The VSG Experience

May 19, 2012

I posted this in response to a question.  Thought that maybe it'd be good to put it here.

Surgery Day:

Ok so I went in at 7:30 in the morning.   They took me back and  a nurse came and gave me an IV.  I saw the surgeon and the anesthesiologist and they were asking if I had questions ect.  They made me put on some type of paper gown and compression socks.  I was styling!  Than the nurse that was assisting with my surgery came to talk to me.  She let me know she was having VSG too and we talked about it.  I waited for awhile and than they came to take me to the OR.   So they rolled me in to the OR, and said we are giving you something to help you relax.  They told me I needed to move to the operating table and were helping me on from my bed....I don't even remember hitting the operating table lol.  Midway through everything from that moment is gone.  I woke up and OMG!  Pain!  Nausea!  I kept saying I was going to throw up...and they finally told me well go ahead throw up.  I was like it hurts it hurts and they said we already gave you 6mg of morphine.  Than I started asking for my boyfriend.  After maybe 10 min in recovery they took me to my room.  There was some sweet lady there that kept explaining everything she was doing.  I was still in pain and started to cry.  The surgeon came to see me and he asked where it hurt so I told him and in one min I had more morphine.  I got up 30 min after that dose of morphine and was able to mostly handle things...but I was a grouch!  I wasn't nice to anyone I was still hurting so they gave me something stronger.  OMG!  It was great I was able to get up and walk.  That afternoon the nurse came in and told me...If you don't pee I'm going to have to give you a catheter.'s amazing how motivating that is! lol....the night went great on the new meds.  

Day Two:

Still in lots of pain....but better so I was being a little nicer and keeping up with the walking.  I went to do the leak test and was super tired lol and high from the medication!   lol they let me have full liquids  after I passed and yea I really wasn't interested.  I got to go home!  We drove back and I had to get out of the car every hour and walk.  I don't remember much about that day but sleeping and walking.  I didn't drink the water I was suppose to.

Day Three:  Wow I felt better but not completely still  on pain meds.  Drinking is so hard but I got in the protein and I got the water in...I had to drink hot liquids or they wouldn't really go down...very sleepy but walked around the house and up and down the street.

Day 4 to week 2:  after day four the pain really went away it was mostly just soreness.  I kept up with the drinking and getting in my protein.  I tried to walk around at Costco one day and bottomed out after about 30 min.  I slept almost all day long some days.  I was bored out of my mind and watched cooking shows all day.  I cried some...I was just so happy my cravings and hunger were gone.  I went to see the doctor and they advanced my diet that day to soft foods.  Everything was good no complications no problems.

week 2 to current:
Yes back to work!  I have something to do besides become a payment part of my recliner.  Besides feeling very tired I'm doing super great.  The pain is all gone.  I can't say that soft food are that great.  It's impossible to eat enough to get the protein I need so I have to drink the protein still.  There really haven't been any problems with fluids or protein.  The pain is gone and I have no complaints about anything at all.

Here is my weight loss for you.

Loss on supervised diet: 66
2 Week Pre-op diet:  13
Week 1: 8 pounds
Week 2: Zero
Week 3: 2 pounds

Also I wanted to Add that I'm a 34f french bougie...I didn't want to know...but I thought it would be so cool to read the surgeons report...damn it!!!


About Me
Albuquerque, NM
Surgery Date
Jun 14, 2011
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