Info Current as of 04/16/07
Current Loss: 245 lbs.
Before surgery: 30 lbs.
After surgery: 215 lbs.
Months since surgery: 22

Just a quick note/update . . . have been increasing the difficulty of my workouts in preparation for a major goal this summer.  I plan to do at least one 100-mile bike ride -- hopefully completing the first one on May 12.  I have been primarily working on the Arc Trainer (which is like an elliptical trainer, but harder) and added weights back into the regimen starting last week so I can build my core and upper body (which will help me support myself for long durations on the bike). 

Admittedly, I have not been as good with my nutrition as I would like to be, but am getting back on track as the goal date for the 100-mile ride nears.  Not that I am malnourished, but just not eating the way I should in preparation for the riding.

I haven't lost much weight lately, but my body shape has been changing as I have increased the intensity of my workouts, so I am assuming I have been toning up more.  I passed a huge milestone -- I was able to get into a fitted size 12 dress!  This is the smallest dress size I have worn in my entire life.

Beyond the bike ride, the next major milestone is to break through the 200-lb. mark so that my weight finally begins with a "1"!  Am just a few pounds from that now.

Info Current as of 01/03/07
Current Loss: 245 lbs.
Before surgery: 30 lbs.
After surgery: 215 lbs.
Months since surgery: 18

With the start of a new year, I thought I would drop in and post what's been happening.

As far as weight loss, I am still working on it.  I would like to lose 25 - 50 more pounds.  Not sure on the exact number, because a number of people have already told me I don't need to lose more, but the chubby belly and thighs are telling me otherwise. 

Regarding activities, I am an avid bicyclist now.  I have always enjoyed riding a bike, but before I had surgery, I had stopped riding due to my weight holding me back. 

I completed numerous long rides last season and my goal for this season is to ride at least one 100-mile bike ride, though I would like to do more than that.  The longest ride I did last season was 40 miles, which was on a mountain bike (which has more resistance than a road bike).  When I spoke to a bike shop about the bike I am looking for, he said that if I can do 40 miles on a mountain bike, I can easily do 60 miles on a road bike, with no major training effort.  So, I am really looking forward to picking up the new bike and trying it out as the weather warms back up in a couple of months. 

Yesterday, I completed a huge psychological/physical milestone.  I was killing time on a treadmill at the Y, waiting for the machine I wanted.  I decided to try to jog for a bit and see how I felt.  Turns out, for the first time in my life, I was able to jog a mile, non-stop, and without reducing my speed to rest.  I was shocked and amazed.  I have never completed a mile jog without resting in my entire life (couldn't even do it in high school!), so I can officially say I am in the best condition of my entire life now.

Nutritionally, as I mentioned, I ate a lot of junk over the holidays, though now that the holidays are over, I am eating well again.  Since I have a goal of completing the 100-mile ride, I have a focus onto which I can aim my nutritional efforts.  Santa brought me the nutrition/training/cycling books I wanted for Christmas, so I have been studying those and adapting my diet accordingly. 

In addition to the 100-mile ride, I am thinking of participating in a 5-K run my parish does ( every September.  Over the past few years, I have participated in the walk, but after having completed the 1-mile jog yesterday, I am feeling confident I can train up to the 5-K by September.  I have also entertained thoughts of doing a triathlon, but I think that might be a 2008 goal!!!

When I was researching the surgery, the question that often came to my mind was what will life be like in the long term, a year or more after I have had surgery.  I had a hard time finding that information on the web, though there might be more there now.  So, for those who are reseaerching it, or are new to the surgery or wondering what it is like to be a year-and-a-half out, I have so many good things to say about it and I would do it again in a heartbeat!!  Of course, the number one thing is that I have my health back, which is invaluable.  My resting heart rate went from 85 bpm to 50 bpm.  My blood pressure went from 140's/80's to 120/70.  I am on no prescribed medicines anymore and take the occasional Tylenol for headaches, B-12, and a multi-vitamin supplement. 

Behind my health, closely following, is the quality of life I have, now.  I can go places without worrying about the logistics of whether or not I will fit into a banquette at a restaurant, I can get all the sleep I need in 6 or 7 hours instead of 10 - 12 (I had apnea, and had to use a C-PAP), I can go non-stop all day long and not feel utterly exhausted at the end of the workday, then I can go non-stop all evening, and just start to feel tired at bedtime.  I can shop in the Misses department now!!  I don't stick out in a crowd, now.  I am not the object of random people's ridicule and revulsion anymore and instead of hearing insults, I hear things like "stunning" or "beautiful" from friends and family (the ones who really count anyway!).  I can travel without logistical the problems of trying to fit in an airplane, bus, or subway seat.  I can wear heels again.  I can sprint up three flights of steps without getting winded (I used to barely make it up one flight!).  I can bike!!!  I can bike with my step-kids, who really appreciate the quality time with me.  My intimate life with my husband is improved. :)   I could go on for quite some time!

Meals/eating were always a big question in my mind when I was researching the long-term effects of the surgery.  I knew what it was going to be like immediately after surgery, but there wasn't much information on what it would be like over the long haul.  The short version is, I am able to easily eat in one sitting a Lean Cuisine or other similar meal that is about 10 - 12 ounces of food.  However, if you put a 4 ounce steak in front of me, I cannot usually eat that, because it is too dense/hard on my stomach.  Generally speaking, softer foods work better for me, and I stay away from sausage, bacon, sinewy/fibrous/dense meats (the only beef I eat is filet mignon and hamburger), salami -- all the stuff I should avoid anyway.  I can eat small amounts of any of those foods, but because I can not eat very much, it makes for a pretty unsatisfying meal and, a little embarrassing if I am eating out and have just ordered a $25 steak, but can only finish half of it!  Here's a sample menu from my day (bear in mind I work out vigorously 3 - 4 times a week and will soon be in training for endurance bicycling):
Breakfast: 2 packs of Quaker low sugar oatmeal, made in microwave with 2% milk.  I add about a tablespoon of brown sugar and a few shakes of cinnamon for nicer flavor. I usually add more milk after the oats are cooked.  Total milk is probably around 1 and 1/2 cups, which helps with calcium and vitamin D intake.  Sometimes I will substitute Kashi Go Lean hot breakfast cereal, which has more protein per serving. 

Mid-morning:  1 container of Dannon Light n' Fit yogurt.  Usually I also eat some dark chocolate.  Gets my chocolate craving taken care of, and contains antioxidants.  When they are in season, I usually pack my yogurt with blueberries.  Sometimes, if I don't have enough protein on my agenda for the day or it's a rushed day, I'll do half of a 50-Gram Slam, which is a pre-mixed protein drink from GNC.  I highly recommend it (get vanilla or chocolate flavor). 

