Had my 1 yr visit with surgeon today.

Mar 31, 2010

I am happy to report that I am down 72% of excess weight. The surgeon said he doesn't think I need to lose anymore weight, but I am not done. I would like to lose another 15-20 lbs. I have lost 60 inches all over my body...that is another 5 foot person!

This has been an incredible year and I look forward to meeting my weighloss goals in the next 6 months.  I have learned the importance of daily exercise, counting protein, staying hydrated, reading labels, taking my vitamins and not only weighing and monitoring my weight, but my food portions as well.

To anyone who is out there scared and hesitating about this surgery, I say, ask questions, research, and make sure you ae ready. This is NOT a diet, it is a lifestyle...You will always have things to learn on your journey...and I encourage you to embrace the bad experiences, like dumping along with the good, like meeting goals. For it is in those moments of defeat that we are most honest with ourselves and learn the most about who we really are and what  hurdles we can overcome and  things we can accomplish if we push ourselves a little harder.

Well, I know one thing I am going to incorporate in year two that I wish I would have in year one...and that is to keep a journal, and I am not talking about just logging food here, but a journal of my feelings on any given day. So often it is what is eating us that leads us to overindulge or eat something we know we shouldn't. I am making a vow to be more in touch with my feelings...rather than letting food put a distance between me and my feelings. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone out there struggling with food addictions, but sometimes I use food as a pacifier...when I am angry, sad, happy, etc. I want to keep learning to not turn to food, like I did my first year.

Well it has been almost 4 months since surgery...

Jul 26, 2009

And I am glad to report, I no longer have acid reflux eating away at my voicebox and aggravating my asthma; in fact, I don't even have to take medicines for it anymore.

My asthma is finally under control, no more wheezing or hacking cough, and I don't need the nebulizer and don't use my emergency inhaler anymore. Oh, I keep it on hand, but I am managing my asthma with 1 puff of a controller inhaler morning and night.

I am exercising at the gym 5-7 days a week! OMG! I NEVER would have done this prior to WLS! 3 days of weight bearing exercises and 3-4 of cardio.

I have gone from a size 22P to a 14P and lost 24" all over my body, 12" were off my rump alone!
I am down 42 lbs and feel AMAZING!

I have run into people that I knew before my WLS who don't even recognize me... In fact, the lady at the bank said to me, "You are going to have to have a name tag when you come in here because you look so different every time I see you that I hardly recognize you!"

Here is a before and "still in progress" photo:


Well just three more days to a new life!

Mar 27, 2009

I go for laproscopic RNY in 3 days, March 30, 2009. I have gone through the gamut of feelings, scared, apprehensive,nervous, excited, and now, I am calm and ready. I know that this is what I need to do for my health. The past 3 months have been VERY unhealthy for me. 

Back in October of 2008 I discovered I had  moderately severe sleep apnea. I was tired all the time, no matter how many hours I slept. After getting my Cpap machine in November, and adjusting to wearing headgear that makes me look like Darth Vader, I slept much better.

However, in January, right after I got my surgery dates, I developed a cold that turned into Bronchitis and vascillated between Bronchitis and Asthma. I went back and forth to doctors, and the hospital..not to mention the pharmacy...some of the meds I was prescribed I found out I was allergic to and I developed hives. To make matters worse, my acid reflux was making me cough and aggravating my asthma even more.  Once I got the Asthma under control, the acid started coming up my throat at night and causing laryngitis-I have had laryngitis now for over a month--not good for a teacher to have!

So, now I needed Prilosec 2X a day, antacids after every meal, and to watch my diet carefully. I also had to elevate my headboard and sleep with a wedge pillow...None of this has helped as my stomach turns out acid whether I eat or not. My family physician wanted me to see a gastroenterologist to possibly get a surgery that has a 50/50 chance of curing my acid reflux...I told him, hold off, I am getting RNY surgery and I know that will help because my husband's acid reflux was even worse than mine and he was off acid reflux meds within a month of surgery.

I want my voice back and my health back, and I know RNY is a tool to get me back on a healthy lifestyle track again.
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Surgery Date
Mar 22, 2009
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