dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 4 years ago

I am going to be extremely honest!! I need help!! I had the sleeve done almost 3 years ago. I went from 297 to 184. In the past 9 months I have gained 20+ lbs. My Gerd is absolutely out of control. I take the highest dose of Protonix and eat Tums and s

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 4 years, 10 months ago

I was sleeved 2017 and wanting to get a revision to bypass due to uncontrollable heart burn. How much have you lost with the revision??

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 4 years, 10 months ago

Hi all! I was sleeved 8/28/2017 lost over 100 lbs. I had an anchor panniculectomy July 9th 2019. My surgeon did an AMAZING job!! Well I have some issues....

  1. I can NOT fit into my pre-op jeans!
  2. I have gained 15 lbs
  3. I h

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 5 months ago

I was sleeved Aug 28 2017 and was wondering if anyone who had there new lease on life around that time would like to be my buddy for daily check in's with me and accountability, support and encouragement? I'm needing all these things and thought maybe

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 5 months ago

I've noticed lately my urine has a strong odor....anyone else experience tis? could it be from ketosis? sleeved 8/29

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 7 months ago

what is the 5 day pouch test?

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 7 months ago

hi! thank you. I just wanted to talk to you and fess up. well I went to my 1 month check up and found out I've lost only 23lbs. I was hoping for more. 95% of the time I have been doing great. but....Oct 1st i went to mexican and ate a handful of chip

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 8 months ago

No matter how many sips I take I am still thirsty 24/7. I need to chug some water but I know I cant. I am getting in around 70oz of fluid a day. what gives??

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 8 months ago

I just came across 30 healthy things to do with wontons on Pinterest. It does not have the nutritional value of the wonton itself listed. I was just wondering if anyone has made recipes with them. there is a delicious looking mini chicken taco I would

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 8 months ago

How do i set my post and responses to show my stats, ticker amd quote like most of you have?

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 8 months ago

I am told by my medical team sip, sip, sip. well I want a DRINK. sometimes a big drink. I feel like over everything at this point, I will miss when I am wanting to quench my thirst, is being able to pick up a cup of nice ice, ice, ice, cold water and d

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 8 months ago

How much weight did you loose the 2 week mark post-op??

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 8 months ago

O.k. so I am still on liquids and hanging in there. I start purees Monday. Well I have found the wonderful world of youtube to pass my time. It's been very discouraging watching some of the videos. Folks saying the surgery didn't work for them, or they

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 9 months ago

Just wondering what and how much you ate for your first puree meal?

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 9 months ago

I start puree Tuesday and go back to work. Any puree ideas?

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 9 months ago

Went for my one week today and I feel like my surgeon laid into me. He says I'm drinking waaay to fast and too much in a short amount of time. We'll I'm HUNGRY....I guess that's why I doing it? I drank a PP shake in less than an hour and he was NOT hap

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 9 months ago

I would like to first off start off by saying I know how bad and harmful smoking cigarettes is for you. I quit smoking 2 months before my sleeve surgery and I am very proud of myself for that. At this point I have no intenti

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 9 months ago

Anyone have these not to far out post op?

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 9 months ago

I am 5 days out. Ive been doing protein shakes and water(tried 1 popcicle today) What were you eating/drinking when you were 5 days out? Just curious what your diet guidelines were.

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 9 months ago

So I am 3 days out and I have been feeling pretty good other then my incesion. Well....tonight I took my pm med and I have 1 stuck and I can't drink enough to get it down. I tried little sips but I guess it was too much and made it even worse. Now I ke

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 9 months ago

Had my surgery yesterday and I am hungry today! But when I sip my protein shake it fills me up. Hungry for some substance. Was anyone else hungry the day after their VSG

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 9 months ago

Laying in the hospital getting ready for surgery. My heart has been beating like crazy since I opened my eyes at 330am. Don't be suprised if I am posting a lot, with all kinds of questions after surgery. :-) Feeling extremely grateful, fearful, nervous

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 9 months ago

I was at walmart today shopping for my protein drinks for my post op diet in 2 days :-) and I saw these little liquid shooters called NEW WHEY PROTEIN 42grams in 1 shooter. I thought maybe that could be a another good way to get so e protein in. Has an

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 9 months ago

I took off 2 weeks for the surgery and I'm starting to worry that I didn't take enough time for healing and the pain to be under control. I am a school bus driver and we are really short on drivers right now and am feeling guilty about taking so long o

dmcs85 posted a discussion topic 6 years, 9 months ago

Do they make flavored protein powder other then choc or vanilla? I found some vanilla yogurt that has 3 net carbs and thought I could add some kick to it.

About Me
Apr 27, 2017
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