Lunch:  Depends. Sometimes I'll have a Lean Cuisine or a Michelina's Light entree. Sometimes I'll go to Panera for a salad, or a you-pick-two soup/sandwich or salad/sandwich combo.  Sometimes I'll get a chicken or tuna salad sandwich on the multi-grain bread, usually with a slice of swiss for more calcium/protein.  Most of the time I can eat the whole sandwich.  I skip eating the chips -- give them to the co-workers.  I always get all the veggies on the sandwich.

Mid-afternoon: If I am feeling hungry or know I have a hard workout coming up, I'll eat a Clif Bar (  These are delicious sources of protein (10 - 12 g), relatively low-cal at around 240 - 250 apiece, good sources of fiber, and did I mention, delicious?  Try the chocolate chip, which is a surprisingly healthy way to alleviate chocolate cravings.  I use Clif Bars all the time when I am doing my long bike rides.  If I am not going to do a hard workout, sometimes I'll eat another container of yogurt, which is only 60 calories

Dinner: This is the area where I am least disciplined.  I am working on improving my efforts to get some real food in me in the evening.  Last night, I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on a piece of white whole grain toast (just one piece -- I can't eat two pieces).  Sometimes I'll do another Lean Cuisine.  If my husband's kids are over, sometimes I'll eat what they have for dinner, which is often something simple like chicken or hamburger helper.  A lot of times in the winter, I'll make a pot of chili or soup and use that for dinner all week long.  It's a little monotonous, but nutritious anyway (good fiber, protein, etc.).

Snack:  I *should* be eating something good for me here, but usually am bad and have some chocolate.  I'll be working on replacing this with something more healthful, probably oranges or other fruit options so I can try to achieve my 5-a-day goal.

If I know I am going to have a big meal out, I will usually have a light breakfast of just one oatmeal packet and have the yogurt mid-morning, then do a very light lunch of a soup or salad.  I usually also try to avoid eating my mid-afternoon snack.  These efforts are not as much for caloric savings as they are for saving "room" in my stomach for dinner, so I can eat more "normal" portions when I am out.  Even with these measures, I almost never go home from eating out without leftovers.

So, meanwhile, I continue working out at the YMCA as I have been since six weeks after surgery.  I slacked off over the holidays, but am happy to say I kept my weight stable, even considering all the junk I ate!   I'll touch base here again as time goes on.

Info Current as of 04/26/06
Current Loss: 220 lbs.
Before surgery: 30 lbs.
After surgery: 190 lbs.
Weeks since surgery: 47

I have dropped 220 pounds! Doing great; lots of activities in my life now and really enjoying having enough energy to do a lot every day. Don't come home from work exhausted and sit like a bump on a log in front of the TV all night.

Other good news -- I became Catholic at Easter Vigil on April 15. It was a huge moment in my life -- still absorbing it all. Very pleased about it.

1 year anniversary coming up June 1. Was hoping to be done with my weight loss by then, but I have found I can enjoy things I should stay away from, like sugar, chocolate, etc. So, my weight loss has slowed, but am still losing, which is the important point. Trying to get back on track after all the Easter goodies. ;)

Take care!

Info Current as of 02/03/06
Current Loss: 200 lbs.
Before surgery: 30 lbs.
After surgery: 170 lbs.
Weeks since surgery: 34

I have dropped 200 pounds! Since June 1, 2005! I am doing really well, feel great, and look good.

I didn't manage to hit my goal of a loss of 200 pounds by the end of the year, but I figure missing it by a month wasn't too bad.

Since I slowed down my weight loss over the holidays, and now that I am on my last 75 - 100 pounds that I want to lose, I decided to kick myself in the rear and motor through these last 75 - 100 pounds. I am shooting for a 5 pound per week loss.

Since I now can eat more food at any one time, and a greater variety of foods, I have increased my caloric intake. As a result, I expend more calories at my workouts to help me reach that 5 pound per week loss. I try to expend around 800 - 1000 calories at each workout.

I'll keep you posted.

Info Current as of 11/17/05
Current Loss: 165 lbs.
Before surgery: 30 lbs.
After surgery: 135 lbs.
Weeks since surgery: 23

Things are going well. Am tolerating food very well nowadays. Too well, in fact, as my weight loss has slowed as I have discovered I can eat just about anything I want. Still losing, though and would like to be down 200 pounds by the end of the year.

October 12, 2005
Things are going well. Of course I am obsessed with the new scale at home, but it keeps me on track . . .

Info Current as of 10/12/05
Current Loss: 147 lbs.
Before surgery: 30 lbs.
After surgery: 117 lbs.
Weeks since surgery: 19

October 12, 2005
Things are going well. Of course I am obsessed with the new scale at home, but it keeps me on track . . .

Had a good week for weight loss -- down another 7 pounds which is above average for me. I am SO close to being below 300 pounds, which is amazing and exciting. I feel great, am getting more strenuous in my workouts, and can tell my health has greatly improved. Life is just so much easier with 150 pounds off my frame.

Next week, hubby and I are going to the Lake of the Ozarks and we'll be hitting the outlet mall there (170+ stores). Finally, we'll both be able to shop in stores we only wished we could shop in before surgery. We are both to the point where we need to get some new clothes to help us through the transition. I think I have about 15 items in my closet that actually fit, most of which are tops. I am down to about two or three pair of trousers that fit. Am just about to get into a size 24 and am on the loose side of a 26.

Info Current as of 10/05/05
Current Loss: 140 lbs.
Before surgery: 30 lbs.
After surgery: 110 lbs.
Weeks since surgery: 18

October 5, 2005
Hubby and I bought a scale for home use, so we don't always have to use the doctor's scale. He took it to the doctor's office to calibrate it against the doctor's scale, so we believe it is accurate.

Last week, there was a pot luck at work, so I had a lot of carbs. I lost about three pounds last week instead of my usual six, so I am working hard on getting back on track with my protein, water, and less than 500 calories per day ritual. I had a variety of foods at the pot luck, and it was nice to know I can generally tolerate just about anything (except really spicy-hot foods).

Then on Friday, the boss brought in a big cake for the last day of a co-worker. I tried a small-ish piece (read: normal size, maybe 2" x 2") of cake, finished about 2/3 of it, and tossed the rest. I was interested to see if I was going to suffer dumping syndrome, but I did not. It seems, based upon this piece of cake, and some other small forays I have made into trying things with refined sugar, that I am able to tolerate about 50 gm. of sugar in a sitting. Being able to tolerate sugar is good and bad, of course. It's good because I can eat "normal" people food when I want to, but bad because I can eat "normal" people food when I want to. ;) At this point, I eat refined sugar like everyone should eat refined sugar -- in the occasional treat.

