
I attended an informational seminar in Langhorne, PA. The presentation was excellent and it inspired me to do more research on gastric bypass surgery.


I've concluded that the RNY procedure would be a great solution to my situation. I've struggled with being overweight my whole life (I'm 48) and have tried numerous diets and excercise programs. I'd lost weight and then gain it back--and more. Right now, I am 5"11" and weigh about 375 lbs. I have high blood pressure, arthritis, lumber disc problems, and joint pain.

Dr. Brader described the laproscopic RNY surgery at the seminar. It appeared that this method would probably have less pain and a quicker recovery time. So I decided to schedule a consultation with him on July 5th to discuss things further, including my medical history.

If Dr. Brader thinks I might be a good candidate, then I will move ahead and schedule the surgery.


I met with my primary care doctor today. I wanted to get her opinion about bariatric surgery. She was very supportive. And she told me that a few of her patients have already had surgery at Barix with good results. In fact, they even used the same doctor that I will be consulting with on July 6th.

We had a discussion about some of the risks involved, as well as the risks of being overweight. She pointed out that this is a tool and that my behavior must change after the surgery in order to keep the weight off long term. And she explained about the use of supplements for protein and vitamins.

She told me that she would like me to come back and see her after my consultation so that we can start planning for the required testing.

This made me feel really good about moving ahead with my plans. So I am looking forward to my consultation with Dr. Brader in July.


I had my consultation with Dr. Brader at Barix Clinics in Langhorne, PA today. The experience exceeded my expectations in every way.

I arrived about a half hour early for my 1:00 p.m. appointment. My wife and son were with me as well. Within a few minutes, a nurse took me into a back room and recorded my height and weight. On their scale I weighed in at 372.66.

The consultation took part in two different segments. The first part would be a group presentation. Dr. Brader introduced himself and gave a presentation about the surgery in detail. It included the risks, possible complications, preparation advice, and expected results. He also answered our questions. This part took about 1 hour and 45 minutes.

We were then given an opportunity to meet with Dr. Brader individually as well. One of the doctor's staff members escorted me back to a private room. She went over my medical history and the information on the forms that I had to prepare about previous surgeries, medications, etc.

Then soon after that, Dr. Brader came in, reviewed the history, and told me it looks like I would be a good candidate for the surgery. He told me that I would have to get a sleep study and to send him the results of a stress test that I had in the past.

He also asked if I had any questions. I had actually prepared a list of about 30 questions to ask him, but fortunately most of them were answered by his presentation. Nevertheless, he answered every concern that I had. He never appeared to be rushed or anxious to move on.

As soon as the doctor left the room, a nutritionist came in for a consultation. She discussed what needed to be done to prepare for the surgery and briefly gave an overview of what to expect afterwards. A telephone number was provided in case I had any questions.

Before I left, I was given a list of support groups and the doctor's telephone numbers. I was told that the information about my medical history and Dr. Brader's recommendation for the surgery would be sent to my insurance company for initial approval. I was also advised that the insurance company would probably have some additional requirements to fulfull before the surgery could be scheduled. They said that the normal time interval between the consultation and scheduling the surgery is eight to twelve weeks.

At this point, I feel very comfortable with my decision to have the laproscopic RNY surgery with Dr. Brader at Barix. I am looking forward to satisfying the necessary requirements and moving ahead.


In the last 2 months, I have been working on the list of requirements that my insurance company requested before I could apply for pre-certification. I learned that my insurance policy will cover weight loss surgery in full as long as it is medically necessary and that I fulfilled their requirements.

I completed a psychological evaluation, nutritional evaluation, a medically supervised diet over a period of 6 consecutive months, provided documentation of my weight history for the last 5 years (with supporting office notes from my doctor). In addition, I completed a TSH level blood test to rule out metabolic causes for obesity. My doctor needed to write a letter of support for the surgery, along with documenting my weight related medical problems and stating that I am a non-smoker.

My surgeon also required that I get a sleep study, a stress test and an echocardiogram.

