RODEO CLOWNS S. 22 years ago

Diane, I like your spunk!!!!!! Keep on fighting for your right to have this surgery. It took me 1 1/2 yrs to get mine and I had to fight Kaiser all the way, even though it was my Kaiser doctors idea in the first place. Just getting all the paperwork in place took forever. My husband also had this surgery, he started out at 450 lbs. I was 300. He has now lost 200 lbs since Oct 2001. Darn men!!! They just lose faster. I have lost 95 lbs since June of 2001. I still have a lot more to go, but I will get there. You must keep fighting. You deserve this. Please don't give up and don't stop posting.

suzanne S. 22 years ago

Diane, if anyone understands your frustration is I. Please take the time to read my profile page and see the long battle I have had. Things do come true for those who wait. Please, Please, read it so you can see that I understand. Suzanne

Tammy B. 22 years ago

Hi Diane, Just wanted to tell you that the bashing that is going on on the message board is not fair. You mentioned in the beginning of your post that you were venting. I know that it has to be frustrating not being approved and knowing that you are miserable. I have been there, though my wait for approval was not long, and I thank God everyday for that. I had looked into Vocational Rehab, they will pay for surgery, though it's a long process, may something you could look into if you haven't already. Just know that there are a few of us that will support you honey and not bash you! Keep your chin up and e-mail me if you wanna chat. I'm here to listen, good bad or indifferent. God Bless.!! XOXO Tammy

Mendi M. 22 years ago

Diane - bless your heart! I read your post on the message board and wanted to reply, but wanted to make sure YOU saw my reply. I know lots of people are jumping on you and disagreeing. I would never recommend this surgery to anyone because of it's risks (no matter how small!) and the lifetime commitment, and I am pleased that my SURGEON has strict criteria so her patients need the help, and aren't "jumping on the bandwagon". I think I know what you meant, and I don't necessarily think you would really judge an individual on their numbers! Hang in there, it is clear you are frustrated. One of the members in our local support group had her surgery last week. She fought insurance for approval for TWO YEARS! Stay committed to your goal, I wish you well. Mendi
About Me
Grand Rapids, MI 49504, USA, MI
Surgery Date
Sep 22, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Not my highest weight (highest = 526)
PostOp - 2 yrs 4 mos months

Friends 31
