Weighed in yesterday...

Mar 04, 2008

Yesterday, March. 4 was my weigh in again and WOO HOO... 6lbs gone

I've had 2 awesome events, my losing 6lbs this past week and finally fitting into a size 16 jeans I had bought a month ago... :D

I felt so elated when I realized I'd lost that much...    The work out ball I've been using seems to be working even if I think its silly but fun... LOL


B - 1 hard boiled egg with a multigrain toast

S - 16oz decaf coffee (no cream) and 1 scoop of Unjury chocolate protein

L - Gerber Graduates Meal - Creamy Veggies, noodles and chicken with green beans 

S - Breakstones 2% Cottage Cheese with Pineapple

D - 4oz of canned corned beef


Calories - 764
Protein - 75
Carbs - 49

No "formal" excercise tonight... did an hour yesterday.  I did walk this morning and might try to get another walk during lunch if the weather holds up.

I'm cranky today

Feb 29, 2008

So I didn't have dinner last night.. I tried but the few bites i took came right back up in a matter of a minute or two...

I took a few bits of Boca Cheddar Burger, yeah... no... wasn't going down... 

I opted to pass on dinner last night after my stomach took an hour to settle and by then was to late. Thankfullly I had eaten the pure protein bar late in the afternoon so I figured I was good to pass on dinner.

I think perhaps I ate to soon after workig out. I did 45min of excercise yesterday and ate within 5-10min after I was done and had the above happen...  next time I'll give myself at least a half hour to a full hour before I try to eat.


Breakfast -
2 poached eggs, 1 whole wheat toast

Snack - 16oz hazelnut coffee w/cream and 1 scoop of Chocolate Unjury

Lunch - 1/2 a California Chicken Wrap (mozzarella, chicken, bacon, lettuce, tomato, avocado)

Snack -  Nothing planned... I'm very full from lunch...

Dinner -  Probably going to be 1/2cup of Campbells Broccoli Cheese Soup with a scoop of Unflavored Unjury Protein

Calories -  924
Protein -  81
Carbs -  54

Back on track (well somewhat...)

Feb 27, 2008

So I just weighed in this morning to do a quickie weight check... wanted to make sure I hadn't gained anymore and was at least at the same, but hoping to have lost that 1.5lb I had gained....

I lose 3.5lbs :).. I'm so excited... means i'm closer to 100lbs lost mark and a inching up to ONEderland.. can't wait for that day .   

On a bad note, I forgot some of my vitamins yesterday.  Forgot to take my third calcium, second D3 and multivitamin... by the time I realized this it was at bedtime and I take my iron at this time.. so I couldn't mix the iron with the calcium ... so I just sighed promised myself to get them all in today and took my iron.

So far today I've taken my iron... I'm about to eat a little oatmeal and with it I will have a scoop of my protein powder, 1multi, 1 calcium, and 1 D3.....

I got a quick walk in yesterday during lunch but was way to sore to try the Yoga at home... I'm still a bit sore today but am good enough, I think, to do more of it and I shall today.  I am not walking at lunch, its to darn cold!


Breakfast -
2 hard boiled eggs

Snack - 1 packet of plain instant oatmeal with 1 scoop of Vanilla Unjury Portein powder

Lunch - 1/2 can of Campbells Beef vegetable soup

Snack - Pure Protein Bar

Dinner -No Dinner

Fluids - 16oz decaf hazelnut coffee with a little cream and 1 scoop of Chocolate protein powder, tea, bottled water, etc...

Excercise - 45min - 1hr of Yoga

Calories - 757
Protein - 79
Carbs - 62


Feb 26, 2008

So I did 40minutes of Yoga exercises yesterday... and may I say, I have NO BALANCE.. LOL..   

I liked it and definitly gonna do it again. I'm actually gonna try to do it again tonight, if I can...  

Other than that, I need to watch my carb intake, it was on the higher side yesterday since I changed my dinner.  I went to eat the beef I cooked in the crock pot and my stomach turned. I couldn't even look at it... it made me sick.....  instead i ate some wonton egg drop soup I had in the fridge. I actually shared the soup with my 2 1/2 year old who loves all kinds of soups.  It felt good, it stayed down and I didnt' feel stuffed, just pleasantly full and satisified.  

Before bed i had my iron and drank 8oz of green tea with a scoop of unjury...  

i'm so proud of myself for sticking to it yesterday and getting my fluids, vitamins and excercise in.