The sleep study indicated that I have sleep apnea. I had to get a CPAP machine and have been using it for the last 3 weeks. The sleep doctor said that my case is not severe and that the apnea should go away after I lose weight. I am looking forward to that time already.

The cardiac doctor stated that, in his opinion, I had no heart problems and cleared me for surgery.

All of the above items will be sent to my insurance company for processing. I was told it takes about 4 to 6 weeks to get an answer back. And, if I get an approval, I can schedule the surgery.

I was told that Dr. Brader was now scheduling into late November and early December. Actually, that would be good for my schedule as well.

In addition to satisfying all of my doctor's requirements and insurance company's requirements, I have also been continuing my research on the RNY and gastric bypass surgery in general. I have read five books over the summer and will start another next week.

I am convinced that the surgery is the right choice for me, and I am looking forward to having it scheduled.


I received my approval letter!

The only thing I need now is a date for surgery.


I finally have a surgery date. It will be January 8, 2007.

I completed all of my insurance requirements back in August and received my letter of approval. But because my doctor is so much in demand, I had to wait nearly 5 months for the surgery date to be scheduled.

I hope that things go more quickly from this point. They have me coming in for pre-admission testing on December 28th.


My pre-admissions testing was completed today.  Everything was fine.  I weighed in at 361 on their scale.  So I have lost about 12 lbs. since my consultation back in July!  This was a great relief to me because I was worried about not losing the required 10 lbs. before the surgery.  Now I just have to maintain my current weight until January 8th and I'm good to go.


Surgery is only 4 days away.  I'm excited but a little nervous.
I just learned that the Barix pre-op support group will be meeting on the evening after my surgery date.  If I feel up to it, I am planning to go down to the lobby and meet everyone.


Tomorrow is the big day.  I am packing my suitcase and getting myself ready to go to Barix.  At noon I will begin my clear liquid diet.  The scheduler called to ask me to report at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow morning.


Well I had my surgery on the 8th.  Everything went very well and there were no complications.  I'm back home now and happy to be on the losing side.
I'd like to thank everyone that offered their support and prayers, especially my angel Nicole L.


These few paragraphs will conveniently summarize my experience on surgery day.
After you check in, they weigh you and have you complete some forms.  A pre-op nurse comes out to bring you to pre-op to get you ready.  She was really delightful.  She had me change into the hospital gown.  She then put a warm blanket on me and gave me another one for my lumbar back area also (I have a bad back). Then she started my IV.
Then several people came in to see me, namely the anesthesiologist, a surgical nurse, a nurse anesthesiologist, and then finally Dr. Brader.  Dr. Brader had me sign the consent form.  The pre-op nurse then gave me an injection into the IV.  That is the last thing I remembered.
I remember waking up in the recovery room in a lot of pain.  There was a medical doctor there and some nurses.  They gave me some pain medication and the pain eased. I guess I drifted off to sleep again.  Because the next thing I remember is waking up in my room.  A nurse was with me and made sure I was comfortable.  She explained how to use the push button device to administer the pain medicine.  This worked very well and I never ran out.
After about 4 hours, they had me get out of bed and walk around.  It wasn't that difficult.  The respiratory therapist came in to have me breath into the breathing device they gave me at pre admissions testing.
I was in the hospital for about 48 hours.  And overall it was a really good experience.  The care was first rate.  I have had four previous surgeries for other things, so I had a lot to compare my experience to.  Barix was the best by far.

It has been only 5 days since my surgery and I'm feeling great.  I'm getting a good night's sleep.  And, I'm feeling very energetic.  In fact, I just got back from running some errands.  I walked around the mall.  And, I had a peppermint tea at Borders before I came home.
I weighed myself this morning and couldn't believe that I already lost some weight.  My highest was 375.  At my consultation, it was about 373.  At Pre-Admissions Testing, it was 361.  When I reported for surgery, I was 356, however, when I left the hospital I was 366.  I guess I gained a lot from the IVs.  But this morning I was 349.  So I am moving in the right direction.


