Well I been big all or most of my life. Tried several times to lose weight but never worked. Tried Weight Watchers and lost 25 pounds but gained it back. Even lost 65 pounds on my own but yes it came back double on me. I never really considered having surgery untill like a year ago but I never had any surgery before so I was scared and stopped considering it. Later my girlfriend had it and she lost over 100 pounds and I saw it was possible. Still was a little scared because I was a very big guy and my worry was not surviving the surgery. Then I hit my highest weight which was 551 pounds. Eventhough I was always big I was always mobile I loved to walk and never allowed the weight to stop or hold me back. But the last few months before I decided to have surgery I was having harder time walking and I wasn't happy. This was when I knew I had to do something about it or else I wouldn't live to see my 40th birthday. My family and my girlfriend were all very supportive about my decision to have surgery. 
       My choice of a doctor was a easy one. Since I helped my girlfriend research for her doctor and I saw how great he was with her and few other friends I went with the same doctor ... Dr. Michalski. Soon after deciding to go along with surgery and getting my approval from health insurance after first try I began my battery of test. Honestly the process was a bit frustrating but worth it no regrets at all. Once I completed my test I got my date for surgery I was so happy and scared at the same time. My surgery date was May 7th 2005 and I was pumped and mentally ready for that date .

May 7th 2005

My surgery time was 11:00 a.m. so I arrived at Einstein Hospital at 9:30 a.m. as instructed. My family was there with me as was my girlfriend. Eventhough I was scared to death I was happy I made the decision to do this. I was taken to the third floor to get prepped for surgery where I met the team that will assist my doctor in operating room. There I was all ready for surgery with my i.v. in place when I am told my surgery had to be rescheduled because the hospital didnt have staples used in the surgery. At this time I was devastated and upset because they had to rechedule my surgery. I was upset because I was mentally ready for my surgery to have something like this go wrong. Believe me I was not very happy and the hospital knew it too. After getting all worked up and angry and after seeing there was nothing I could do I had no choice but to go home. Next few days I was depressed but after days of back and forth conversations with my doctors office I was given a new surgery date which was June 8th 2005.

June 8th 2005

Once again on this date I was ready for my surgery. Was scheduled for 3:00 p.m. this time. Couldn't sleep much so I was up at 7 a.m. and lucky I did and took a shower because an hour later I received call from hospital telling me my surgery was pushed up to 10 a.m. Still nervous as hell but ready to get it done. As I was prepped for surgery my anesthesiologist came to meet me. I was kind of losing hope because he was telling others on his team that he may not be able to intabate me. This was hard to hear because as a result of my size I was going to be intabated while I was awake so I was worried already but I put that out of my mind and kept positive thoughts. Next thing I know I'm in recovery and i hear my surgery went without a problem from my nurses. Later I am taken to my room. The night of surgery my anesthesiologist came to see me. When i see him i asked him can i ask him a question and he said yes. So I asked him did he think he was going to be able to intabate me to see if he would tell me truth. He told me he honestly didn't think he was going to be able to intabate me but that he would never judge book by its cover because he said he had no problem intabating me. So he asked me joking if I was ready to take a walk and I said let's go. So on the same day of my surgery just few hours later I was up and walking and went with him to see my doctor in the operating room. He was shocked that I was ready to walk and glad to see me so determined to get moving around. Not only was he shocked to see me up and moving so was my doctor when I walked into the operating room. My stay in hospital was only three days. I wasn't in any pain at all honestly. Thanks to my anesthesiologist who used what they call a "walking epidoral" something that is used on bigger patients. I truely recomend anyone thats going to get surgery to inquire about the walking epidoral. I never used the pain medication thats given to you after surgery in hospital also known as morphin drip. I was dying to leave hospital because I really didn't get much rest there. My one problem with the hospital was that they are not as prepared for gastric bypass patients. The chairs in room were too small for someone my size so I had to spend all my time in bed and the bathroom/shower in room was too small also. I was discharged from hospital three days later June 11th 2005.

June 19th 2005

My First visit with my doctor after surgery. I was anxious because everyone was telling me I looked much thinner but I didn't want to jump the gun. I was feeling good and a little lighter but still anxious to see . On this day I got my staples removed and got weighed in for the first time. My doctor and myself were happy to see that I lost 40 pounds in just two weeks.

July 10th 2005

This is my second visit with my doctor after surgery. Everything going well no problems at all and adapting well. Lost another 23 pounds for a total of 63 in a month. Doctor is happy and says I broke his weight loss record for his patients.

August 6th 2005

Today was my third visit with my doctor. Everything going well adapting even more to my new lifestyle. Dr. Michalski is very happy with my success and I was weighed in and lost another 34 pounds for a total of 97 pounds. Started at 551 now im at 454.

August 22, 2005

Just letting you know everything coming along fine . I sneaked in a weigh in before my next appointment which is on October 10 I'm now weighing in at 441 lbs. thats (-110) 2 1/2 months post-op.

