Turning 39 on September 24th!

Sep 21, 2011


I love this....

Jul 22, 2010

1 comment


Sep 30, 2008


Highest Weight: 276 lbs
Lap Band Placed July 27, 2005-   Its now September 2007 and I am currently waiting for a surgery date to have the Band removed and Lap RNY in its place. I am thrilled! My current weight is a fluctuating 232 lbs and 244 lbs and I am 5'6 1/4.  BMI between 37-39 depending on the day! Surgery date for my revision scheduled for November 21, 2007!!

From start to finish this is how it went from what I remember. Lap RNY Nov 21. Woke up with severe burning in my tummy. I have profuse vomiting if given narcotics so I was given the equivalent of 600 ml Ibeuprofen for pain and Nexium. Nov. 23 I went home. Before I left as I was waiting for transport to take me out, I vomited for the first time during my hospital stay. It was light, not forceful, but I continued to vomit for the next 2.5 hr after I got home. I told my husband something was wrong because the taste of the vomit was changing and I was not ingesting anything. After going into the ER I was readmitted the same evening of my original discharge. They find out the next day I had an paralytic illeus (dead intestinal tissue) that was blocked and caused a leak from the gas pressure (this was the best part). My leak, caused the damage. I was sent into fluoroscopy every hour (again, without any narcotic pain meds because they were worried I would throw up worse) to check to see how things were flowing through my intestines. This being fresh out of RNY surgery two days before, I was in excruciating pain for about 8 hrs during this long, drawn out procedure. Finally, they decided that they needed to operate again, this time open, to repair the block and fix the new found leak. I continued to burp/vomit for the rest of the evening and the smell was horrific! The entire left side of my body absessed with cellulitis swelled up three times my size, turned dark purple and would bust open with infection trying to find a way out if I even barely scratched myself. Nov 25, the second operation took place. Since I had such trouble with narcotics they put a Scopalomine patch behind my ear to prevent motion sickness that might be causing my profuse vomiting to narcotics. To my surprise, it worked! Finally I could get some pain relief, but the worst was yet to come.  My incision from this surgery stayed completely open for three weeks as they tried to heal me. In the first week I developed pneumonia, which makes it horrid to cough (and they MAKE you) after any surgery, I got a near fatal staph infection throughout my whole body mainly my left side and ended up with no white blood cells and two blood transfusions. I remember having an enormous tube down my throat, a jp drain, feeding tube, The infection grew so bad they put two electric deodorizers in my room for the smell and you could still smell my infection down the hallway. During this week/week and a half, I don’t remember too much. I remember a few visitors from work coming to see me, my husband coming in and out, but for the most part my body had shut off my brain periodically. I was having very high fevers off and on, one I remember very vividly. I was getting so cold and told the nurse, she came in to take my temp and I started shaking a little. Before I knew it I was convulsing and all I could say was I can’t make it stop, I can’t make it stop. Before I knew it, there were about 9 nurses in my room from all over poking holes in me everywhere to test this infection. My arms were so chewed up from IV’s and blood draws it was terrible, they couldn’t hardly get a vein. During this time my husband showed up not knowing what in the hell was happening. My body was just flipping and flopping all over the place. I could see the terror in his eyes as he stood and watched, there was nothing he could do. He thought I was dying that very moment. My temp was reading over 107. Since the infection was getting worse they had to do something. I was already on Vancomyacin to the max. I remember two residents  came in my room and tried to numb and cut two deep holes into my left side to let infection drain, all of which I felt because my skin would not numb and they would not sedate me. I laid there are screamed. Then I got the wound vac. Best invention to medicine! This all lasted approx 3 weeks and they sent me home with all these tubes, drains, iv’s, wound vac & a feeding tube.  I did get home health care, but this lasted 6 days and I spiked a temp once again and was readmitted from my surgeons office (which is in the hospital). I did finally get a PIC line placed in my arm for medications and blood draws since all of my veins were shot. I was in there for another 3 weeks or so. Then came the CAT scans showing I had pockets of fluid on my lungs and in my left side surrounding my spleen. I was given another drain under my breast and a chest tube. Four days later, another chest tube in my back.  They took out the wound vac as my cuts were healing very quickly and nicely, they finally removed it.  Finally got to go home on Jan 4, 2008 still with the PIC line in place, just in case. Now a trip to the surgeons office and he decides to close my open incision from the second surgery right there with NO pain meds, he said it shouldn't hurt, but neglected to realize these sutures had not been moved for three or more weeks, he thought he could just pull my skin together and no problem. Well, I am here to tell you I cried the entire time and tried holding my skin around the incision closer together for him so it wouldn't burn as bad.  Yea, sometimes he had a really bad bedside manner, but for the most part he did very well. I think he was scared I was going to die too. Revisions are tricky. I can say he nearly killed me, but he also saved my life. I am very lucky to be here today. Staph infections like the one I had are usually fatal.
 All I have to say is, I can't wait for the day when someone makes the comment about me taking the easy way out of losing weight!   