I am also OK with being able to tolerate sugars (and carbs) because I was wondering how I was going to be able to maintain my weight down the road when I am closer to, or at, goal. Now I know I can consume higher calorie items with relatively little problem. Of course, I can't consume a large volume of them in any one sitting, and I also still have to watch my sugar intake so I do not become diabetic, but it is clear that I will not have problems maintaining my weight when the time comes.

My husband is doing really well also. He just passed his 100 lb. mark last week. His weight now starts with a 2, which he is really pleased about. I look forward to joining him there in a couple of weeks! He is hoping to get to 250, which in his mind, I think is his ideal goal, but I know he is going to have no problem getting under 250.

As far as clothing sizes, I am generally now into a 2x/22-24 top, and can wear some size 24 pants. I currently wear a size 26 jean. I started out in a 5x (really 6x, but I refused to buy any in 6x!) and 34W pants and jeans (again, I really should have been in a 36W, but I refused to buy any more pants/jeans).

Later this month, my husband and I are going to the Lake of the Ozarks, and will be hitting the Osage Beach outlet mall. We are so looking forward (yes, looking forward) to shopping there. There are so many stores that we have wanted to shop at in the past, but couldn't because they didn't carry our sizes. We basically need to replenish our entire wardrobes, including undergarments! Also, we both need coats, because neither of us has a coat that fits.

As far as health, I am doing really well. I go to the Y to work out about 3 times a week, and try to take a bike ride at least once a week. At the Y, I have graduated from the treadmill to the elliptical trainer, and I usually work pretty hard on that machine. I then also do my weight circuit to help with muscle tone. Yesterday at work, as I was walking with a woman who is a runner and with whom I used to have a hard time keeping up, I realized I was having no problems keeping up with her and in fact, where walking before was so laborious that it was the only thing on my mind when I did it, it felt effortless. It was like blinking -- I just did it without thinking about it. What a great feeling.

I know a lot of people who have this surgery end up losing hair. Knock on wood, I haven't had that problem. I attribute that to keeping up on my protein and vitamin supplements.

That's the scoop for now . . . I'll be back for another update in a couple of weeks after I drop below 300.

Info Current as of 09/15/05
Current Loss: 126 lbs.
Before surgery: 30 lbs.
After surgery: 96 lbs.
Weeks since surgery: 15

September 16, 2005
I popped into Dr. Wagner's office to weigh on 09/15/05. Am still doing very well with an average loss of about 6 pounds per week! Am trying to get some before and after pics up to this site.

Info Current as of 09/01/05
Current Loss: 113 lbs.
Before surgery: 30 lbs.
After surgery: 83 lbs.
Weeks since surgery: 13

September 2, 2005
I popped into Dr. Wagner's office yesterday for my three month checkup. I can hardly believe it has already been three months since my surgery!

I am still doing really well with a total loss of 113 pounds. I am still averaging a loss of around 6 pounds per week, which I am very happy about. I hope to continue that rate at least through the end of this year.

I am very excited and happy about all the wonderful things I can do with my lighter body. I work out at least three times a week at the YMCA. Instead of doing treadmill, I now have moved to doing the elliptical trainer, which is challenging, but more interesting than the treadmill. It also burns more calories per workout. I figure, as I get smaller, I am going to have to regularly make my workouts more challenging to keep my workouts as effective as, or better than, when I first started working out about eight weeks ago. I still am continuing with my weight circuit training as well. I do three sets of ten on all the weight machines.

There are many other everyday things that have dramatically improved in my life already. Basic hygiene things like going to the restroom and showering are much easier now. Feeling less like a walking freak show has been a relief as well. Being able to confidently reach for a seat belt in anyone's car and have it fit has been good. Ridding my closet of size 5x, 4x, and soon, 3x clothes is a great feeling. Having the energy to go to work, workout, and still have energy leftover for household chores or errands is a wonderful thing.

People at work have been really supportive and encouraging, which I have really appreciated.

I am not really sure where I *should* be as far as my final weight loss goal. As a working goal, I have been shooting for 150 pounds. Having never been below 196 in my adult life, I have no idea what will look good for my height and build. The other consideration is the fact that I am pretty sure I'll have a significant amount of loose skin leftover. I figure I'll have about 20 pounds of loose skin just hanging around on my body, so I have to take that into consideration when I think about my goal weight.

I am hoping I will eventually be able to get plastic surgery to make my body the best it can be, under the circumstances. Considering all I have put it through over the years with the weight, the dieting, the regain, and now surgery, I owe it and myself a little TLC. I don't want to get my face re-worked or anything like that; I just want to look like me, without loose skin everywhere. I also do not want to get a breast augmentation, but would like a lift due to all the sagging that is resulting from the loose skin there, too. We'll cross that bridge about 150 pounds from now. :)

Info Current as of 08/17/05
Current Loss: 100 lbs.
Before surgery: 30 lbs.
After surgery: 70 lbs.
Weeks since surgery: 11

August 22, 2005
Last week, I entered the century club by dropping my first one hunded pounds. I am very glad to have reached this goal as it is a real affirmation that I am on the right track.

I am continuing with my trips to the Y. I try to get there 4 times per week, but usually end up going there about 3 times per week due to schedule conflicts, etc. I am transitioning from doing treadmill to working on the elliptical trainers. They are harder, but I like them because they burn more calories faster than the treadmill. I also do a full weight circuit with 3 sets of 10 on each machine. I am making good progress there.

My resting heart rate has dramatically improved. Before surgery, my resting heart rate was around 85 BPM, but now, it is somewhere between 69 and 73 BPM.

My heart rate has also dramatically improved under exertion. When I first started, I would do 2.5 miles per hour on the treadmill and my heart rate would hit the upper 140's. Now, I do 3.5 MPH on the treadmill and my heart rate hits just above 140.

My husband had his surgery 07/21/05. He is doing well overall. He is going through the trial and error of figuring out which foods are going to work for him and his new tummy. He is gradually getting used to his new lifestyle. He hasn't weighed in a couple of weeks, but last time he weighed, he was down 60 pounds (he lost 40 before surgery). I am pretty sure he's got to be down 75 pounds by now, especially looking at how his clothes are hanging on him. I am glad he had this surgery; it has really improved his health and feelings about himself already.

