
And the story continues.....

Feb 08, 2010

So, I left you all on the note that I was hungry and had a long week..Well, Let me just tell you that when I woke up the next day to continue traveling to GA...the snow was pouring day from the heavens. I was on I81 and a tractor trailer started to swirve, I switched lanes and when I did, I went spiriling down a hill. I eventually came to a stop when I hit a sign. My head hit the stearing wheel. My side mirror was torn off, but that is all of the damage that really occured thank heavens! When I stopped to get gas after freaking out and shaking, I passed right out. I ended up in the ER in Wytheville, VA. Ok, soo...Can I just tell you that after being cleared from the ER and sent home, I realized I did not have any of my belongings....Including my car! They said very smuggly ( is that a that they would call me a taxi. I said ok, but I dont have any money. They looked at me like I was just southern term..up a creek without a paddle?? So, I am trying to locate where my keys are at the same time. Finally some dimwad nurse says "Ill call the gas station" THANK GOD someone got off their rump to do something. The gas station said the EMT moved my car and handed my keys to the Big,Burly,Crusty attendent workin???OH MY WORD?? SERIOUSLY?? My laptop was in panties were in there?? ALL of my Ardyss Products were in there? COME ON! Anyway, Back to the smug workers...they asked me if I had a bank I could go withdraw money- hear I am not knowing where the crap I am, have a head injury...and they are asking me to go to a bank? what an walk there in the snow?? okkk??? So, they call administration- Finally they say I guess we will give you a taxi voucher.. They pull one right out of the drawer???? SERIOUSLY?? Could we have not done that 25 mins ago? They made me feel like an idiot and then give me a voucher?? On top of that they write down  the CFO's name and address and tell me I have to pay him back?? WOW- I am just truly amazed at this point.

So, I sit and I wait for my beloved and longed for taxi  and a beat up ole pick up truck pulls up with some weird man driving it and he says  " You needed a taxi??" Oh Dear Lord! Will it ever end!?!Thankfully another accident victim at the hospital needed a ride to the tow company at my exit and rode with me. We looked at each other and I said to her "Scoot closer please.." ha..Anyway, I finally made it back to GA...

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About Me
Ringgold, GA
Feb 02, 2010
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