Hello, my name is Joy and I live in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio.  I am 53 years old and have been overweight for most of my life.  When I was 13, I lost weight with a lot of support from my family, but after I was married at the age of 20, I quit working and began the upward climb toward a lifetime high of 282 pounds, reached in 2005.  I was 135 lbs. when I was married.  I am an emotional eater and will always be.  That's why the gastric bypass was the only thing that would stop me from cramming my mouth full of food every time someone made me angry or hurt me. 

I was a preschool teacher and always "loomed" over the kids, not only because I was so much taller, but was so overweight.  We always taught self-esteeem in class, but it was difficult for me since I had so little of it.  I married a man who grew up trying desperately to impress and placate his demanding parents, and I often bore the brunt of his disappointment when he realized there was no pleasing them.  When our children were very little, I discovered he was cheating on me.  During that time, I lost 20 lbs in three weeks and then gained about 75 the next two years.  We stayed together, but our marriage was irreparably damaged.  In 2003, he had a stroke and I became the parent rather than the wife.  He is not completely disabled, but this man who always ran our family and made all the decisions needs and demands my constant attention. 

I knew I had to do something about my own health or I would lose my mind.  I knew if I didn't lose weight and relieve the pressure on my legs and back, I would be in a wheelchair by the time I was 60 years old. 

This has been the best thing, short of having my children, I have ever done.  It certainly is not easy.  I am almost two months out and still learning how to handle my "new life".  But I am content for the first time in a LONG time.  I know that no matter what happens, I will have the health and stamina to endure it!

About Me
Twinsburg, OH
Surgery Date
Jan 03, 2006
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 12
Not the "be all and end all"
"Back Home Again"
Coming to the end of the "honeymoon"??
To the New Year and less of me!
Is it worth it?
Turkey Day Success!
Six days out!