Info Current as of 07/21/05
Current Loss: 76 lbs.
Before surgery: 30 lbs.
After surgery: 46 lbs.
Weeks since surgery: 7

July 21, 2005
My hubby went in to have the same surgery as me today. He did wonderfully!

Meanwhile, I popped on the scale at the hospital, and I am down over 75 lbs.!

I have been very actively exercising at the YMCA about five days a week. I do at least 25 minutes on the treadmill and then I do a circuit of weight training as well, so that I can help my flabbies as much as possible.

I am noticing I am able to eat a little more nowadays, though I try to keep my intake at or less than 500 calories per day. Obviously, I keep up with my protein, supplements, and water.

More later. . .

Info Current as of 07/14/05
Current Loss: 70 lbs.
Before surgery: 30 lbs.
After surgery: 40 lbs.
Weeks since surgery: 6

July 14, 2005
I popped in to the surgeon's office yesterday to step on the scale and I am down 70 pounds! I am very pleased with this.

My goal is to lose a total of 300 pounds. I am currently on pace to lose all of it by next Spring.

I have kept my intake between 300 - 500 calories per day. I began an exercise regimen last Saturday and have dedicated myself to working out five days a week. I figure, I have this wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime gift and I am going to take full advantage of it! Besides, my evenings aren't filled with eating while sitting on the couch all evening long in front of the TV, so I may as well do something good for my body!

For exercise, I do at least a mile on the treadmill at a pace of around 3.0 - 3.3 miles per hour (depending on how energetic I feel that day) and then I do a circuit of weight training (3 sets of 10 reps on each machine). I am trying to get as much of a handle on the flabbies as I can. I know exercise won't take care of all the hanging skin, but I will do what I can to make it as good as I can.

By the way, in addition to keeping my calories to a minimum, I also try to ensure that (1) the calories I take in are quality calories and (2) I use my exercise routine to use all the calories I put in each day. On the first point, 200 of my calories are spent on an Isopure protein shake. Everything else is just "gravy" in the form of either yogurt or maybe some sugar free chocolate pudding. Also, I sometimes eat some lean, thin deli meats such as turkey breast or chicken breast. On the second point, I use the treadmill calorie counter to figure out how much energy I am expending. I figure if I burn at least 200 on the treadmill, I'll burn another 100 just doing the weight circuit. On top of that, there are the calories I use every day just to function and breathe, so by the time you add all that up, I am at a negative caloric intake. It seems to be working really well, especially since I am averaging a loss of about a pound a day right now.

The next goal is to get back on my bicycle! I plan to air up the tires this weekend and maybe try a one-mile ride to see how I do. It has been about 5 years since I have ridden my bike and I have missed it a lot! I stopped riding because (1) my knee started hurting too much (2) my belly got in the way of my thighs when I pedaled and (3) I got to be too heavy for my own legs to pedal me around. I used to do rides nearly every day of about 6 miles, then on the weekends I would do a 20 or 30 mile ride. I am hoping, if I can get into good enough condition, to do the Moonlight Ramble next month, the short route of which is 12 miles. :)

July 7, 2005
I went to the doctor to do my 5-week follow-up appointment. All is well and I am cleared for any type of exercising I would like to do! I went right after the appointment and got my Y membership started! I will be stopping in the one near my home on Saturday morning to begin exercising and then will use the one near my workplace Mondays through Thursdays.

Oh, and by the way, I am down a total of 64 pounds!!! I lost 30 before surgery, and have lost 34 since surgery! I have also shaved 10 points off my BMI!

July 1, 2005
It has been a month since surgery! I am doing great. My energy is already increasing, people at work are starting to notice the difference, I have lost three jeans sizes already, and am just on the verge of moving into 3x tops (started out at 5x).

Now that a month has passed, I am cleared to start eating relatively normal foods, within reason. Through some trial and error, I am starting to recognize what/how much solid food my new stomach can hold. Right now, I can eat a quantity of solid food about the equivalent the size of half a large boiled egg.

Yesterday, my department had a picnic, which was really nice. The weather cooperated and it was a good day to have it. I was thankfully able to eat a little of this and a little of that. I put a deviled egg, a half a hot dog (no bread, of course), a small spoonfull of baked beans, small spoonfull of an Indian pureed dish, and a 1" square chunk of watermelon on my plate. I ate about half of everything and stopped. I was sure to chew everything very well so I wouldn't have chunks that were too large for my new stomach. It was so good to be able to eat a meal with some variety! I was proud of myself for tolerating everything, which means I did my job and chewed properly, ate slowly, etc.

I finally received my new sneakers from an order I placed on the Internet a couple of weeks ago. I will probably get my YMCA membership this weekend. After that, my plan is to stop at the Y every day on the way home from work to do some exercise. Right now, I am still only cleared for walking, but hopefully at my follow-up appointment in 6 days, I will be cleared for other activities.

I haven't weighed since last Wednesday, and am waiting until my follow-up to weigh again. As of last Wednesday, I had lost a total of 52 pounds. I lost 30 lbs. before surgery and 22 after. This morning, my hubby gave me a hug. He even could reach around my waist and touch his fingers together, which he has not been able to do in about five years. This is great news!

I am getting much more confident in myself again. I stand straighter (helps to have 50 pounds less weighing down on me, for one thing!), walk taller, take bigger strides, and feel better about myself. A friend of mine asked if I wanted to go to the water park with her on Monday (the 4th) and I said I would! I had just tried on some swimwear that had been in my closet for several years, and it fit! I haven't been in a water park for a loooong time and I am looking forward to parking it in the lazy river and enjoying the day!!

Happy 4th of July!

June 22, 2005
Today is three weeks since surgery. I am doing great!

My daily diet is currently as follows:
1/2 C. Isopure protein shake for breakfast
A few low-fat crackers and a tablespoon of hummus for lunch
1/2 C. Isopure protein shake for afternoon pick me up
Optional dinner; sometimes 6 oz. yogurt or cheese and crackers
As much water as I can drink around the meals.
All foods and beverages are sugar free.
I avoid artificial sweeteners, as I have heard anecdotal reports that artificial sweeteners deter weight loss.

