Having a rough time

Dec 19, 2008

I was doing ok, but now I am just hungry much of the time.

Learning to live with the band is somewhat complicated.  I've realized that I will do better if I sit down, eat a meal slowly etc.
Frequently I don't do that.  I eat on the run, take bites that are too big and I get stuck, not seriously, but enough to be a problem for a while.

I just want to eat all of the time. 

I had been losing weight fairly well, but I seem to be stuck between 240 and 245.  Maybe this is because this is the weight range which I identify myself with for much of my adult life.  Who knows.

I was exhausted today and didn't work out in the morning, as a partial result my blood sugars were too high.  I took some Amaryl and they are back under control for now.


About Me
Pottstown, PA
Surgery Date
May 20, 2008
Member Since

Friends 29

Latest Blog 36
A report after six days post surgery
Saga of the surgery and complications
Leaving very early in the morning
Pre Op testing
Two days to go and a victory
