Still climbing ... 162.5 this morning

Oct 14, 2010

I'm still fighting it.  I need to concentrate on protein and less carbs.  I'm going to tell myself I'm allergic to bread.  Yeah... maybe that will work.  Carbs are killing me.  They go down so easy.  Tonight I grilled chicken and shrimp and stuffed jalepenos... yum...   I really didn't do to bad except the brocolli rice and cheese.  Could have skipped that one but didn't eat much.  Let's see what I weigh in the morning.  

Last week I was down to 154 after having a colonoscopy.  I didn't realize how much poop was in me.  LOL... Guess I need to get rid of it again.  I want to get to 150 in by Thanksgiving.  If I work at it, it will be doable.