Daily Supplements:
GNC liquid multi-vitamin
Calcium citrate liquid
Sublingual B-12 once a day
Chewable iron once a day
Pepcid OTC 2 times/day per doctor's orders to avoid ulcers (this is for the first month only)

A week ago, I walked 1 mile, which was great. However, I haven't gotten a regular exercise routine in place yet. I plan to get a Y membership shortly. There is a Y very close to home and one close to work; my plan is to go to the one near work right after work Mondays - Thursdays, then pop in on Saturday morning to the one near home. In the time being, I have started taking a 10-minute walk around the parking lot at work on break; have only been doing it once a day, but plan to increase that frequency to at least twice a day. Currently, the only form of exercise I am cleared for is walking. Meanwhile, I ordered some new sneakers to make my exercise routine as comfortable as possible. :)

Next Steps:
I have a one month follow up with Dr. Wagner on 07/07/05. I am not weighing myself until then. I hope to have a nice surprise and, by then, have lost another 25 lbs. I last weighed a week ago today, so three weeks will have elapsed by that time and I think I can meet that 25 lbs. by then.

After my follow-up with Dr. Wagner, I should be cleared to add other types of exercise into my routine. I happen to really enjoy the elliptical trainer, so I look forward to using that again, as well as doing some weight lifting to help tone the flabbies that are quickly appearing on my body. Case in point, my butt feels like a marshmallow!

Other Stuff:
By September, I hope to be able to ride my bicycle again, which I love and miss so much. Yesterday, on the way, home, I used my car's odometer to plan a cycling route of about 6 miles. I used to regularly cycle 6 miles a day in about 20 minutes, and on the weekends, I would go for long rides of 20 - 30 miles! It will be so glorious to go cycling again!!

I hope to also encourage my step-kids, and when he is ready, my husband, to go cycling with me. My 7 year old step-daughter has the chubby gene, and I am trying to intervene now as much as possible (we have the kids part-time) to help her avoid the fat trap. My 10 year old step-son is a bean pole, but he benefits from expending excess energy, so it would be good for him to cycling as well. If nothing else, it'll make them both go to sleep easier at bedtime!!

Very fortunately for us, there are new cycling trails being built around our neighborhood area. I am so excited about these new trails being added, and can't wait to get on my bike and ride them. The trails should be done at about the time my body is ready to tolerate bike riding! How lucky for me?!

Eventually, I would like to treat myself to a new bike. Currently, I have a mountain bike that I have had for years. It is an excellent bike and I would definitely keep it in case I decided to do some trail riding. However, I have always dreamed of having the ability to ride a road bike, but I have never let myself get one because I have been so heavy. I think my goal will be, when I reach 200 lbs., to give myself a brand new beautiful road bike. If I try really hard, I might reach that goal by next Spring!

June 5, 2005

I made it!!

All went very well with the surgery. I was released from the hospital, as planned, on Friday, just two days after surgery.

The hospital took great care of me. My husband also took excellent care of me, helping me with potty visits.

Here's a rundown of my surgery and stay:
Wednesday 5:30 AM
Checked in to admitting. Sent upstairs to 5th floor same day surgery area.

5:45 AM - 6:50 AM
Checked in to same day surgery. Stripped my clothes, put on a gown, and was put in a bed. Several people asked me some questions to confirm some things. I mentioned I was borderline diabetic, so they gave me a finger stick to verify my blood sugar was OK. They gave me a shot of heparin (blood thinner) in my left lower abdominal area.

6:50 AM - 7:30 AM
Husband was allowed in to visit with me. The OR nurse, Al, came to talk to me to give me an overview of the surgery and what would happen, the anesthesiologist came to talk to me, and the nurse anesthetist, Marty (a total hoot if you can get her) stopped by to talk and put in my IV port. All were very pleasant and professional. Dr. Wagner also stopped by to see how I was doing and let my husband know surgery would be about three hours long. I said my "see you later" (instead of goodbye) to my husband who went to the waiting room. I was then directly wheeled to OR, which was literally around the corner from the same day surgery area. I was already getting a little sleepy from an injection of sedative of some sort Marty had given in my IV before leaving the same day surgery. I remember getting off the gurnee and onto the OR table. I remember them putting a footboard at the bottom of the OR table, then them tilting the whole OR table forward a little. I remember them positioning the OR lights above my body, and I remember them putting a mask on my face and telling me to take five deep breaths. I vaguely remember somebody taking my left arm and stretching it out to my left, probably putting it on an armboard and probably restraining it there. After that, it was lights out!

10:30 AM
Around this time, my surgery was over. I didn't really know it yet, but my husband tells me this is the time that Dr. Wagner came out of OR to let him know that all went well.

11:30 AM
Around this time, I remember waking up in the recovery room. There seemed to be a lot of people in beds around me. I was still feeling pretty numb from the neck down. I vaguely had a sense of pain in my abdomen, but nothing major. I realized they had put a foley catheter in me. It seemed within a few minutes, about three or four people who were in beds in recovery were wheeled out of the room and I and one other person were the only two people left in the room. There was an attendant of some sort in the recovery room. I think he was belching, but I can't be sure as it may have been the patient in the other bed. I just remember somebody ripping off these huge belches. I tried, in my groggy state, to lift up my head to see who it was (to verify it was the worker, not the other patient in the room). I was pretty sure it was the attendant, so when he did it again, I said "dude, that is so gross" and after that, it seemed he stopped doing it. LOL I guess he figured we were "out of it" and he could rip belches and we wouldn't notice. LOL That is the only case of unprofessional behavior I encountered during my hospital stay.

Around this time, I was taken to my room on the 5th floor. I was wheeled in and looked to my right and saw my husband waiting for me there. They set up a couple of things and then he came over to see me. At this time, I started feeling the effects of the gas they put in your abdomen to allow them to do the surgery. I felt sort of crampy in my upper abdomen and lower chest areas. After a couple of hours, it went away. I know I am lucky, because a lot of people have problems with the gas in their bodies for days afterwards. I pretty much slipped in and out of sleep for several hours. I vaguely heard my husband calling people to let them know I made it through surgery OK. I was so grateful for him, and thankful I had made it through the surgery! At some point during these hours, a nurse came in and asked me how I was doing. I managed to let her know I was doing OK. She said that our goal that day would be to get up and walk. I nodded and, at that point, I couldn't imagine being able to get up and walk, but I figured I would cross that bridge when I got to it.

3:30 PM
Around this time, I suddenly became perky and decided I was ready to go for a walk. We called the nurse, and after some finagling with the tubes and effort to sit upright, I put my feet on the floor, and we shuffled off together down the hallway. It was me, my husband, and the nurse. I used the IV cart for a little support. I did two laps around the floor the first time; did it in 15 minutes. I was happy with this and went back to the room. I sat down in the big chair in the room for about an hour. By the time the hour was up, it was 6:00 PM and I was ready to get back into bed. My husband and the nurse helped me get settled, then he left to head to a meeting and go home to get some rest for the night. I watched the Eagles on TV from 7:00 - 9:00 PM and then I went to sleep for the night. I had dozed off a few times during the Eagles thing. LOL

2:00 AM Thursday
Woke up and couldn't really get back to sleep. I eventually went back to sleep around 3:30 AM. I had my vitals taken several times during the night -- they do it about once every four hours.

