
Feb 20, 2013

Nutrition class tomorrow, 2/21/13

Surgery date 3/1/13

Getting really excited. And I'm down 13 pounds since the beginning of January



My Story begins, January 2013

Feb 05, 2013

Here I am, 53 years old, weighing 333 pounds at the beginning of January. I can't walk far, my knee hurts ALL the time, I get so stiff and achy, partly because of fibromyalgia, and partly because I am so inactive. I take care of my 88 year old dad who lives with me, my husband and teenage daughter.

I am exhausted all the time and just sick of all of it! So, the first week of January, I callled St Vincent Bariatric Center of Excellence, got set up for my information session and scheduled my psych eval.

Information session    1/21/13    Psych eval  1/25/13

Received approval from my insurance company 1/30/13

Pre-op testing   2/5/13  Passed and released for surgery!

Now, I am just waiting for a date for nutritional counseling and a surgery date.

I am nervous, excited and scared all at one time.

I want to thank OH for providing a place where I can share my story, encourage others and be encouraged by the courage of others.



About Me
Jan 20, 2013
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 2