Breakfast -
1/2 veggie omelete (omelete was egg whites, tomato, mushroom, peppers, onions and cheddar cheese)

Snack - 
1 scoop of strawberry Unjury protein in 12oz of warm water

Lunch -  1/2 a veggie wrap (mozzarella, lettuce, tomato, cucu's, spinach wrap, onions)

Snack - 
Protein Bar

Dinner -  1/2 a veggie wrap (left over from lunch)

Fluids - usual teas, SF flavored waters, not sure about coffee and I'll have some type of beverage with a scoop of Unjury.

Excercise - 15min walk during lunch

TOTALS: (will update as I add other foods into my log)
CARBS - 58

Getting back on track

Feb 25, 2008

So I got weighed in this morning, as my usual work ritual on Tuesday.  Work is doing the biggest loser.  Three teams at work, we weigh in once a week and only once person in the office knows our weight and records/tracks it...  

I joined up, thinking a good weigh to keep myself in check. 
Stay motivated
Join others on losing weight, even if they didn't have WLS..

Today I showed I gained a 1lb (well I was 2oz shy of the full lb, but I still consider it 1 lb gained)...

No suprise, I kinda of knew i'd gone off the wagon while I was on vacation by not excercising and not recording my foods....  i've started again and will begin my excercise routine again - TODAY !!!  No excuses for me!

I'm 20lbs from losing 100lbs! I'm determined to reach that goal by the end of March (at the latest)!    By my birthday, in July I want to be under 200lbs.. those are my current goals... 


Breakfast - 
1 poached egg 
1 12grain toast
1 tsp of country crock spread

Snack - 
Pure Protein Bar

Lunch - 
2oz of roasted center cut chops
2oz Beech Nut - Tender Golden Sweet Potatoes

Snack - 
8oz tea with 1 scoop unflavored Unjury

Dinner - 
2oz of egg drop soup
3 wontons (center pieces)

Calories - 891
Protein - 76
Carbs - 58

I'll drink at least 3 bottled waters today, having 1 large coffee w/some half and half and some tea to keep hydrated.

I am not sure if I'll be able to go to the gym tonight, if I have not left by 7pm to go work out, I am committed to doing the full body work out the personal trainer taught me and I will pop in my Yoga DVD and do no less than 30minutes of this... 

I will get back on track!
I will lose those pesky 20lbs to reach 100lbs lost!

Yikes! What did I do while on vacation

Feb 25, 2008

Well I didn't much of anything. I did manage to get in some workouts at home, but was a bit lazy the entire week.

I didn't even keep a food log, although I THINK I wasn't munching to much but again, didn't keep track so can't be 100% sure.... :P

Bad me... oh well, back on track I go.  I pulled out my size 28 pants and let me tell you, great motivator to get back on track and make sur I am keep track of everything and not deviating from the plan....

First I have restocked my work drawer with vitamins.  My NUT called last week and advised me that I was low in Vitamin A, D and iron, so I have to take 2 iron pills a day, and bought some seperate vitamin A (10,000UI) and D (2,000UI) to take everyday along with my other vitamins.  Those I have been staying on top of.. I have no choice; I must remain healthy for my kids and to enjoy the good health and continue to lose in a healthy manner.


Breakfast -  1 hard boiled egg

Snack - 16oz decaf coffee with 1 scoop of Chocolate Unjury Protein Powder

Lunch -  1/2 cup of egg drop soup with 1 wonton

Snack - Pure Protein Bar

Dinner - 3oz of center cup chop with just a little bit of cream of mushroom sauce

CARBS - 29

Tuesday Feb. 12th 2008

Feb 11, 2008

TMI info below:

Sooooo I'm tired and PMSing now... :P... I hated I feel so bloated and huge during that time of the month!   We're also expecting a storm, hoping its not to bad or if it is that it comes threw later in the night/evening.

Food Log:

Breakfast - 

1 poached egg
1/2 12whole grain toast
0.5oz of mozzarella

Snack - 
1/2oz of roasted peanuts
1oz of mozzarella

Lunch - 
1 roasted chicken thigh (just under 2oz)
1oz of green beans

Snack -
1 deviled egg
1 drum piece of a roasted chicken wing

Dinner -
3oz of canned corned beef

Fluids - decaf coffee with Chocolate Unjury
Water with Crystal Light (I'll have 2-3 16.9fl ozs)
Hot tea

Calories - 739
Protein - 74
Carbs - 21

Monday Feb 11, 2008

Feb 10, 2008

So I had a bit of a hectic weekend.

