Wow, life just got A LOT easier!!

Apr 12, 2012

So, as some of you know who've been reading my blog that I have struggled with finding a protein that I can tolerate.  Most of the protein powders that I have tried have been pretty gag-worthy.  I pride myself in being able to tolerate lots of different types of foods and consistencies.  However, since having my DS somethings are just down right yucky right now. 

But last week I was searching on Amazon for my multivitamin and dry ADEK vitamins when I stumbled across something called "Blender Bottle"  and having dealt with clumpy protein shakes, soups, hot chocolates and what not; I was intrigued.  So I did a bit more looking around with this bottle and read the reviews.  It received rave reviews from people who drink protein shakes regularly, talking about how well it mixes everything, no clumps.  So I thought, "What the heck, for $13 (with shipping), what do I have to lose?"  So I got this in the mail, I choose the 28oz green bottle, and I tried it out. I works BEAUTIFULLY!!  So if you are like me, tired of the clumps and drinking chunky protein shakes.  Give this a try!!  It comes in many different colors and different sizes, is their website, but I found mine in Amazon.

Also, I believe I have tried about 5 different kinds of protein powders, most of which were pretty gross.   Some so bad, I couldn't drink them at all.  FINALLY, I found one that I like.  I discovered, Nectar Chocolate Truffle protein.  YUMMY!  I dumped in 16oz of whole milk into my Blender Bottle and dumped in the packet.  It mixed perfectly, no lumps or clumps....nothing even clung to the side of the bottle!!  I decided to let it sit overnight so I would have it in the morning.  I tried it this morning and it was fantastic!  It tasted a lot like a light chocolate milk.  There was no grittiness, no clumps, no film left on my teeth...nothing!  It was easy to drink and actually tasted GOOD!   So the next time I am at Grand Health Partners I am going to pick up a container of this stuff to have to help me get my protein in.

So I am a happy camper with my Blender Bottle and my Nectar Chocolate Truffle!!


About Me
Caledonia, MI
Surgery Date
Jul 24, 2011
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