OH Support Uplifting

Jun 21, 2007

WOW- You Guys are incredible!  Today, I have received several contacts with new OH friends and potential leads for surgeons who accept Medicaid. Way to support the newbie! Huggs to all!

My glass is half full today!


Jun 19, 2007

I met with a surgeon, Dr Carcamo, today. I had a consult for WLS and gallbladder surgery. He wants to take my gallbladder out within two weeks. Says my health is not good and I need immediate attention for my high blood pressure. I'm a definite candidate for WLS and although he is Medicaid approved and even uses the Nix hospital, which is one of the two hospitals approved by Medicare/Medicaid, he doesn't accept Medicaid for WLS. I am so bummed. He said that after the WLS Seminar we can discuss finance options, but if I'm on Medicaid that kinda speaks for itself. Guess I need to take to panhandling. J/K of course, but that's how I feel right now. I'm told that although I think I'm pretty healthy aside from the pain from my spinal injuries and the excessive weight that in fact I'm not healthy at all and that is when he hits me with the fact that he won't accept my insurance and doesn't think anyone in the state of Texas will. HELP!!!! 

I am normally a glass half full kinda gal, but today....I'm feeling a bit empty. Onward with my quest.

About Me
San Antonio, TX
Jun 13, 2007
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OH Support Uplifting