6:00 AM Thursday
Woke up and stayed awake. The nurse came in and removed my foley. I was so glad to have that removed, as it was somewhat irritating to me.

9:00 AM Thursday
My hubby came in. Pretty much spent the day managing pain, walking laps around the floor, and had a couple of visitors.

6:00 PM Thursday
Somewhere late in the day on Thursday, I came off the IV. They left in the IV port so they could give me medicine through it. I had a tendency to get a little queasy, which they gave me medicine for. However, the medicine burned inside my arm when it was put in my IV, so I don't know if it was worse to have that burning sensation or the queasiness! After a while, I dealt with the queasiness! I was just afraid of throwing up and damaging my new tummy.

Also throughout my stay, I would receive blood thinner shots in my lower abdomen. Ultimately, I ended up with huge bruises where these shots were given.

9:00 PM Thursday
Hubby went home for the day to get some rest. I zonked out and slept almost undisturbed until 7:00 AM the next day.

7:20 AM Friday
Dr. Wagner came in to check my incisions and my drain. He yanked on my drain tube. That kinda' hurt. He said he had a surgery to do, then he would be back afterwards to remove my drain and release me to go home.

10:30 AM Friday
Dr. Wagner returned and removed my drain. It was a little painful, and very peculiar, feeling. He pulled about four feet of tubing out of my belly. Weird. I was relieved it was gone, because it was the primary source of pain during my hospital stay. Dr. Wagner said it was because he had a stitch in my muscle. He said I could leave, gave me instructions for pain management at home, and what I should be eating in the next week, and said to call the office to schedule a follow-up appointment for a week later.

Noon Friday
I was released to go home. We stopped at Walgreen's to pick up a few things we would need at home and hubby had to stop at church to drop off some things. My hair was a mess and I still had my wristbands from the hospital on, but figured we would stop in and let the folks at church know I was doing OK.

The rest of this week has been spent making sure I keep things clean, resting up, walking around here and there to keep my circulation going, and following doctor's orders. It has been pretty good. I am very pleased with the quality of my recovery and have been following doctor's orders to a T.

By the way, as a result of the pre-op clear liquid diet, which I followed for seven days prior to surgery, I lost 27 pounds just from that. Am hoping when I go back to the office on Thursday for my follow-up, I will have lost another 20 pounds. If so, I will have reached a total loss of 50 pounds since my first weigh in at the doctor's office back on May 3. That would be amazing!

I am very grateful to God that I made it through this surgery. I am also very grateful and thankful to my husband, who has helped me manage my hygiene and other caretaking after surgery. He has been wonderful and caring.

May 31, 2005

Tomorrow is the day! I am going to be at the hospital 5:30 AM and if all goes well, I will be in surgery by 7:30 AM, then out of surgery in about 2 hours.

I want to thank my loving and dear husband, Joe, for being there for me all the way through this process. He is my light and my life. I love him so much. Thank you, Joe.

May 24, 2005

Yay, my surgery date is confirmed for June 1, 2005! I am finally going to get it done. Tomorrow, I begin my 7 day clear liquid diet. I am looking forward to counting down the last few days until my new life begins.

I also have another bit of excellent news; the insurance company is also going to cover my husband's surgery! Apparently, someone, somewhere made a huge mistake; bottom line is both of us will be covered. He has put his surgery efforts in high gear and is motoring quickly along to get it done; we don't want the ins. co. to change its mind again before we both get it done!

He had his consultation with Dr. Wagner on Monday (yesterday, the 23rd) and Dr. Wagner's assistant, Sarah, was to have sent over the information to the insurer last night. We are hoping he will get his surgery scheduled for around the first part of July.

After everything that has happened, I will be so relieved to just get it over with. I am done with all my pre-op tests, which turned out well enough. Just have to finish preparing my will, advance health directive, and list of contacts for my husband.

Tonight, hubby and I will be taking my "before" pics. :)

May 18, 2005

The latest update is I have a letter from my HR department that says the surgery will be covered. That is a relief.

I am waiting on confirmation of my revised surgery date. Tentatively, it is set for June 1, 2005 at 7:30 AM, but I am awaiting confirmation from the scheduler. Based on this, my last day at work will be next Friday, May 27. I figure I may as well take off on Tuesday, the 31st, since Monday is the Memorial Day holiday and I'll be off work. I figure there is no point for me to go in to work for the one day between Memorial Day and surgery day, since I obviously would be too distracted to get a thing done! I would rather spend a quiet day snuggling with my four cats at home, getting things ready for my going to the hospital. Who knows, I may actually get around to doing a few little items on my home to-do list that are not necessarily related to surgery. Also, if I need to, I can pick up any last minute items I will need for after surgery is over.

This weekend, the hubby and I plan to head to Ste. Genevieve to try Crown Valley Winery. We have been meaning to go since last year, and I figure I don't know how well I will eventually tolerate wine, if at all, after surgery, so I am going, just in case. After all Great West and HR have put me through (see May 16 entry), I could use a few glasses of wine! Besides, what's not to love about visiting a winery in beautiful Ste. Genevieve on a late spring day?

May 16, 2005

Today is the day I was originally scheduled to have surgery. It has been the biggest nightmare roller coaster ride of my life since I wrote here last time.

On May 3, I went to get some pre-op testing done at St. Alexius (blood work, urine work, pulmonary function test, and others). After I did all of those tests, I was having lunch and was about to go to my next appointment, a nutritional consultation. While at lunch, I saw on my mobile phone that I had gotten a call from Sarah Y., Dr. Wagner's assistant. I returned her call and she said she was handling another patient who works at my company and has the same insurance as me who was denied by the insurer, Great West. She checked with Great West about whether or not they cover the surgery and they said no they do not cover the surgery. This was very odd because not only had I twice confirmed it was covered (I called once in December and once in January), but New Start (St. Alexius) had also confirmed it was covered when they called in February. I was very, very concerned and agitated at this point, but I went ahead with my nutritional consultation, which was my next appointment.

So, after my nutritional consultation, I went over to Dr. Wagner's office, where I had to weigh in and get before pics taken. I talked to Sarah about the situation and what Great West had told her. I was agape, distraught, and irate at this turn of events with Great West.

