
Oct 08, 2008

I feel pretty tired and sad tonight... i hope that I weigh in the 180's in the morning..

Getting Frustrated

Oct 07, 2008

Well I'm going to be honest...

I have been in the 190.something range since Monday which was the last day of my period and I haven't lost anything.

I eat between 1200 and 1500 calories a day... there is no reason that I'm not losing!  I mean I guess it's only been three days... but still!  I never hit a plateu (i dont know how to spelle it) before... I mean before the big one where my weight loss stopped. 

I've NOT gained muscle... I'm sure thats not the problem.

Maybe I need to drink more water....

The Best Snack... EVER :)

Oct 05, 2008

 I put two tablespoons of fat free cream cheese in a bowl and a little dab of italian dressing and mashed them together with a fork.  Then I added 1/4 of a cup of imitation crab meat and mixed that up in there.  Then I spread it all on a tortilla and rolled it up... It was Yummy!

Calories: 186
Fat: 4
Carbs: 23
Protein: 9

I probably could have added more protein less carbs if I had other than white flour tortillas... but I don't ... :)

Old habits die hard..

Oct 03, 2008

So yesterday I was working from a "satellite office" of my organization and lunch was provided... we ordered a pizza.  I knew that was probably going to be the outcome of the day... and I was prepared for it.  I told myself I was only going to eat 2 pieces and plan the rest of my day accordingly. 

When it was pizza time, I ate 1 piece and I was satisfied.  I even said that... I'm not really hungry, but I really want to eat this other piece.  Someone told me to wait ten minutes then eat it... I'm like but if I did that then I wont want it.  ..

so I ate it... what was I thinking... why did I NEED to eat that piece of pizza...

because it was there... because i could...

ah the learning experience...

Insomniac... thats me!

Oct 02, 2008

I've been having a bit of trouble sleeping lately... sigh.  I'll be fine I'm sure.  I can't wait until my big raise goes through and I have money!!  I'm going to buy a bed... I'm pretty excited about it.

Today I weighed about a pound more than yesterday.  I did start my period though so I'm sure that has something to do with it.  I've been super hungry too the past couple of days, but I haven't given in or up.  I've still stayed in my calorie range!  Go me... Go me... it's almost your birthday go me... ha ha

Today I'm taking a "field trip" at work to another one of our service centers.  I've never been there before, but I'm pretty excited.  They are providing lunch... I'm kind of nervous, but I'm sure it will be fine. Maybe I'll pack something to take just in case.  I'll pack my snacks of course...  we'll see.

Ah today is going to be super bad cramp day as well... don't let me forget some tylenol... :)

later friends

Ask me about my goals :)

Sep 30, 2008

So starting last Tuesday/Wednesday I set some goals....

1. to get some exercise in
2. to follow the food plan that I have set myself (which is basically to stay within 1000-1500 calories a day getting the proper protein.

My exercise was great!  I didn't make it to the gym every day, but I did find other ways to get exercise on the days I did not go.

My caloric average for the week was 1285 calories and my average protein for the week was... 58!  Oh yeah!

and my weight last tuesday was... 197 and today... 6:00am in the morning... stark naked... dun dun dun 190.8!!!  For a total of 6.2 pounds... GONE :)

Thank you, thank you...

more to come in this exciting saga :-)


Sep 27, 2008

I'm tired.  Today was a long day. 

I woke up super early this morning... 6:00am with no alarm clock  So I got some laundry done.. did some cleaning and went to the gym.  It killed me though... I was soooo bored.  I think I need to spice it up somehow.  

I had an event for work today... I climbed a ladder an unhooked 16 people, three times each, from the zipline.... that burned a lot of calories.

So today... food was decent... exercise was good...

go me..

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind...

Sep 26, 2008

I just got home from walking with Connie and Patti.  It was a good time... they walked pretty fast, but I didn't really have a problem keeping up.  We got to talk and I didn't feel bad for skipping the gym.

Food was good today... spaced out well... Actually I got under 1000 calories so I'm not sure if thats good or not.  I don't really feel hungry though.  No caffiene.

