1 Month Surgiversary!!!

May 19, 2011

 It's officially been one month since I had surgery, and aside from the very light, barely existent scars I have on my abdomen, I can hardly tell I've had surgery.

I've lost about a total of 34 pounds so far, from my highest known weight of 305lbs, I'm currently at 271lbs, I think. I don't eat nearly as much as I did prior to surgery.  I don't have a fill as of yet. I get that at the beginning of June. If I eat a real heavy meal, I'm mostly good for the rest of the day; sipping on water throughout of course. I know I should be eating small meals, which I've tried, but being hungry still hurts, and my mouth waters to the point where it feels like I'll vomit if I don't eat something!!! So I tend to eat a good healthy meal and then snack on low calorie things throughout the rest of the day. Again, this is not ideal. I know! And I know I won't be able to eat as much (thought I feel I'm not eating alot) once I start getting fills.

I've had some NSVs! There are two scrub tops that I have for work that I normally NEVER wear unless its laundry day because they fit so tight. Well, I've worn both this week, and they fit PERFECTLY! Not too big, not to tight! PERFECT. I am having issues with my pants being too loose though. It's like my stomach has gone down and now there's nothing to hold my pants up!!

I do notice that by looking in the mirror my belly rolls aren't as "rolly polly"... if that's a good way to describe it. I know I've lost weight and can visibly see this because of how my scars have "moved". Granted I was probably swollen after surgery, but one scar was tucked under a belly roll, and now I can fully see that scar! It actually looks like it's sitting "ontop" of that roll now instead of under it... Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me I dunno, but I am happy at they way the scars are healing. I think I'll have more of an issue with loose skin and stretch marks than the actual scarring from surgery.

I joined the YMCA ... as far as exercising goes. I go when I can, and I'm trying to make it a daily thing, as of right now, I've been going sporadically and I'd like to make it a permanent part of my daily life. Like brushing my teeth! I know this will help me get to goal so much faster. Though I'm not "moving" as I should, the weight is still coming off. Even starting solid foods, I thought there would be a stall in my weight loss or that I would gain since going from a liquid diet to a solid foods diet can do that, but I didn't stall, it's just not coming off in 5 pound chunks anymore... just a pound or two here and there, which is expected.

Another NSV is that I got my period. This may not be an NSV for most, but since I suffer from PCOS and irregular/non-existent periods, this happens to be one for me. I had a period in March before surgery, and before then I don't remember, but I was on Metformin and Agyestin to help my periods come on monthly. I'm no longer taking either. I didn't menstruate in April, but I got a lovely gift from Mother Nature this month, and I actually HOPE that I see her again in June because though I hate my period this would mean, I'm almost normal, and that's my main goal!

So, all in all, Michaelangelo and I are doing well, and hopefully when we go to the Dr on the 6th of June, we'll be doing even BETTER and on our way to the 260s!

TTYLater OH!


About Me
Tampa, FL
Surgery Date
May 30, 2010
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