6 Month's Post Op

Jun 23, 2011

I really don't know how much more I can take. On my 12th Anniversary I find out my husband has been having an affair for a year or more, I found out my mom has lung cancer and is going on hospice. I had a breakdown last night and just don't know how much more I can take. On the good side I am down 111 pounds and feel great physically. Mentally is another story. Please god give me the strength to get through this nightmare. I have never felt more alone, lost, sad, betrayed, mad, and confused in my life!

4 1/2 Month Post Op

Jun 06, 2011

Well I hit my 100 lb loss a couple days ago, feels amazing. I am still struggling with exercise and am seeing lots of flab. Hair loss is in full swing and my hair was so thin to begin with! I'm ok with that as long as I know it will grow back.

3 Month Post Op

Apr 22, 2011

Well I went to see the bariatrician for my 3 month follow up. All but 2 of my labs were normal. Prior to surgery I was pre diabetic and now my levels are normal. My B12 was high and that was due to me taking to much of it (oops) and my Ferritin was high so he is going to keep an eye on it other than that he was very pleased. He did lecture me on stepping up my exercising, he said if I don't want to exercise after 1 year that's fine but for the next 9 months I have to kick it up and get off as much as I can during this crucial time. Sooooooooo I have started my Richard Simmons again and then my Gazelle. I asked my grandson if he wanted to do Richard Simmons with me last night and he said yes, I think he was expecting a wimpy workout and it does start out slow (warm up) but when we peaked I looked over and he was sweating and huffing and puffing, it was hilarious, he did say it was a good work out. I must admit I do feel better afterwards but I HATE EXERCISING and I really don't know why. I'm hoping my mentality will change with time but I keep pushing myself. I have lost 78 lbs so far and feel fantastic! My next goal is to hit my half way point so I have 25 lbs to go. Go me!
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BMI and broke second goal!

Mar 29, 2011

I am so excited my BMI has gone from 59 to 48, I am a little over 2 months out and I reached my second goal of breaking the 300 pound mark, I am 298 and am loving every minute of it! I have more energy which in turn makes me want to move more. I still need to step up my excercising but at least I am moving more. I feel really bad when I watch the tv show Heavy and people that weigh more than me can kick my butt excercising. I am motivated after watching it then lose the motivation but this morning on my break I walked then when I get home I am going to do my Gazelle for 30 minutes!!! I AM GOING TO DO IT!!!
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2 Month's Post Op

Mar 25, 2011

Actually a little more than 2 month's but who's counting. Not too much to report except I am enjoying clothes shopping more and more. I took a trip to Tucson last weekend and hit the thrift shops and found quite a few cute things, it doesn't make sense to buy new clothes when I am going to be losing more and more, same with kids, they outgrow clothes so fast it's dumb to buy new when you can get some nice used things. That's my speech for the day! Anyway I am enjoying the heck out of the energy I have, the changes I have seen in my body and my "skinnier" clothes I haven't seen in years fitting. I have had stuck food (chicken every time) about 3 or 4 times now and have to throw up then I feel better. I do need to step up the excercise though, I haven't been doing too good in that dept but will keep trying. I will be interested in seeing how my labs are when I go see the Dr for my 3 month check up. Still trying to get enough fluid, I do ok but could definitely do better. Just keep trying!!!

1 1/2 Months Post Op

Mar 03, 2011

Well I can't believe it's been 6 weeks, time has just flown by. I'm feeling great no real big issues except the past few days I have had a dull constant ache in the middle of my chest/back and I was scared it was stuck food but after reading others descripttions of stuck foods my symptoms didn't sound like theirs so I thought maybe it was acid reflux because I had it pretty bad before surgery and went off my meds about a week ago so I started taking it again yesterday and I don't know if it's a coincidence but I feel better today so hopefully that was the issue. I have also been taking the miralax daily for constipation and how nice it is to poop without pain! I have been walking daily on my break and have felt real good about that. Total lost as of today is 58 lbs, amazing, I can't beleive it after 40 years of trying diet after diet after diet I am actually winning the obesity battle with the blessing of surgery. I can't get over the people that have the surgery then abuse it and can't figure out why they aren't losing or gain a lot back. I truly hope I won't ever be that person, I can't see myself doing that. I can move more easily without pain, take showers easier, find shopping for clothes actually getting more fun and can't wait to see myself in another year!!!! I'm loving and enjoying life!

1 Month Post Op

Feb 19, 2011

Well I went for my one month post op visit to the bariatrician, nutritionist and surgeon. They said I was doing great. My nutritionist even said I could start stage 3 (soft) a day early, woohoo. I asked my surgeon what complications I may have being one month out and he said a stricture, but he didn't see that happening since I haven't been having any problems with my diet advancement or scar tissue. I feel great and am so excited I have got one month behind me and am tolerating my soft diet really well. One problem is constipation, wow it sucks! I started Miralax (per my bariatrician and surgeon), hope it helps. Really other than that I don't have any issues so far, saying my prayers! 

3 Weeks Post Op

Feb 10, 2011

Well here I am 3 weeks post op and still can't believe I made such a life changing decision. I am so proud of myself and can't wait to get this life hindering weight off me! I am down 43 pounds (also counting pre op diet) and am feeling so good. My hips and knees are hurting less and I find doing simple daily living activities a lot easier. I'm not quite at the point of wanting to shop for new clothes but I will get there and can't wait to do that. I am walking at work on my breaks and find I am not out of breath as bad as I used to be, and that's only 43 pounds down! Imagine when I lose another 150, I am going to feel like running a marathon, that would be cool! I'm not getting in all the liquids I am suppose to but I don't feel I'm doing to bad. I try to increase it every day. I go for my month post op appt with my surgeon and bariatrician next week so I'm excited about that and start soft foods one week from tomorrow. I'm still taking 2 shots of heparin a day and can't wait till that's over with, one more week. Also hoping to stop taking the Omeprazole 2x day, will talk to Dr. I will update after my Dr appt! Love reading all of your posts, recipes and stories, it gives me strength! Keep them coming! 
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2 Weeks Post Op

Feb 01, 2011

OMG I can't believe tomorrow is my 2 week mark! I went to the Dr last week and told them about my issues and they said as long as I'm not short of breath or having any other issues it should be ok. Well the pain in my chest is gone and I don't have diarrhea anymore so I guess everything is going good. I feel really good. I am getting on my gazelle everyday for 10 minutes to start, I HATE EXERCISING!!! My incisions are healing good. I am so happy I took the bull by the horns and got the surgery. I am down 36 pounds (I am including the weight I lost during the pre op diet). I can't wait to go clothes shopping with my daughter, sister and mother! I am going back to work monday (today is tuesday) and hope I can keep my supplement schedule straight. I created an Excel spreadsheet to keep it all in order and if I miss a dose it screws me up the rest of the day!!! Oh well I can and will do it!!!

6 Days Post Op!

Jan 24, 2011

Well I'm feeling better everyday. I was a little concerned a couple days ago when I had a bad episode of diarrhea and pain that came and went in my chest. I didn't think it was serious (gas?) but did call the surgeons office and they said as long as I'm not short of breath or having other issues it should be ok but to keep the follow up appt, so I will see them tomorrow. I went on two short walks down the street yesterday to get this gas moving out! I think the gas pain is worse than the actual surgery! Anyway I am down a total of 27 pounds from my original weight from before I started my pre op diet! WOOOHOOO!
I will post again after my Dr appt! Make your day a spectacular one!!!!

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Dec 31, 2010
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