My brother turned 30 and I decided to do something special for him.  He's divorced, has been battleing a bit of depression.  With the loss of our parents, followed by his divorce and having custody of his daughter only every other weekend, the stress has gotten to him.    

On Saturday, I spent it running around shopping for groceries and at the bakery.  Bakery ..... big mistake!  I love Mozzicato's and I decided to order my brothers cake from there.  We all love strawberries, peaches and whip cream wand what better than their fruit cake... YUMMY... I knew I wouldn't be able to indulge but still wanted to be able to eat just a bite of the fruit...  well once in there I wished I could eat it all up... no I didn't... but damn if I wasn't tempted.

1 cake, 7 sugar cookies, 1 mini choco cake and 3 mini pie (1 ricotta, 2 choco) later.. I walked out of there....  I did say BIG MISTAKE to go there didn't I?  I took 2 bites of the ricotta mini pie, left the rest for my little one who devoured it.  I did also get to eat some of the cake, mostly the strawbery and peach filling since I knew better than to try for to much sugar, I opted for the fresh fruit filling instead.

That was Saturday!  Thankfully I also got in some grocery shopping. Went in for a few items, ended up doing some normal grocery shopping. Prices were just to good to pass up!  So running around doing my few errands, then the grocery store and later that night I cooked some pork boneless ribs, spanish rice and steamed cauliflower for dinner .. I got a small work out..   Although I only tried the pork ribs, I think either (or a combo of) the pork meat and the small amount of BBQ sauce I used made me sick. I was in the bathroom throwing up that night...  Lasted about an hour or so.. then I began to feel better.  Later on I made some vegetable broth and sipped on that which worked fine for me.

Sunday ended up being an 8 1/2 hour shopping spree with my daughter and the family.   Everyone got new clothes, house essential and other stuff.  We needed a bit of stuff, but shopping for my pre-teen is a nightmare...  We were all exhausted by the end of it.  We took 1hr break to grab a bite between it all however most of it was shopping and spent on our feet... so I better have burned some fat that day.  Once we got home, it wasn't over...  we then had to sort the dirty laundry and get it washed (well we got it started, still have a few loads to do)...  and sort threw our bags from the store to seperate stuff and get it put away.   So that was another 2 hours of work at hom before we could settle in... I was so beat yesterday that I feel asleep early and when I woke I was still tired.   

Well today is FREAKING COLD!!!!  Damn New England weather!   I can't wait till spring and summer.  With wind chill factor, I don't think we are suppose to get above 0.   

My work out for today will consist of more laundry and I'll do a full body work out that a personal trainer taught me using these large yoga balls and some hand weights I have at home.  There is no way I'm going out at night to the gym in these temps!  I wanted to start trying to run a block, just around my neighborhood to see how it would go but its to damn cold!

Oh I forgot to add a note about Biotin.  I was skeptical about using this, especially since my NUT never mentioned this supplement however after losing so much hair I decided i had nothing to lose... OMG my hair is growing back.  I am still losing but I have a bunch of small (new) hairs sticking out at the top that is growing out... I'm happy to see this... not gonna mind losing if it regrows with the biotin.  I am also noticing my nails are finally growing back and may I say they look great.  I've had some break, but still they are growing back.  I'm very excited about this.   Unfortunatly I'm going threw razors a lot as well, but that's okay... so long as I can keep the hair on my head and my nails look good.. I can shave under my arms every other day ;). LOL

My skin is also drying out a lot.  I have tried a a few lotions and nothing has worked.  My skin just sucks it all in and still looks dry...  My co-worker suggested a little olive oil.  Rub it in my palms and then rub it into my skin and that might help.  Gonna try this out tonight... I need to find something to help my skin.. its so dry and ashy looking :(


Breakfast -  
1hardboiled egg
2/3 12 whole grain toast
1oz of cheddar cheese

Snack - 
16oz black decaf french vanilla
1scoop of Chocolate Unjury
1 enevelope of SF Chocolate Instant Carnation breakfast (for the extra vitamins/minerals)

Lunch - 
2oz of ground beef 
less than 1 leaf of lettuce

(after eating the ground beef, I didn't have room for anything else but like 2 bites of lettuce. I was quite full!  I probably didn't need the bites of lettuce I had).
Snack - 
.5oz of cashew nuts
1oz of pepper strips (yellow and red)

Dinner - 
2oz of roasted chicken thigh

For Fluids, on top of my coffee I will have water with some SF flavoring (like crystal light ... I have some different ones to choose from) and I'll have some tea. 