After I left Dr. Wagner's, I called Great West. I asked them whether they did, or did not, cover the surgery for me. They said they "definitely" did not. I then asked why I was told, and why the hospital was told, that it WAS covered. Basically, the representative I was speaking to didn't know much except to tell me it was NOT covered and she did not know why St. Alexius and I had been told earlier in the year that it was covered.

So, I went home, crying and furious. I probably shouldn't have been driving in that emotional state, but home is only three miles from St. Alexius. I tell you this, I have NEVER in my life been in what I would call a "hysterical" state. I was hysterical and devastated at this news that now my surgery would not be covered.

I finally got home and cried on my husband's shoulder for a bit. God bless him for being there for me. He is so loving and good to me.

He had to leave to pick up his kids from school, so I called a buddy at work and got the number for my HR rep. I called her and left a voice-mail explaining what was happening. She and I talked the next morning and she said this was a job for the benefits group, up in another city and said she would contact the benefits person I should be dealing with and let her know what's going on.

From there, I had daily conversations with the HR benefits rep. Bottom line is, in 2004, my company's health benefits included the surgery. In 2005, they stopped including it. However, for some reason, Great West made a mistake and told me it was covered (THREE TIMES!).

What's worse is, the insurer did this same thing to three other people who work at my company. Apparently, 13 people from my company inquired as to whether or not this surgery was covered in 2005. 4 people (I am one of those four) were told it was covered and 9 people were told it was not covered. Obviously, the insurer was making some huge mistakes.

After presented with all this information, as well as some information I gathered for HR on the cost of surgery here, they considered for about a week and a half whether or not to cover the surgery. I was very nervous and anxious about, if they did not cover the surgery, what was going to happen with the $5000 worth of pre-op testing I already did, and they said not to worry about that and it would be taken care of. That was a relief.

However, while considering whether or not to cover the surgery, the company said that if I chose to proceed with further pre-op testing (I had two left -- cardio stress test and meeting with a pulmonologist), the company was washing its hands of the responsibility for those two pre-ops, unless they later decided to cover the surgery. As a result, I had to cancel the two remaining pre-op tests (and the surgery itself), until I knew for certain whether or not the surgery would be covered.

Finally, last Thursday (May 12) around 4:55 PM, the HR benefits rep. called me and said she had good news, which was that the surgery would be covered. I was so very relieved and pleased my company went to bat for me. I asked if they could provide that in writing to Dr. Wagner, and she said they would do that.

Meanwhile, I believe they are also going to cover the other three people who had this happen to them. I am not sure about the other nine.

Besides the above situation with me and my co-workers, my husband is also pinched in this whole thing. He and I took the "high" (most expensive) coverage plan for 2005 in anticipation that we would both be having surgery. Depending upon how my company handles this situation, he is probably not going to be able to have the surgery. He has been very disappointed by this turn of events.

Also, since we were told it was covered, and based our benefits selections on this information, we are paying for insurance for my husband unnecessarily. His company provides health benefits free to him and if we had known this wouldn't be covered, then we never would have even taken the benefits here, because they are SO expensive. I guarantee you next year we won't be using Great West.

So, for my husband, we are seriously considering going out of the country to get his surgery done. Sarah mentioned that she knows some very good doctors there, and that they treat you like a king or a queen when you are there. I told her I could deal with a couple weeks of vacation while hubby gets surgery! Also, I could not possibly keep my husband from having this surgery and make him watch my progress while he is stuck without it. He is a wonderful person and like me, is trapped in a big body that he wants to get rid of. Like me, he has had multiple diet attempts and like me, they all led to more eventual weight gain. I'm sure I'll be posting about that process (trip out of the country) as we get to that point.

So, now, I am waiting to have the surgery rescheduled. Sarah said, at worst, it would be June 1. I have my two remaining pre-op tests rescheduled to this week. Also, I have to find out from the hospital whether or not I will have to re-do all the pre-op tests I already did.

Aside from all that mess that I mentioned above, I wanted to make a quick comment about my pre-op testing day at St. Alexius. I was pretty impressed with the relative efficiency with which they managed the day of pre-op testing. I had to get the following things done:

From 7:30 AM - Noon:

Vein blood drawn (from my arm)
Urine sample
Artery blood drawn (from my wrist, for arterial blood gas)
Pulmonary function tests (breathing tests)
Venous doppler test (checking the veins/arteries in my legs with an ultrasound-like system)
Chest X-ray
Anesthesiology meeting/question & answer session

12:30 PM - 2:30 PM:
Nutritional consultation
Weigh in and before/after pics at Dr. Wagner's office

Each time I was done with a testing area, that area helped me find the next area, which was very nice of them to do. All of the testing took place on one floor, until I had to meet with anesthesia, which took place in the same day surgery area, which I believe is the place I eventually go for my surgery later on.

After the morning's tests, which took place at St. Alexius campus on Broadway, I grabbed lunch and then went over to the St. Alexius campus on Jefferson for the rest of the day.

Well this post has been quite long enough, but hopefully next time I post I will have a firm surgery date and will finally be able to put the nightmare of everything that has happened behind me. I am sure the handling of the insurance coverage after all this mess should be exciting, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

April 25, 2005

All the wheels are in motion, spinning in the direction of my surgery and post-op life. I am excited, scared, nervous, anxious, and hopeful.

I have been working on the paperwork associated with the upcoming pre-operative appointments and the short-term-disability claim I am making. I have one full day of pre-op testing, then two other appointments on two separate days later on. I also go on a 7 day liquid diet to help shrink my liver and clean out my system. That part will indeed be a pain, but it helps the doctor get to my stomach and other areas, so anything that makes the surgery easier for him, I am willing to do.

Meanwhile, my husband is also marching to the same conclusion. He has a primary insurer through his work, which means that everything we do will have to first be submitted to that insurer, and if not covered, will then be submitted to my insurer. THAT will be a pain. As if working with one insurance company isn't enough of a headache!

I am also working on the decisions I will need to have in place prior to surgery regarding what to do if I die or if I end up in a life support situation. That is the sad/scary part of this whole thing!

Finally, I am collecting all the things I will need for my pre-op diet, as well as eliminating junk from the house that I will not be able to eat, before or after.

Until later . . .

April 20, 2005

My surgery will be on May 16. I am excited and nervous!! I also am having a hard time assimilating the idea that it actually is going to happen this time! Thank God!