I'm ten days out and feeling great. I have had not any problems whatsoever. I'm getting all of my protein and water in. I'm walking about 15 minutes every day (mostly at the mall). And I've lost about 15 lbs. and about 3 inches from my waste so far.


I visited my family doctor today.  Everything was fine.  I told her the doctor at Barix took me off my high blood pressure medication.  And, the last time that I had it was the morning of the surgery.  She took my pressure and told me I can stay off of it!  She did ask that I get my pressure check weekly for a few months just to make sure.  However, it looks like one of my goals has already been realized.


I had my two week follow up appointment today at Barix with Dr. Brader.  He was very pleased with my progress and compliance with my diet.  My official weight on their scale was 341.  I will be able to start pureed foods on 1/29/07!


Tomorrow it will be 3 weeks since my surgery.  I feel better that I have in a long time.  I have much more energy.  My joints have not been hurting me.  And I have been able to walk about 15 to 20 minutes briskly every day, something I could not do before surgery.  My clothes are also getting too big for me.  I dug out some old things from my closet that now fit again.
I am also happy with my numbers so far:

Highest:  375
Consultation:  373
PAT:  361
Surgery:  356
Today:  333

As of right now, I have not had any problems or complications whatsoever.  I hope that this continues.


As of tomorrow I will be 5 weeks post-op.  I'm feeling great.  I'm down 4 lbs. since last week, down 31 since surgery, and down 50 from my consultation!  I also went from a size 60 pants to a 54.

Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 329
Today: 325 

As of tomorrow I will be 6 weeks post-op.  I'm feeling great.  I'm down 5 lbs. since last week, down 36 since surgery, and down 55 from my consultation! 

Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 325
Today: 320


As of tomorrow I will be 7 weeks post-op.  I'm down 3 lbs. since last week, down 39 since surgery, and down 58 from my consultation! 

Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 320
Today: 317

I posted some new pictures to my photo page 3 days ago.  On Friday, Feb. 23, 2007, I had my 6 week follow up visit with Dr. Brader.  He was very pleased with my progress.   By my 3 month visit, he expects that my weight will be flirting with the 300 mark.


For the last 3 weeks, I have been traveling in East Asia for work.
Well, my trip is over and I'm glad to be home.  Overall everything went very well.  I'm still trying to adjust to our time and waking up in the middle of the night.

If you are traveling to Asia, go with confidence.  There are plenty of healthy foods to eat, namely, all kinds of seafood (steamed or baked), fresh tropical fruit, veggies, chicken and beef satay, sashimi, yogurt, etc.  And, all of the hotels have at least some western selections on their menus.  For example, I actually had chile con carne in Malaysia.

It is good to be prepared with a small supply of protein bars and supplements.  And, if you drink decafinated beverages like I do, bring your own tea bags.  They don't seem to have any decaf. tea anywhere in Asia.  I had my own tea bags and just asked for hot water.  They did serve decaf. coffee in most hotels though.  I didn't have any, but I was told it tasted vile.

I had no problems getting my exercise in either.  All of the hotels that I stayed at had a fitness center, and most had a pool.  I got lots of walking in as well.

And, the internet is available in all hotels.  So, you can stay connected to the Men's Board--a very important consideration to me.

In Bangkok I purchased tailor made clothing.  I got two suits and several dress shirts.  The overall price was less than buying off the rack here and the quality was better.

I have to say that in the beginning, I was a little nervous to be traveling internationally only 7 weeks after surgery.  Knowing that the Men's Board was available for support was very comforting to me. 

As of tomorrow I will be 11 weeks post-op.  I haven't posted on the Weekly Weigh-In for 4 weeks, because I was out of the country and couldn't rely on the scales.  Besides, they were all in kilograms anyway.

I'm down 20 lbs. since my last weigh in, down 59 since surgery, and down 78 from my consultation!  So I guess I averaged a 5 lbs. loss over the last 4 weeks.  I have to say that I am very pleased with that result.

Also, I am now under 300 lbs. for the first time in over 10 years!

Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
4 Weeks ago: 317
Today: 297


As of tomorrow I will be 12 weeks post-op.  I have been averaging a loss of about 5 lbs. a week since surgery.  But this week I'm only down 2 lbs. since my last weigh in.  So I may be having a bit of a stall.  

I'm exercising more than ever.  And my diet has been on track.

Overall, I'm down 61 since surgery, and down 80 from my highest!  Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 297
Today: 295


Happy Easter Everyone!

As of tomorrow I will be 13 weeks post-op.  This week I'm down 3 lbs. since my last weigh in.  

Overall, I'm down 64 since surgery, and down 83 from my highest!  Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 295
Today: 292


As of tomorrow I will be 14 weeks post-op.  This week I'm down 5 lbs. since my last weigh in.  

Overall, I'm down 69 since surgery, and down 88 from my highest! 

Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 292
Today: 287

I had my 3 month follow up appointment with Dr. Brader on Friday, April 13th.  He was very pleased with my progress.  I met my weight target of being at 300 or less.  All of my blood work was good.  My b12 was actually very good and I'm not on any supplements.  I guess my diet is providing a good supply for me right now.  So the bottom line is that I didn't need any vitimin supplements right now.  I simply continue to take 2 Flintstones Complete chewable vitimins twice a day.
At my six month follow up appointment, Dr. Brader expects me to lose an additional 30 lbs.  We also discussed exercise.  I have been walking aerobically at least a half hour each day.  When I travel, I have been swimming as well.  He thought these activities were serving me well right now.  However, he suggested that I would need to ramp things up soon, as they will become too easy for me and not provide enough benefit. I feel better that I have in many years.  And, I have made the adjustment to my new lifestyle much quicker than I thought I would.  I intend to continue on this path.


As of tomorrow I will be 15 weeks post-op.  I'm down 3 lbs. since last week.  

Overall, I'm down 72 since surgery, and down 91 from my highest!  Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 287
Today: 284


As of tomorrow I will be 17 weeks post-op.  I'm down 9 lbs. since last my last weigh in two weeks ago.  I was traveling last week and unable to post.  

Overall, I'm down 81 since surgery, and down 100 from my highest!  Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Two Weeks Ago: 284
Today: 275


As of tomorrow I will be 18 weeks post-op.  I'm down 2 lbs. since last week. 

Overall, I'm down 83 since surgery, and down 102 from my highest!  Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 275
Today: 273


As of tomorrow I will be 19 weeks post-op.  I'm down 3 lbs. since last week. 

Overall, I'm down 86 since surgery, and down 105 from my highest! 

Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 273
Today: 270


As of tomorrow I will be 21 weeks post-op.  I'm down 6 lbs. since my last weigh in two weeks ago.  

I was in Minneapolis last week for a conference and didn't get a lot of computer time.

Overall, I'm down 92 since surgery, and down 111 from my highest! 

Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Two Weeks Ago: 270
Today: 264


As of tomorrow I will be 22 weeks post-op.  I'm down 4 lbs. since last week.  

Overall, I'm down 96 since surgery, and down 115 from my highest!  Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 264
Today: 260

I added some new photos to my profile.  As you can see, there is a huge difference from 5 months ago!


As of tomorrow I will be 23 weeks post-op.  I'm down 2 lbs. since last week.  

Overall, I'm down 98 since surgery, and down 117 from my highest!  Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 260
Today: 258


I am now 24 weeks post-op, and I'm down 4 lbs. since last week.  

Overall, I'm down 102 since surgery, and down 121 from my highest!  Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 258
Today: 254

I started to lift dumbbells about a month ago.  In addition, I am doing exercises on an exercise ball.  My strategy is to do a whole body work out 3 times a weeks.  My muscles are starting to firm up and I am feeling much stronger that I have in a long time.


I am now 25 weeks post-op, and I'm down 4 lbs. since last week.  

Overall, I'm down 106 since surgery, and down 125 from my highest!  I am now merely obese (BMI 34.9).

Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 254
Today: 250

I was disappointed to hear that Dr. Brader, my surgeon, has left Barix Clinics.  And, my 6 month follow up appointment has to be rescheduled with another doctor yet to be determined.  I have a great deal of respect for Dr. Brader and felt lucky to have him perform my surgery.  I wish him well.


I am now 6 months post-op.  I was on vacation last week and not able to post.  We went to Ocean City, MD and spent most of our time on the beach.  It was a great not to feel self-conscience about my appearance.

I'm down 6 lbs. since my last weigh in two weeks ago.  

Overall, I'm down 112 since surgery, and down 131 from my highest!  

Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Two Weeks Ago: 250
Today: 244


I'm down 1 lbs. since last week.  

Overall, I'm down 113 since surgery, and down 132 from my highest!   
Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 244
Today: 243


I'm down 4 lbs. since last week.  

Overall, I'm down 117 since surgery, and down 136 from my highest!  Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 243
Today: 239

I added some new photos to my profile.  Please check them out.


For the first time since my surgery, I have not lost anything.  I am exactly the same weight as I was last week. 

My exercise and diet have not changed, so I wonder if I am entering a plateau or slowdown.  I am almost 7 months post-op.  So I guess it is not that unusual.  

Overall, I'm down 117 since surgery, and down 136 from my highest!  Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 239
Today: 239

I'm 7 months post-op right now. 

Overall, I'm down 119 since surgery, and down 138 from my highest!  Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 239
Today: 237


I'm 7 months post-op right now. 

Overall, I'm down 121 since surgery, and down 140 from my highest!  

Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 237
Today: 235


I'm down 2 lbs. since last week. 

Overall, I'm down 123 since surgery, and down 142 from my highest!  

Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 235
Today: 233

I'm down 3 lbs. since last week. 

Overall, I'm down 126 since surgery, and down 145 from my highest!  Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 233
Today: 230


I am now 8 months post op.  Everything continues to go well.

I'm still walking every day.  For the last 3 months, I have been doing a total body work out 3 times a week with dumb bells.  I'm using relatively light weights (10 pounders) with a lot of repetitions.  This has really given me a lot of muscle tone.

I'm down 1 lbs. since last week.   Overall, I'm down 127 since surgery, and down 146 from my highest weight!  Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 230
Today: 229

I've added some new photos to my profile.


I'm down 1 lbs. since last week.   Overall, I'm down 128 since surgery, and down 147 from my highest weight!  Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 229
Today: 228


I'm down 4 lbs. since last week.   Overall, I'm down 132 since surgery, and down 151 from my highest weight!  Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 228
Today: 224


Greetings from Singapore!  I am traveling in Asia again for the next month and will be hitting all the major cities before I return to the US.

This week, I am happy to report that I'm overweight!  After being super morbidly obese, I am now merely overweight according to the BMI.  I started out with a BMI of 52.4 and now I am at 29.8.

I'm down 4 lbs. since last week.   Overall, I'm down 136 since surgery, and down 155 from my highest weight!  Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 224
Today: 220


Greetings from Bangkok!  

After Singapore, I went to Kuala Lumpur for a few days.  Now Im in Bangkok.  Tomorrow morning, I'll be off to Taipei, that is if the typhoon doesn't cancel my flight.

I've been able to eat healthy and continue my exercise.  There are many healthy food choices and all of the hotels have health clubs.

If the scale in my room is correct, and if my conversion from kg to lbs is correct, I'm down 2 lbs. since last week.   Overall, I'm down 138 since surgery, and down 157 from my highest weight! 

Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 220
Today: 218


Hi Guys!

I'm back in the US and adjusting to the time zone on the east coast.  But I'm still getting up in the middle of the night.

I think my last post covered SE Asia.  After that I visited Taipei, Hong Kong, Seoul, Shanghai, and Tokyo.

For the SE Asian part of my trip, I managed to keep my exercise routine in tact, namely walking every day and lifting weights 3 times a week.  However, in NE Asia, I cut the weights back to 2 times a week.  And, I walked about as much also.  It was a combination of a busy schedule and being on the road a month.

