Feeling that its not coming off like it should...:(

May 13, 2008

Maybe I am just comparing myself to so many others on this sight,  but I feel that I have not lost like I should be. I am doing everything that I am told to do, I am not exercising as much as I should be but I have a heel spur that is causing major amounts of pain and makes it very hard for me to even walk . I am 10 weeks out from RNY and have lost 40 lbs I havent lost anything in almost 3 weeks it has been a very difficult plateau.   I have to go back for my 3 month check in 2 weeks maybe his scale will be different than mine. I am also hoping that my podiatrist will be able to help me with the pain so that I can get back to the gym. NSAIDS are the normal reatment and we all know that I can not take those anymore so he will have to come up with a different treatment. So lets keep our fingers crossed that I will get this fixed and get back to moving and losing really soon.  I will update when I have more information to give.... Thanks for listening to me whine.

Just getting better and better!!!:)

Apr 03, 2008

I am 6 weeks out from sugery and I feel pretty good. I have my bad days and good days, days that I feel like nothing is going to stay in and then days where I can all of my protein and fluids in and feel great, the good days do seem to be out numbering the bad days so thats a plus. 
I had a good 1 month post op visit, Dr. B said everything i moving along great and said I can start back on my work out regime which is great I feel so great after I make myself go to the gym (4 days a week) . I am still not at the point where I just love to work out, not sure if I ever will be that person, but I do feel good after a good butt kicking at the gym. I walk 1.5  miles every morning and love it cant wait until its warmer and I can spend more tim e outside. 

I am 6 weeks post op and have lost 32 lbs for life. I will update again in a week or so, I am not great about updating but will try to stay on op of it. 

I am a Loser!!!!

Mar 02, 2008

I had my surgery on 2-27-07 everything went well. When I awoke from surgery I was in more pain than I had ever felt in my entire life and it took a while to find the correct meds that worked with me to get my pain under control, apparently morphine just amplified my pain and made it worse but once it was controlled eerything eas great, I staying in the hospital a day more than most expected because I also apparently has slow bowels and they didnt wake up and start passing the gas until 2 days post op and you cnat have anything to drink until they are all awake and working. So now I am home and feeling pretty good just finding it really hard to get the nutrition in but I am forcing it and working on getting it all in. My stay at Abington was great I had wonderful Nurses that went out of their way to make me and my family comfortable during my stay. 
It feels great to be a loser..... Dee

Almost a loser... YEAH!!!

Feb 26, 2008

I am officially not nervous, I got everything done around the house that needs to be done I have the bag packed and the kids all settled and I am just as calm as can be, kind of surprised but I am just ready to get this done and be on the otherside once again. So I will keep you posted on my recovery and I am sure I will be leaning on everyone for some support. So Until.... 

Highest/ Current/ Goal 

345 / 316/  150

1 more day and a wake up...

Feb 25, 2008

So Wednesday is the day... I thought it would never get here and now that it is almost here I am so nervous but so ready at the same time. Its one of those mixed feelings of anxiousness. I am so ready to be on the losers bench. I am a last minute person so tomorrow as I am packing up my bag of things that I will need at the hospital, I am sure that I will forget something. I will be going through it over and over and making sure that I have everything that I will be needing. I did all of the things around the house that need to be done including getting my 7yr olds clothes paired up for school this week and next. her dad will just let her wear anything no matter what it looks like and never take into consideration does it match... well enough rambleing from me.. its the nerves, I am going to get things finished and get a good nights sleep so that I can get things done tomorrow. I will see you all on the losers bench soon.....

7 days to go...

Feb 19, 2008

I have 7 days to go and  am so nervous. Its a combination of nerves and excitement, I am ready to have the surgery, I just am not good with pain so that makes me a little apprehensive. I keep telling myself I have been here before and it was managbale but the GBS is more invasive than the Band so its just that that scares me. I am not good with the unknown and all though I have been told over and over that it is managable pain so I am having faith that I can do this. I am sure I am not the only one with these pre-surgery jitters. So I am going to keep the faith, and try to stop over analyzing everything. The count down begins.

Surgery Date Set

Jan 23, 2008

I have finally be approved and have a date set, I am getting a revision from lapband to RNY on the 27th of Feb. I am so excited cant wait to get this started, and get on the road to a new me.

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 18, 2007
Member Since

Friends 28

Latest Blog 7
Feeling that its not coming off like it should...:(
Just getting better and better!!!:)
I am a Loser!!!!
Almost a loser... YEAH!!!
1 more day and a wake up...
7 days to go...
Surgery Date Set