October 3, 2005

My appointment was pushed up a week so i was happy. Weighed in and lost another 27 lbs. Now i'm at 414 lbs. (-137lbs.) Everything going fine but still ways to go but i feel that i will do this. Next appointment January 5, 2005.

January 10, 2006

Saw my doctor on jan 5 and everything going good. Down another 34 lbs now at 380 lbs.(-171 lbs.) in 7 months. Feel much better . Eating fine no problems at all thank god.

April 3, 2006

Just had my three month visit with my doctor. Glad to say everything going fine. He's happy with my progress at almost a year since my surgery. Weighed in today at 357 lbs. That puts me at a total of 194 lbs down at almost 10 months post-op.

June 8, 2006

Today Is my 1 year anniversary. I would like to once again thank God for allowing me to have taken this journey. Thank you lord for giving me a second chance at life and with your help I will soon reach my goal. Thank you Dr. Michalski for helping me achieve this great accomplishment. I know I still have work to do but at least I am able to be in this position to win my life long battle with obesity. To my family, what can I say without your support this would have not been possible. I am so lucky and grateful to each and everyone of you ...you all know who you are!! To my girlfriend Norma....Hun thank you for all you have done for me also without you maybe this wouldn't be a reality.Thanks for the support it is deeply appreciated .... Love you girl !!

July 8, 2006

Today was my 3 month visit to Dr. Michalski's office and everything is good thank God. I lost another ten pounds and I am now weighing 347 pounds . Thats a total of 204 pounds lost in 13 months. Feeling great and everything is fine thank God. Doctor removed me off of a medication on this day and my primary doctor finally removed me off the high blood pressure medication. Will keep you informed on my progress.

October 7, 2006

My usual three month check up with Dr.  Michalski. Glad to report everything going great and down another 12 pounds now weighing in at 335 lbs. for a total weight loss of 216 pounds in 16 months.

January 6, 2007 

Went to my usual three month check up today . Still losing  but a bit slower but hey its better then gaining lol. Lost another 4 pounds  now weighing 331 lbs.  Total weight loss of  220 pounds  in 19 months. Everything still going fine no problems at all thank God. 

April 7, 2007

Had my usual 3 month check up   no weight loss to report  but happy to say i did not gain also so that is good . Been taking care of my dad who has had health issues so been a little distracted . I was a little depressed that i didnt lose any this time around but Dr  tells me that im lifting weights at the gym so i am building muscle so that can be reason why  no loss in weight but i have lost inches so its a good thing lol. Still at 331 lbs. Total weight loss 220 lbs. in 22 months

July 5,  2007

Went to my three month check up today. Happy to announce the weight loss has started up again thank god lol. Weighed in at 324 lbs  lost another 7 pounds woooohooo  for a total loss of 227 pounds. Dr is pleased with my progress and wants me to get to  the 300 pound or less mark to start preparing for my plastic surgery. Can't wait to do that . The extra skin is starting to  bother not health wize but kind of uncomfortable having it jump up and down and smacking me up as I work out at the gym lol . I also can't wait to get surgery to have my hiatel hernia repaired that is also getting annoying because as I lose more weight it sticks out more. Will keep you posted . Total weight loss 227 in  25 months.

November 6, 2008

Ok wow been a while since i reported in . Been crazy at times  with the weight loss . Now I am  at 305 pounds. Lost  a total of 246 pounds. Getting ready for my tummy tuck and hernia repair  surgery which will be on December 9th 2008 . Took a while cause i went in on August 4th 2008 for my consultation  and finally got a date 2 weeks ago for december 9th. Took a while but i finally got it  in a way it was good cause it gave me a chance to lose more weight so now hopefully i can be under 300 pounds by my surgery date something that was a personal goal of mine before having this surgery and the fact that it be the first time i will be under 300 pounds since my highschool days.  Well i will try to be better at updating my profile after my surgery if im feeling strong enough after it lol.

November 25, 2008

   Just a little update on me. My surgery is  two weeks away  I am a bit nervous  yet anxious to get it done.  But on a positive note I finally broke the 300 pound mark and i am weighing in at 298 . May not be a big deal for most but for me it is since i havnt seen  my weight in the two hundreds since highschool.

January 16, 2009

 So had my surgery on December 9th 2008. At first surgery went fine  marathon surgery almost 10 hours because before tummy tuck could be done my hernia was being repaired.  Came out fine at beginning from procedure but the next day had to be rushed back into the operating room because i passed out due to a blood vessel that had started to bleed out. Thankfully my surgeon was able to get me opened up again and fix the problem. Besides that little obstacle  everything else went fine. Didnt really feel any pain after surgery and now healing fast thank God. Had a total of 13.2 pounds removed now weighing in at 282 pounds for total weight loss of  269 pounds. Must say its something im going to have to get used to lol. Everytime i look in mirror i dont recognize myself but i will get used to it eventually. No regrets on my part and once i heal back to the gym to continue my goal  which is to get to my goal weight of 230 or less only  52 pounds away.  

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 02, 2005
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Pre - Op
551 Lbs.lbs
25 months post - op (-227 lbs)
324 LBS.lbs

Friends 14
