not scared anymore.  I went in for surgery on 10/29/07.  I woke up and had to ask if I had been thru surgery already.  I have had no pain and no problems.  My surgeon  was wonderful.  This has been the best thing that I have ever done for myself.  I am thankful for the oppertunity.

So far I have only been sick a few times - Chew your food very slowly:)  I have stuck to the St. V yellow diet sheets almost religiously.  They are strict.  My friend had surgery 5 months ago at Methodist and can have bread already.  None for me for a year, per the yellow sheets. 

About Me
Indianapolis, IN
Surgery Date
Nov 10, 2007
Member Since

Friends 53

Latest Blog 14
Just wanted to say I love my OH family!
Down 200 lbs size 24
down 175 lbs
Got the new house and the new job!
Buying a new house
