Happy 2009! Starting over...

Jan 04, 2009

Well, it's been a lot longer than 3 weeks hasn't it? The sad thing is, those 18's still fit! I've been really struggling the past few months with some personal challenges-weight included. But, here I am; ready to get back on the band wagon. I know this works; I've seen it. I just need to get my head back in the game. You see, the band doesn't know what you put in your mouth. That part is up to you. If you don't make the best choices, you don't lose. And the hard part, those evil carbohydrates go down the easiest. Especially when you don't feel like you can eat. These past few months have taught me that no matter how well I thought I was doing; no matter how much control I thought I was in; it could be undone easily. I am a major stress eater! The damage is done before I even realize what I've done. So, here's my new plan...visit this site daily and post my thoughts (the good, the bad, and the ugly) and food choices. I will apologize a head of time if you visit this profile and it seems too long or annoying, but this is a tool for me and I need to hold myself accountable. So, you may want to skip me for a while, but do come back and check on my progress.

If you are considering the band please understand that it is merely a tool and that you still have to be the pilot. You can't just assume it will do it all for you. Those chips, cookies, ice cream..they still go down so easily and taste just as good. The thing you have to keep ever present at the front of your mind is to decide, "Is it worth it?" It's easy to forget and neglect, but you are in charge of your journey and you have to make those decisions. I've been on automatic pilot for quite a while now. I haven't missed a doctor's appointment, but the weight has been creeping on a pound or two at a time. My addiction to food is stronger than I ever imagined. I really have to stay on top of this to be successful. Now, on the other side, I've only gained 5 lbs. Any other crisis or holiday season, it would have been 10 to 20. For that, I thank my band. But, I have to stop it now! I would make the decision to have the band again in a heart beat. Even when I feel I don't really have much restriction the band is doing it's job. I'm not as hungry; I can go longer between meals; I don't need snacks; I am satisfied with a smaller amount of food. Oh, there's another misconception-the amount of food you can eat. I spent a few years researching the band, and everywhere I read that you'd be satisfied with about 1 to 1 1/2 cups of food. Not really; I can eat quite a bit more, but not nearly as much as before. I have 12.5 ccs in my 14 cc band and I can eat more than a cup of food. Again, I'm in charge and I decide when enough is enough. I control the quantity by eating slowly and keeping the length of time eating to 15-20 min per meal. Even though I may stop before I feel full, in about 5 min. from when I stop I feel full and that feeling lasts anywhere from 4 to 8 hours. In no way do I consider myself a band guru, merely a continuing education student . But I will share what I learn and my own personal experience. If you find it helpful in anyway, that's great. If you think I can answer any questions for you, I'd be happy to try.

Well, this is really long. Catching up can do that I guess. I will be back tomorrow. I have to. Here's to starting over!


About Me
Melbourne, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 14, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 15
I think I can...I think I can!
I survived my first fill!
I Got My Band!!!
Just 12 Hours to Go!!!
Less than 2 weeks to go!
Getting Closer
Count Down---One Month To Go!!!
I've got a date!!!!!