I'm happy to report no problems whatsoever.  I found many healthy choices wherever I went.  For breakfast there was a choice between western and asian.  Some days I had the western (e.g., eggs, ham, toast, etc.).  Some days I had the asian (e.g., smoked fish, veggies, dim sum, fruit, yogurt, etc.).  But I think I had a combination on most days.

For lunch and dinner, I ate a lot of prawns and shellfish.  There was also a lot of sashimi and it was great.  I had chicken, beef, and lamb satay with peanut sauce in Malaysia that was wonderful.

I had 3 suits and 4 dress shirts made to measure in Bangkok.  Because of my weight loss, I really needed new dress clothes.  And they look great on me.

One of the highlights of my trip was to speak to Dave from Japan on the telephone.  And I can assure you that he is just as charming and engaging live and in person as he is on the boards.

The weights reported on the hotel scales varied considerably.  And, they are all in kg, not lbs.  So I had to convert (kg x 2.2 = lbs.).

When I started my trip, I was 220.  And today I hit the 215 mark.  The 215 is a landmark for me because it was the goal that my surgeon gave me when I started out.  So overall I lost of total of 160 lbs!

However, I'm going to re-evalute my goal and might consider losing a bit more.  And, there are some skin issues that will eventually need to be addressed.

I'm down 5 lbs. since last month (my last US datapoint).   Overall, I'm down 141 since surgery, and down 160 from my highest weight! 

Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
One Month Ago: 220
Today: 215


I'm exactly the same weight as as last week--no gain or loss.  Overall, I'm down 141 since surgery, and down 160 from my highest weight!  Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 215
Today: 215


I'm down 2 lbs. since last week.  Overall, I'm down 143 since surgery, and down 162 from my highest weight! 

Highest: 375
Consultation: 373
PAT: 361
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 215
Today: 213


I'm exactly the same as last week--no gain or loss.  

Overall, I'm down 143 since surgery, and down 162 from my highest weight!  

375/215/213 (2 lbs. below goal)


I gained 1 lbs.this week, which I attribute to Thanksgiving.  My wife made apple pie with Splenda.  And, I had some sugar-free ice cream made with Splenda.  In addition, I consumed all of the normal Thanksgiving specialities, along with a couple of glasses of wine.  I still managed to get my regular exercise though.

Overall, I'm down 142 since surgery, and down 161 from my highest weight!  

375/215/214 (1 lbs. below goal)


I'm down 1 lbs. this week.

Overall, I'm down 143 since surgery, and down 162 from my highest weight!  

375/215/213 (2 lbs. below goal)


Right now I'm 11 months post op.

I'm down 2 lbs. this week.

Overall, I'm down 146 since surgery, and down 165 from my highest weight!  

375/215/210 (5 lbs. below goal)


I'm down 2 lbs. this week.  And, even though I reached my initial goal of 215 a few weeks ago, I'm still continuing to loose.

I haven't changed my eating or exercise.  So I guess my body isn't ready to stop just yet.  

Last Friday, I met with my family doctor.  She encouraged me to stabilize at about 200.

My one year follow up appointment with my surgeon is coming up just after New Year's.  So after meeting with the doc, I will decide if I should keep loosing or try to stabilize.

Overall, I'm down 148 since surgery, and down 167 from my highest weight!  

375/215/208 (7 lbs. below goal)


I'm down 1 lbs. since last week.  Today I'm 207.

Overall, I'm down 149 since surgery, and down 168 from my highest weight!  

375/215/207 (8 lbs. below goal)


I didn't weigh myself in two weeks and was surprised to see a 2 lbs. gain.  I have to attribute this to the holidays.

Today I'm 209.

Overall, I'm down 147 since surgery, and down 166 from my highest weight!  

I had my one year follow up and it went very well.  I have exceeded my surgeon's expectations so far.  My lab tests were good as well.  I went from a BMI of 52 to 28 so far.