I'm pretty sleepy so I think I'm going to call it a night.... according to my scale I've lost 3 pounds since Tuesday... woo hoo.

Working from Home

Sep 25, 2008

Today I'm "working from home" and I love it.  There's nothing better than emailing your boss from your pajamas in the recliner at your house. 

So I went to the doctor yesterday for a couple of reasons (none of them because I am sick)... First I got my labs done last week and I needed to get the results... and Second to get my birth control pill renewed... and actually switch it.

My hemoglobin is up to 10... which is low, but great for me... for the longest time I was hanging around at 8.  So woo hoo!

I told my doctor (she's the best doctor ever... ever) that I'm not on the pill because I'm having sex, but because PMS makes me really depressed... woah big time... and it helps.  So I asked her if one of the 4 times a year birth controls would make me only have PMS 4 times a year.  She told me theoretically... yes, but everyone is different.  So I'm going to try it... I really hope it works.

Tuesday was a good food day.. about 1500 calories and 60ish grams of protein.  I also went to the gym and feel I got a good work out.

Yesterday was not a great food day.  I snacked a lot and then one of the people I work with asked me out to lunch... she owed me one... so I of course went... I did fairly well though at the restaurant.  Some Roast Beef and a salad.  It's that ranch dressing that got me!  I did go to the gym though but I forgot my headphones so I bored myself out early.  I did about 30 minutes of cardio.

Today I'm doing well so far on food and I can't really see any big changes in that happening before the end of the day.  I made some chili (without beans) and whole wheat spaghetti for lunch... YUM I think I'll probably have the leftovers all weekend.  Tonight I plan on going to the gym again probably around 6 or so.. depending on the status of my car.

I love my gym.  There is a trainer there that helps you set up a workout for what you want to do... I told him I wanted to look good naked and be freakishly strong.  He laughed... and so I did I... but I'm serious :).  So he devised a plan for me.  Monday Wednesday and Friday is Cardio (treadmil, eliptical... I hate those infernal machines, or bike) for 45-60 minutes at 60-70 percent of my target heart rate.

Tuesday and Thursday are toning days... Tuesday are one set of machines and floor exercises and  Thursdays are a different set of machines and floor exercises.  Both days are streches (at home cause I'm too embarassed to strech on the floor in the middle of my gym) and 10 minutes of medium treadmill to warm up.  They are both followed by 20 minutes of interval treadmill keeping my heart rate pretty far up there.

Well I'm feeling good today... Hope you are as well

Oh I forgot... I shrunk!! I used to be 5'3" now I'm 5'2 and 1/4 thats almost an inch!

The New Beginning... again... one more time

Sep 22, 2008

So, I had gastric bypass surgery 3 years, 9 months, and 1 day ago.  I weighed 298 pounds when I left the hospital and today on my bathroom scale I weighed 197.  That's quite a loss... 101 pounds.  That means I can do it, that I'm not a failure. 

In February of this year I weighed 176.  That means that I've gained 21 pounds in the past 6 months.  I have not been watching what I'm eating, exercising, or taking care of myself.  This has got to change.

I've probably said I'm starting over... a million times.  Thats not true today.  I'm not starting over, because starting over would be easy.  Just to forget everything that has happened so far and say that I am at ground 0. 

Today I am picking up the pieces, accepting responsiblity and going forward with my weight loss.

I've decided not to set weightloss goals such as lose 30 pounds in 3 months.  Though that would be nice.  I think it will be more practical to set goals such as work out numbers and food plans.  This way the goals can be accomplished through choice.

So I am setting my goals for this week...

Goal 1: Work out 4 times this week using the workout plan that the gym trainer designed.

Goal 2: Follow the food plan staying under 1500 calories and getting at least 50-60 grams of protein a day.

Wish me luck...

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 08, 2004
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 32
Getting Frustrated
The Best Snack... EVER :)
Old habits die hard..
Insomniac... thats me!
Ask me about my goals :)
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind...
Working from Home
The New Beginning... again... one more time