Jan, 30, 2008- I have had labs last week and all looks fine, blood pressure is doing well too. I am thinking its a vitamin thing.  

March 2008, I went back to work and I am now suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Seeing a therapist for it. Changed my meds a bit and just trying to get through it the best I can.

Sept 26, 2008- No more high blood pressure meds!

My Labs

Sep 25, 2008

I am thrilled to say for the first time ever that I received the little "blue card" in the mail stating my A1C blood work for diabetes stated    "DIABETES WELL UNDER CONTROL"
75 lbs down & blood sugars are under control! OMG!  YESSSSSSSS!!!


The Making of My New Tattoo

Aug 19, 2008

What it will look like finished- except the head..

Yea, it hurt!!

Its gonna cover the old wonderfully!


Tracking My Weightloss

2007/ 244 lbs

244 lbs - Oct. 2007 
198 lbs - Jan. 2008
196 lbs - Feb. 18, 2008
193 lbs - March 5, 2008
191 lbs - March 6, 2008
188 lbs - March 31, 2008
186 lbs - April 7, 2008
184 lbs - April 22, 2008-OMG! My BMI says I am "overweight"!!  Woohoo!!!!!!!
183 lbs - April 24, 2008
182 lbs - April 30, 2008
181 lbs - May 2, 2008
180 lbs - May 5, 2008
179 lbs - May 18, 2008
178 lbs - May 19, 2008
177 lbs - May 28, 2008
171 lbs - July 15, 2008
168 lbs - Aug 9, 2008
167 lbs - Sept 3, 2008
166.0 lbs - Sept 5, 2008-- if i would have went pee first it would have said 165 !! lol
164 lbs - Sept 28, 2008
165 lbs - Sept 30, 2008

Sept 26, 2008- off Enalapril-
Size 10 pants
Arms measured 13.5 inches
Waist measured 38
Legs measured 

170 lbs - Oct 2, 2008--
163 lbs - Oct 20, 2008--- 28 lbs to go till GOAL!
162 lbs - Oct 21, 2008
159 lbs - Dec 17, 2008
155 lbs - June 2009- BMI 25.0

Post Tummy Tuck on July 29, 2009-
154 lbs - Sept 3, 2009- BMI 24.85  HOLY S***!  I AM OF NORMAL WEIGHT!
153 lbs- Sept 14, 2009
151 lbs- Sept 18, 2009--- Wow! I've lost 13 lbs since my Tummy Tuck!
149 lbs- Sept 27, 2009 Just not even believing this.. it keeps coming off!
147 lbs- Nov 9, 2009
144 lbs- Dec 1, 2009
BMI:  23.24

*November 21, 2009 was my "TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY" from my surgery & 6 months post op from my anchor cut tummy tuck. I love my results from the tummy tuck. I do need some lipo on the left side of my vertical scar. But I don't ever remember a time when my stomach had that sculpted look. My legs, arms and butt could use alot of toning though.

How's this for tracking weightloss? 
2009/ 147 lbs

About Me
East Peoria, IL
Dec 11, 2006
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230 lbs in 2005

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