For the next year, we set a goal to have my weight  in the 170 to 190 range.  So I decided to pick 180 as my ultimate goal weight.

I also decided to buy a treadmill.  It was just delivered on Friday.  Although I have been walking outside, the weather has been terrible.  This will be much more convenient for me.  My wife and son will use it as well.

I'm still lifting weights and now work out with 20 lbs. dumb bells for most exercises.  The weights have made a big difference in my body definition.  I'm planning to continue lifting throughout the year as well.


After I reported a 2 lbs. gain last week, I got myself back on track and can now report a 4 lbs. loss.  I watched my diet more carefully and got in a lot more exercise.


I lost 1 lbs. since last week.  Today I'm 204

Overall, I'm down 152 since surgery, and down 171 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 205
Today: 204


I lost 2 lbs. since last week.  Today I'm 202.

Overall, I'm down 154 since surgery, and down 173 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 204
Today: 202


I lost 2 lbs. since last week.  Today I'm 200.

Overall, I'm down 156 since surgery, and down 175 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 202
Today: 200


I gained 1 lbs. since last week.  Today I'm 201.

Overall, I'm down 155 since surgery, and down 174 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 200
Today: 201
I haven't posted in a few weeks, as I was traveling in East Asia.  However, I was able to keep up my diet and exercise routine.

I just got back and weighed myself.  I have lost 3 lbs. since my last posting.  Today I'm 198.  This is the first time I have been under 200 in at least 25 years!

Overall, I'm down 158 since surgery, and down 177 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Weigh In: 201
Today: 198

I've been bouncing up and down within a few pounds over couple months.  My exercise and diet have been the same.  I wonder if my body wants to settle in this range.

I am the same weight since my last posting.  Today I'm 198.  

Overall, I'm down 158 since surgery, and down 177 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Weigh In: 198
Today: 198


I am up 1 lbs. since last week.  Today I'm 199.

I've gained and lost the same 3 lbs. over the last 3 months.  My weigh ins have been 198-201.  I'm 15 months post-op, so my weight might be stabalizing.  I'm still lifting weights twice a week.  And, I walk 36 minutes a day on my treadmill at 4.3 mph.  My diet remains pretty much the same.

Overall, I'm down 159 since surgery, and down 176 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Weigh In: 199
Today: 199


I am exactly the same as last week, 199.

I'm still fluctuating within the same 3 lbs. range over the last almost 4 months. 

Overall, I'm down 157 since surgery, and down 176 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Weigh In: 199
Today: 199


My weight is exacty the same as last week, 199.  I have been maintaining the same weight for 3 weeks straight.  And, I have been within a 3 lbs. range for the last 3.5 months.  

I'm down 2 lbs. since last week.  Today I'm 197.

I have been right around 199 for the last 4 months.  So I was surprised to step on the scale this morning and see a 2 lbs. loss.  But I have been exercising very hard.

Overall, I'm down 159 since surgery, and down 178 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 199
Today: 197


I'm down 2 lbs. since last week.  Today I'm 195.  This is a new low for me.

I was stuck right around 199 for about 4 months.  And, in the past two weeks, I've lost 4 lbs. This is amazing.  I though I was just about finished losing and beginning to stabilize.

Overall, I'm down 161 since surgery, and down 180 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 197
Today: 195

I'm down 2 lbs. since last week.  Today I'm 193.  This is another new low for me.

Yesterday I needed to go shopping because my pants were getting loose again.  I bought new one in size 36.  I can't even remember the last time I wore a 36.  And, because Macy's had a good clearance sale, I decided to pick up a few shirts as well.  The large were too big and I ended up purchasing medium.  I don't ever remember wearing a medium, even in high school.

Overall, I'm down 163 since surgery, and down 182 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 195
Today: 193


I'm up 2 lbs. since last week.  Today I'm 195. 

I was traveling this week and haven't been exercising as much as usual.  And, I had wine with dinner a few times.  I'm sure this has had an impact.  My goal this week is to get back on track.