Just currently trying to figure out what I am going to need to have on hand for the seven days of liquid diet beforehand, as well as the post-op diet. I will be getting a list soon from New Start, but I already bought the liquid vitamin/mineral supplement from GNC and it's palatable. It says the flavor is orange, but it tastes like apricots to me. I also bought the GNC brand of powdered protein, which can be put in water or food. I bought two, one-pound bags because I wasn't sure if I would like them, and they are palatable as well. The two flavors I picked up are French Vanilla and Strawberry and when mixing with water, they taste better mixed with some ice.

I'll keep you posted on my progress.

April 15, 2005

At long last, I have been approved for surgery.

Yesterday, I contacted the insurer, who I have been pestering every other day this week. The case-worker assigned to me (a nice thing, nowadays, to be able to work with one person) called me back within a few minutes of leaving a message and informed me that I had been APPROVED!!!!

I called my surgeon's office to let them know, and we are planning to schedule for end of first week in May or early part of second week in May. I am so excited about it and can't wait to get the date finalized, which I hope will happen later today.

Now I have to get all my pre-surgery preparations made (short-term disability arrangements, stock up with the right foods, supplements, etc.). I will keep you posted on what happens next.

April 4, 2005
I am so anxious to find out if the insurance company will approve me. They only received my paperwork on Thursday morning, so I can't imagine they have reviewed it yet, but I am dying to call them and ask. I will try to be patient, though.

The surgery is the #1 thing on my mind at all times right now and is very distracting.

Aside from that process, there is not that much going on that is out of the ordinary. Hubby and I have a weekend trip to Chicago planned for later this month. Knowing we are both going to have surgery, we pretty much plan to eat our way through Chicago. I know, I know, it's not the best idea, but I can't imagine never having Chicago style pizza again! I am sure I will look back at this post and cringe later on, but hey, at least I am honest about our intentions!

Hopefully I will have a great update next time!

April 1, 2005
It's no April Fool's joke -- Sarah from Dr. Wagner's office sent off my paperwork to the insurance company yesterday morning! I just met with him on Monday evening, and she turned it around in just two business days. She totally ROCKS!

Now I play the waiting game while I wait to hear if the insurer will approve it. Sarah said that the insurer is usually good about getting back to her right away if they discover there is any information they need for their decision that is missing. Assuming the info we have provided is adequate, then I guess it goes to the decision-makers. It could be a couple of weeks before they get their decision made, but I hope, based upon my situation being so severe, it won't take them long to make the decision. I hope it happens in time for me to have surgery in May.

Next step is to get the hubby in gear. Since he has an insurance through his employer, that is considered his "primary" insurance, which means that the secondary insurer, Great West, which is through my company, will want us to put everything through his company first, get rejected, then go to Great West to get their approval. It is a pain in the rear, but that is what Great West is doing.

March 29, 2005
I had my consult with Dr. Wagner last night and it went great. He feels that he will be able to do laparascopic RNY on me, which is great news!!

As usual, his assistant Sarah rocks! She is so organized. She will pull together all my information and submit it to my insurer this week. I was pleasantly surprised to find out she already has a contact with whom she regularly works at Great West, so hopefully that will help move things along. I asked her how long Great West typically takes to do approvals, and she said a couple of weeks. Hopefully, that is the case for me and hopefully, the next time I write here, I will finally be able to say that I have approval for the surgery.

March 25, 2005
I am optimistic things may be coming together. My goal was to complete all the appointments I needed for insurance documentation by end of March and I will succeed with a few days to spare, as I have my consultation with Dr. Wagner on Monday, March 28, 2005.

After I meet with Dr. Wagner, he and his assistant, Sarah, will put together a package of information they will submit to my insurer for their review. I hope they will be able to complete this process and submit to the insurer by the end of next week. My goal is to achieve the surgery approval in time to have it done around the first week of May, 2005. I am cutting it a bit close, but hopefully the documentation I provide to the insurer will be sufficient for them to make a positive decision in short order.

In case others who are going through this process are curious, here is a list of the things I did to provide the insurer with documentation:


Met with my Primary Care Physician. She documented that she had supervised my diet for the length of time I have been going to her (since August, 2004). She documented my past medical history, current problems, family medical history, and recommended me for surgery.

Collected info from my former Primary Care Physician. This information, which was provided in a prior attempt to achieve this surgery, was collected and consolidated with the information from my current PCP. My insurer requires 12 months of medically supervised diet history out of the last 24.

Got bloodwork for a TSH (thyroid) screening to verify I did not have thyroid problems. My PCP also ordered a metabolic panel, insulin, and other measures. This test established also that I am insulin resistant (a precursor to Diabetes).

Met with a nutritionist who gave me information on the surgery, its affects, and the changes I will make after the surgery is over. She also assessed why I was having surgery and whether I had realistic expectations for it.

Got a psychological evaluation to verify my emotional and mental stability, as well as my understanding about the surgery.

Consult with surgeon, Dr. Wagner, who will be doing the surgery, should I become approved. He assesses my physical wellness and potential tolerance for the surgery, as well as determines whether or not he can perform the surgery laparoscopically.

Bear in mind, your insurer may require different information for them to assess your case.

March 22, 2005
I completed my psych. eval. on 03/17/05 with no problem. The dr. said he will support my decision to have surgery. I am hoping that he will get the evaluation report over to my surgeon this week.

The psych. eval. was the last piece of information I needed to gather. I am working on getting it all rounded up and over to New Start. My PCP's office made a mistake and sent the information from the PCP to the insurer instead of to me, as I had asked. They apparently have a new person over there who made the mistake. I hope the fact they sent it on to my insurer does not hurt my chances later on. So, I called the PCP yesterday to ask them to send the information to me, and they are supposed to mail it to me, so hopefully I will get it this week.

My immediate supervisor asked my team if we were planning on taking vacation time off this summer. I mentioned that I will probably be taking vacation time in May, July, and September and I don't think she was too pleased with that. Oh well, she just had a kid late last year and took 6 consecutive weeks off, so she'll have to get over it. She doesn't yet know that I am planning to have surgery, or that I will be taking off in July to help my husband with his as well. Once I am approved for mine, I will let management know. No point in getting their knickers in a twist for nothing if I am not approved.

I really hope that this works out for me. Last night, I was steam cleaning the carpet in my bedroom at home and it was quite a lot of exertion for me to move around all the furniture, especially taking up the bed. I ended up pulling a muscle in my back and this morning my left knee has a new pain I have never felt before. Sweet.

... more later ...

March 14, 2005
I was contacted by New Start last week, who said that Dr. Fabito is retiring (again!) and that his last surgery date i

About Me
Denver, CO
Surgery Date
Jan 12, 2003
Member Since
