Has it really beed that long!!!! ?

Jan 16, 2009

I had no idea it had really been that long since I had last wrote down everything that was going on after my gastric bypass!!! Holy Cow!!!

Lets see I am almost 6 months out already,  I was so very sick for a couple of months which turned out to be a stricture of some sort at the end of my esophagus, or top of my tummy pouch which ever way you prefer to look at it :) but that was taken care of and now I only get sick if I eat the wrong thing or eat too much.  I really am still limited in what I eat because after the stricture was fixed I had to start all over on liquids, pureed etc.  So I am only just now re introducing soft foods,  I am still a big fan of the refried beans, salsa, and cheese, and I can tolerate a couple of corn chips if I chew and chew them.   I have a VERY hard time not drinking with my meals, and I know that doesnt help any :)  

I have to say my biggest hurdles so far have been my own.  I have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that it is okay to eat.  I think with being heavy fo so long that I have a hard time accepting that food is okay to eat, I find myself not eatting all day (I know this is SOOO BAD) and then feeling a very guilty about my refried beans durring dinner.  I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I am never hungry.  If I were hungry I dont feel I would hesitate because well. . . I was hungry but since I never am, I feel kinda bad about it? maybe.  I think it is the reverse of head hunger maybe?

Also my skin, I had a really hard time three months out, it was almost like I wished I had all my fat back in there.  at least with the fat there you see it, you feel it, you cant hide it, but with the skin, it just hides under your clothes until you are standing there naked wondering what the hell did I just do to myself.  But I would say after I got over the fact that it was going to get worse before it got better.  I am good with that.  And now I just look forward to when I can get my tummy tuck :) 

Lets see I dont have measurements at the moment, but I am down to a size 12 jean YIPPY!!!!!  I will post my measurements from before and now and add up the inches lost in the next few days.  I am still 25 pounds from my personal goal, so hopefully by summer time I will have made it down to a size 9 and between 135 and 145 pounds :) 


About Me
Capron , IL
Apr 09, 2008
Member Since

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Latest Blog 16
Seven weeks and counting
The First Few Weeks After August 9,2008
July 22, 2008 The big day is finally here!!!!
I have a DATE !!!
Ugg Still Waiting
Now the real waiting begins