Overall, I'm down 161 since surgery, and down 180 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 193
Today: 195 


I'm down 1 lbs. since last week.  Today I'm 194. 

Last week I gained 2 lbs.  And, this week I had a goal to get back on track.  Now I'm moving in the right direction.

Overall, I'm down 162 since surgery, and down 181 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 195
Today: 194 


I gained 1 lbs. since last week.  Today I'm 195. 

I was traveling this week, however,  I did get my workouts in.  I ate in restaurants all week.

Overall, I'm down 161 since surgery, and down 180 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 194
Today: 195 


I lost 2 lbs. since last week.  Today I'm 193. 

Overall, I'm down 163 since surgery, and down 182 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 195
Today: 193


I lost 3 lbs. since last week.  Today I'm 190. This is a new low for me.

Overall, I'm down 166 since surgery, and down 185 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week: 193
Today: 190


I haven't posted in about 3 weeks.  During that time, I've fluctuated between 190 and 195.  I've been in this range since April.  So I think I'm stabilizing here.  Today I'm 192. 

I'm still following the same nutrution plan.  And, I am continuing my weight training.  I've also started to ride a bike and am having a ball with it.

Overall, I'm down 164 since surgery, and down 183 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Weigh In: 190
Today: 192


Today I'm 193 and down 2 lbs. since last week. I'm still within my normal range. 

Overall, I'm down 163 since surgery, and down 182 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week 195
Today: 193


Today I'm 196 and up 1 lbs. since last week. I'm still within my normal range. 

Overall, I'm down 160 since surgery, and down 179 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week 195
Today: 196


Today I'm 196 and the same as last week. I'm still within my normal range. 

Overall, I'm down 160 since surgery, and down 179 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week 196
Today: 196


Today I'm 196 and the same as last week--no gain, no loss. I'm still within my normal range. 

Overall, I'm down 160 since surgery, and down 179 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week 196
Today: 196


Today I'm 194 and down 2 lbs. since last week. I'm still within my normal range. 

Overall, I'm down 162 since surgery, and down 181 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week 196
Today: 194


Today I'm 194 and exactly the same as last week. I'm within my normal range. 

Overall, I'm down 162 since surgery, and down 181 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week 194
Today: 194


Today I'm 194 and exactly the same as last week. I'm within my normal range. 

Overall, I'm down 162 since surgery, and down 181 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Week 194
Today: 194


I haven't posted for awhile.  For the last 5 weeks, I have been traveling in Asia and just returned.

Today I'm 192 and 2 lbs. less than my last posting. I'm within my normal range. 

Overall, I'm down 164 since surgery, and down 183 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Last Posting 194
Today: 192


I haven't posted for awhile.  My weight has been very stable for most of the last 3 months.  However, I had a slight weight gain over the holidays.  Now I am back on track, however.

Over the past year, my weight has been fluctuating in the 193 to 198 range.  During the holiday season, it creaped up to 203.  Most of that came from liquid calories (wine) and from eating foods that are not normally a part of my diet.

I had my annual visit with my family doctor.  She was very pleased with my progress and my health in general.  My blood pressure was 116/62, which was great.  I used to have high blood pressure before my surgery.  Now it is fine without medication.

I also had my 2 year anniversay visit with my bariatric surgeon.  Again, everything went great.  My labs were all in range.  And, he told me that I am at a healthy weight right now and it was not necessary to loose any more.  I weighed 202 at the surgeon's office, but that morning at home I was 198 on my own scale.

We discussed plastic surgery and I was given a referral to a plastic surgeon specializing in bariatric patients.  This surgeon does surgeries at Barix as well.  I will need to schedule an appointment with him to discuss my loose skin.

Today I'm 196 and lost the holiday weight after ramping up my exercise and watching my diet. I'm back within my normal range. 

Overall, I'm down 160 since surgery, and down 179 from my highest weight!  

Highest: 375
Surgery: 356
Today: 196

About Me
Waverly, PA
Surgery Date
Apr 24, 2006
Member Since

Friends 45

Latest Blog 1