Calories - 786
Protein - 73g
Carbs - 40g

Feb. 8 2008

Feb 07, 2008

I've opted to post my food log in my blog entries rather than on the state site, why ... umm.. cause I wanted to change it up ... I don't know... I'm so random and I embrace my oddness and randomness; always have :)


I gotta take my 12year old shopping.  I HATE SHOPPING!  She loves it... can you see where I am going with this!  On a good note I hope I can pick up a pair of jeans or two.. most of the ones I got around Christmas are loose. I can still wear them but I can pull 'em down without unbuckling them.


My hair is still falling out... lately in large clumps/lumps/whatever...   I started taking Biotin something like 5000mcg or whatever the dosage is... was the highest dosage I could find at Walmart and I see body hair growing, nails are growing but I AM STILL LOSING HEAD HAIR! what the heck????   I keep hoping it stops soon.. I don't care to have it grow back, I just want to stop losing it.   If it doesn't stop soon I think I might get it cut to my chin or something.... I'm getting worried now about all the loss.  I use to have sooo much hair and it was a thick... now its thin, a lot less and feels odd.


Just recently decided I need to try being less strict about my carb intake.  I think I was being to paranoid.  I still do not indulge in it, but do have a 1/2 a 12 whole grain toast, sweet potato, raw vegetables and such.

I've also been trying to work out more... its hard cause I truly hate excercising.  I've been doing sit ups, push ups, walking, I'm trying to get myself back to the gym and the treadmill. I was being so good for a while and then got out of the routine and now having trouble getting back.  My surgeon's PA though insist it is a key part of this and therefore I'm doing everything I can to get it done!  I also run up and down the stairs at work and home to get a little more work out in...    

Every day its a battle with the excercise... food isn't so bad or hard but excerice.... I need all of God's help on this one!


1/2  9 whole grain toast
1/2 slice of american cheese
1/2 scrambled egg
1/2 oz turkey meat
(this was a sandwich that I shared with a co-worker)

12oz  sugar free vanilla latte with skim milk

2oz of ground beef with mushroom, onion and green pepper in it.
1oz of romain lettuce w/2 cucu's 
NO Dressing on my salad

12oz water with 1 scoop of Chocolate UNJURY

3 pieces of chicken nuggets from Wendy's
a little less than half a small chili
1/3 of a side salad (I threw the chili on top of the salad, no dressing)

CARBS - 58

I have no idea what came over me for dinner, and not sure how I kept all that done without getting sick...

I need a vacation...

Jan 07, 2008

So I am down to approx 236lbs and the darn scale has stalled again! GRRRRR....  I hate scales... no not anymore more like I get a tad bit fustrated with the stalls which I know are normal and it will pass cause no way in hell am I eating enough to stop losing or gain weight.  I might be PMSing again since i was craving chocolate and I only do that during PMS time however I really don't want my period again just yet... got it twice last month, 2 damn weeks apart, if I get again now it will have been about 2 weeks since last time.  

Now I know this might happen but darn it bad enough once a month don't seriously need it more often!!!!

On a good note I got an XL shirt for christmas from husband which was a nice snug body fit and was so self consience about wearing it up they all insisted I wear it to christmas dinner, that i looked good in it.  Well I did give in and wore it and got TONS of compliments from people. I think I loved, more than anything, the fact that I wore a good ole XLARGE... not 1X, 2X, 3X or larger, good ole XLG, which means next size will be large... WOOO HOO! I'm loving it... 

I'm also down to size 20 in jeans/pants.  I love that to!  Went from wearing 28 and 26 to earing size 20!  WOO HOO! I'm almost to the teens!  

Food I still have issues with, not only can I not eat more than an ounce to 1.5oz most days, but vomiting still happens on and off.  Some days better than others and if I'm PMSing I can definitly eat more than normal amounts, but only last a day or two before I get my period and then if I try to eat that amoutn again .      My body is definitly changing and I'm having to learn to read signals, know when something is okay and not and when it isn't wha to do...  which these days is just drink, drink and drink some more till I can eat food again but I try not to push eating anymore... sometimes seems like I starve myself but if I am getting my liquids I am sure my body will tell me when it needs food again and usually does

About Me
manchester, CT
Surgery Date
Feb 28, 2007
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 15
Weighed in yesterday...
I'm cranky today
Back on track (well somewhat...)
Getting back on track
Yikes! What did I do while on vacation
Tuesday Feb. 12th 2008
Monday Feb 11, 2008
Feb. 8 2008
I need a vacation...
