Another A1C test

Aug 28, 2008

Well, it is off in the morning...which it is technically today since it is 2:00 get yet another A1C test.  I am praying that it is 8 or below so that my PCP can sign off for my sugery.  I know that it is the best for my recovery, but I am so disappointed in having to put my surgery off.  Now with the added shot at night, I have been feeling horrible.  It makes me sick to my stomache and having headaches.  I can tolerate it because I know that it is only for my well being, but it will be nice to be off my meds.  I did get a little scared the other day reading a post where there was a person that was just diganosed with type 2 diabetes after she had the surgery.  I am hoping and praying that I can stop all my diabetes meds and have my diabetes in remission.  I was told once your a diabetic, you are always a diabetic, that is why I said remission. 

My dear friend Jana had the surgery two weeks ago and is doing awesome.  I am so proud for her.  I can not wait till I am right with her in the journey of a new beginning.

Off to bed for a few hours....please pray for me!!


Aug 03, 2008

Well, went back to the diabetes doc and took another A1C test.  The results.....9.3, which is better than 10.5, so the new meds are working.  I still have to wait until the level is at 8 or below for surgery.  I know that it is for the best, but man is it frustrating.

Diabetes Doctor Today 6-23-08

Jun 23, 2008

Had my appointment today for check up.  Blood test were done as well as EKG for surgery clearance.  If all is good, then surgery date is July 2, 2008!  Dr. said that I have made the best decision that I could make for my health.
That is great to know!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 21, 2008
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Another A1C test
Diabetes Doctor Today 6-23-08
